2022 Western Digital Economy Fair grand opening!Create a new highland for the development of the digital economy industry

Author:Internet message Xi'an Time:2022.06.17

June 16th

2022 Western Digital Economy Expo

(The following referred to as "Western Digital Expo")

Open in Xi'an International Convention and Exhibition Center

On June 16, the 2022 Western Digital Economy Expo was in the West

In order to build a highland for the development of the digital economy industry and promote the high -quality development of the digital economy, this Western Digital Expo will use the "meeting+exhibition+inspection" model to present the latest achievements related to the development of the digital economy in all aspects, which is the digital digital in the western region. The high -quality development of the economy chain of the economy builds a communication platform.

At 8 am, at the ceremony of the tour, the leaders and guests participated in the booths of Xixian New District, Digital RMB, and Shaanxi Coal Group respectively, and carefully listened to the explanation of the staff of the exhibition area. The exhibition area planned to focus on "digital transformation", and nearly a hundred digital economy companies showed the latest application scenarios and technical products on the spot. In the aerospace base exhibition area, the participating leaders asked the staff the status of digital application results, and mentioned that the relevant requirements of "accelerating digital development, creating new advantages of digital economy" in the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan", expressed to the majority of practitioners of the digital economy industry. Intrful look forward to.

2022 Western Digital Economy Innovation Development Summit Forum site

At the 2022 Western Digital Economy Innovation and Development Summit Forum, the relevant leaders of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology shared policies and interpreted the "Fourteenth Five -Year Digital Economic Development Plan" of Shaanxi Province. At the same time, it is proposed that Xi'an should give full play to the leading role of as a core city, strengthen the core industry, lay out future industries, enhance the core competitiveness of digital technology, and promote the development of the digital economy industry in the west.

Citizens visit to understand the city management smart platform

Citizens visit to understand smart testing train models

Guan Xiaohong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the director of the Department of Electronics and Information of Xi'an Jiaotong University. From the perspective of the digital technology application of the energy system, it brings a forum theme sharing based on the "zero -carbon smart energy system and the energy revolution". Huang Haiqing, vice president of Alibaba Group and president of Alibaba Cloud Smart China, brought the theme of "Digital Innovation Drives High -quality Growth" to see the development logic of the digital economy from the perspective of innovation.

Zeng Dewen, a senior expert in digital economy in China in Huawei Technology Co., Ltd., shared with the guests entitled "Embracing Digital Transformation and Creating a New Motivation of the Digital Economy" and discussed the way of digital empowerment industries. Wang Hongtao, deputy general manager and chief engineer of Shandong Energy Group Northwest Mining Co., Ltd., shared the theme of the theme of the "New Energy of Building Energy, the New Journal of Wisdom", emphasizing the end of the digital application and transformation and upgrading of enterprises Essence

Citizens visit to understand the living environment monitoring platform

According to reports, the province's big data industry docking meeting is a highlight of the 2022 Western Digital Expo. At the meeting, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology interpreted the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" Big Data Industry Development Plan for Shaanxi Province "; the number of typical application scenarios for the 2021 digital application scenarios was awarded. In addition, this Western Digital Expo has planned a number of digital economy forums to organize leaders and guests to inspect and exchange.

Source: Xi'an released

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