Quantum battle group | A quantum -based drug design company announced that important progress has been made in the target of breast cancer

Author:Physics and engineering Time:2022.08.11

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Artificial Intelligence Biotechnology Company Auransa and quantum -based drug design company Polaris Quantum Biotech (hereinafter referred to as Polarisqb) announced important progress in breast cancer targets.

Using the combination of artificial intelligence -driven biology and quantum -based chemical -based chemical technologies, Auranta and Polarisqb, they are studying a susceptible way that can better target trioprine and improve the prognosis of patients.

According to the company's report, using Auransa's SMARTR engine and human disease data, they have determined a predictable biological channel. In this way, the two companies predict two hopeful protein targets.

The Tachyon platform of Polarisqb designed a virtual chemical space, which contains billions of millions of molecules for each protein target and searches for new molecular structures. Several clues are determined for each target and will be tested in the laboratory.

With the unique AI method of the SmartR engine, heterogeneous human data and Tachyon's high precision and fast search technology based on quantum computing in large chemical spaces are used to complicate complex biology.

"We are very satisfied with the progress we have achieved so far," Auransa's CEO Dr. Pek Lum said. In a short period of time, we can from the molecular data and prediction goals of the disease tissue to determine a set of hopeful clues, highlighting The skills, will, and collaboration of two teams. "

Dr. Shahar Keinan, CEO of Polarisqb, said: "We are glad to cooperate with Auransa to solve the needs of the pharmaceutical industry that have not been met, and are proud of the achievements made by the two teams in such a short period of time. The strength and synergy of the company's technology, we look forward to continuing to continue to work in these challenging goals, and provide solutions in a faster and larger way. "

The following is the original content:

Auransa, Inc., An AI BIOTECH and POLARIS Quantum Biotech (Polarisqb), A Quantum Based Drug Design Company, Announter Progress on Important Breast Cancer Target.


The companies report that using Auransa's SMarTR Engine and human disease data, they have identified a biological pathway that is predicted to be relevant and hence, likely to be important for patient outcomes. Within this pathway, the companies predicted two promising protein targets. Using Polarisqb's Tachyon platform, the companies have designed a virtual chemical space containing billions of molecules for each protein target, and searched it for novel molecular structures. Several sets of leads were identified for each target and will be further tested in the laboratory. With the SMarTR Engine 's unique AI approach to deconvolute complex biology using heterogeneous human data and Tachyon's highly accurate and rapid quantum computing-based search technology in large chemical space, the collaboration was able to progress with unprecedented speed and scale, taking only six months from data collection to molecular leads identify for two different pHARMACEUTIL TARGETS. eased with the progress we have made so far and are looking forward to bringing some of these unique molecules that were identified by the Tachyon platform to the wet bench. In a short amount of time, we were able to go from molecular data of disease tissues And Predicting Tarets to Identifying Sets of Promising Leads, highlighting the sky, Will, and the color of the two teams "Said Pek Lum, PH.D., Ceo OF AURASA.

Shahar Keinan, Ph.D., CEO of Polarisqb, said "We are excited to collaborate with Auransa on such an unmet need in the pharmaceutical industry and are proud of what the two teams have achieved in such a short time. These kinds of projects are showing the strength and synergy of both companies' technologies, and we are looking forward to continuing to work on challenging targets such as these, and to bringing solutions both faster and at scale”.Auransa is artificial intelligence (AI)-driven pharmaceutical company developing precision medicines in areas of significant unmet need. They are working to redefine medicine, combining a sophisticated, proprietary, and predictive computational platform with traditional pharmaceutical experience. The company's SMarTR™ Engine has proprietary machine learning, advanced analytics, and mathematics in an AI Framework to Generate Insights from Molecular Data for a Deep UndersTnding of Disease Biology and Patient Subtypes. Aurance ATED A BROAD PIPELINE of Drug Candidates Focusing on Cancer and Cancer Care. Learn More: www.auransa.com.

Synthesis, testing, and licensed to pHARMACEUTICAL PORTSERS for Further Development with Months, Rather than Years. Additional information is available at www.polarisqb.com.

[1] https://www.einpresswire.com/article/585048367/polarisqb-and-Auransa-nnound-romising-Results-Triple-Cancer-USINTUM-COMPUTING -DPUTING -DPUTING-Comput

The content of this article is a comprehensive quantum customer, the Ein Presswire website, etc.

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