The world's first one!This Hubei Medical Remote Sensing Satellite is scheduled to launch next year

Author:Yangtze Cloud Time:2022.08.16

In the vast space

A new satellite will be added next year

This satellite is also the world's first medical remote sensing satellite

Today (August 16)

Wuhan University People's Hospital announced

Special remote sensing satellite in the world's first health research field

"Wuhan University People's Hospital Health" Medical remote sensing satellite

Lujia No. 4 01 Star

It will be celebrated on the occasion of the century of the hospital in 2023


This satellite will empower the remote sensing technology

Environmental Health and Smart Medical Studies

Help health China to integrate innovation

This world -first medical remote sensing satellite is a strategic cooperation between Wuhan University People's Hospital (Hubei Provincial People's Hospital) and Wuhan University's National Key Laboratory and Aerospace Science and Technology Research Institute in April this year. After the "Wuhan University People's Hospital Medical Remote Sensing Information Research Institute", the “Remote Sensing+Medicine” launched by the “Wuhan University People's Hospital of the People's Hospital of Wuhan University” was launched.

"Wuhan University People's Hospital Health" medical remote sensing satellite (Luojia No. 4 Star) is the world's first "remote sensing+health" special satellite. Satellite design load weight is about 50kg. The equipment can be visible to high spectrum cameras, ultraviolet cameras, etc., with high spectrum, microman, ultraviolet and other modes. It has the advantages of integrated design, wide imaging range, many working modes, fast image acquisition, etc. The key points. Focusing on China, taking into account neighboring countries, and detecting environmental factors affecting human health.

The satellite will be developed within 12 months. It is expected to be issued in August 2023 and launched before October.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dean of the Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology of Wuhan University, and Gong Jianya, Dean of the Medical Remote Sensing Information Research Institute of Wuhan University People's Hospital, introduced that GEO released the "GEOSS Global Earth Comprehensive Observation System" formulated by the International Land Observation Organization, (Health, disasters, forests, energy, water body, climate, agriculture, ecology, and ocean), currently only dedicated remote sensing monitoring satellites in the health field.

"Wuhan University People's Hospital Health Number of Different Sensing Satellite" system, as a multi-sensor load satellite platform, will target the "water-soil-gas" environmental element detection design load and selection band for human health. Keep key technologies, improve the remote sensing monitoring capabilities in the field of global health research, carry out a demonstration of medical remote sensing applications in different geographical scale assessment and quantitative health -related variables and environmental risk factors, and escort the health of the people.

Li Daren, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Honorary Dean of the Medical Remote Sensing Information Research Institute of Wuhan University People's Hospital, previously said that remote sensing information technology is very promising in the medical field. ", Many medical operations such as heart intervention surgery, with the help of the remote sensing three -dimensional positioning system, can be successfully completed. For doctors, the "blessing" of remote sensing information technology can avoid misunderstanding and severe complications of nerves and blood vessels during surgery, and achieve more clear, accurate and more efficient individual diagnosis and treatment. For the prevention and control of infectious diseases, it can accurately help the prevention and control of the epidemic and an epidemic survey, find out the impact of environmental factors on health, and effectively improve the level of disease prevention and diagnosis.

Supervision: Guo Xiaorong

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