National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: revealing Chang'e 5 landing point monthly soil mineral composition and space weathering
Author:CCTV News Client Time:2022.08.16
The reporter from the General Taiwan learned from the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that the first monthly sample of my country returned to the mission Chang'e 5 (CE-5) landing in the young Kreep (Kreep) land in northern Moon Storm, successfully brought back 1.73kg Monthly soil soil Essence The predecessors used rail remote sensing data to study the terrain and material composition of the CE-5 landing area. Recently, a series of sample analysis promoted the understanding of the moon school, the late moon volcano activities, and the magma evolution mechanism. Unlike large -scale remote sensing observation and fine sample analysis, the original spectral detection can provide local background information of the sampling area, which is conducive to exploring the monthly soil characteristics of unscrupulous and disturbing state. The lunar mineral spectrometer (LMS) carried by the CE-5 lander obtained the visible-infrared reflection spectrum of the moon, which provides important data support for exploring the material component and space weathering of the moon. Related research results are published on Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Figure 1. The measurement field of the LMS spectrum data is shown in the red frame (A). The panoramic camera shows the moon soil (B), the image of the stone (C), and the LMS reflection spectrum curve (D). (A) The red box shows the observation field of LMS spectrum data. The D11 is stone, and the D14-D16 is the monthly soil spectrum after shovel. Moon soil and stones are enlarged images such as (B) and (C), (D), and (D) shows pre -processing reflex spectral curves such as radiation standards and heat correction.
The National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the spatial weather key laboratory used Chang'e 5 LMS to detect data in situ to analyze the material composition and maturity of the landing point. Single diarrhea, which is consistent with the results of laboratory CE-5 sample chemistry analysis and track spectrum analysis. The rocket blowing and shovel maturity before and after the sample samples have not changed significantly, and the sub -micro -iron (SMFE) has not changed significantly. This study provides spectral evidence for rapid plowing and fully mixed effects for the surface of the moon.
Figure 2. Lims in situ spectrum composition analysis
The spectral parameter of the absorption feature of 1 μm and 2 μm (Figure 2A) shows that as the calcium content increases, the pyroxin moves in the direction of the long wave in the absorption position of 1 μm and 2 μm. Pippi, which is further confirmed at the ratio of 1 μm absorption center and 2 μm to 1 μm absorption area (Figure 2B). This study uses the HAPKE model and the sparse solving algorithm to obtain the mineral composition and its abundance of the original spectrum. The anti-disclosure results are the same as the analysis results of the CE-5 sample and the anti-discrimination results of the rail remote sensing (Figure 2C).
The weathering of space is a common phenomenon of spectral popularity and darkness caused by the impact of microbetis and injecting the solar wind. Study uses spectral slope R950/R750 and R1600/R700, respectively and R750 and R700's drawing qualitative analysis of the maturity of CE-5 landing points (Figure 3A, B), it is found that compared with the CE-4 landing point, it is found. The monthly soil in the CE-3 and CE-5 landing area is relatively immature, which may be related to the Lutch of CE-3 and CE-5 on the young impact pit sputtering blanket (<100mA). The study further calculated the content of optical maturity (OMAT, Figure 3C) and sub-micro-iron (SMFE, Figure 3D) content, and found that the rockets did not change significantly before and after and before and after shovel. The soil has experienced equivalent exposure history within the shovel depth (<3cm). This is consistent with the results of the radioactive nuclein analysis of the Apollo drilling samples and the Monthly Following model simulation results. This study provides spectral evidence for the rapid plowing and sufficient mixed effects.
(CCTV reporter Shuaijun Chu Erjia)
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