Centennial China Animation Starting New Chengcheng Cultural Science and Technology Innovation Fusion New Scenes

Author:China Economic Network Time:2022.08.08

On the occasion of Chinese animation, the first Beijing Animation Week kicked off in the summer of 2022. This year's animation week has fully demonstrated the achievements of the development of Chinese animation with a variety of activities, and invited many people in the industry to seek the development of Chinese cartoons in the new era. At the "China Animation Centennial Development Forum" held on the first day of the animation week, experts and scholars in the fields of production, academics, and research gathered together to provide suggestions for the next century of Chinese animation. consensus.

Give full play to scientific and technological empowerment and create a new highland of animation innovation

In recent years, the integration of culture and technology has become increasingly deepened. In the animation industry, emerging technologies including the Internet, cloud computing, big data, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc. have penetrated into all levels and links of product creation, production, dissemination, and consumption. Technical empowerment is closely related. From the government to the enterprise, paying attention to the technological innovation of the animation industry has become a common awareness.

At this centennial development forum in China, experts fully affirmed the driving force of science and technology empowering the animation industry. Wang Jiequn, secretary of the party group and director of the Beijing Radio and Television Bureau, believes that it is necessary to open up cultural resources and scientific and technological resources, use new technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and 8K display to add color to animation, continuously expand animation application scenarios, create an ornamental and experience sense of experience and experience Good animation masterpiece.

Sima Hong, executive vice chairman of the Beijing Science and Technology Association, said that the development of animation is closely linked to technological innovation, and each classic animation has technical support behind it. She also saw the unique charm of animation in science popularization. "The hard -core popular science knowledge is more conducive to social communication and the public accepted through the vivid picture of the image and the interesting story. The animation is a good helper for popular science work."

Science and technology witnessed the development of the production capacity output. Cai Zhijun, managing director of CCTV Animation Group Co., Ltd. and executive vice chairman of the Chinese Animation Society, said that the animation capacity of CCTV has jumped from 20 minutes each year to 10,000 minutes in recent years. Put on wings. "

Enterprises are the main body of scientific and technological innovation. In recent years, new technologies such as digital virtual human, action capture, and virtual engine have also been innovative in the promotion of animation application. The Perfect World Holdings Group combines its own technical advantages on the game 3D engine to expand the technology of the game engine and combine the production process of the cartoons. It independently develops the industry's leading Animage3D animation engine technology. This technology not only greatly improves the production efficiency of 3D cartoons, but also achieves the top -level picture quality in TV cartoons, which has opened up the "enchantment" of game production and animation production.

Innovate cultural heritage, create a new image of the nation

In the past century, Chinese animation has created many classic animation images, forming a "Chinese Animation School" with unique national characteristics. Whether it was the early "Princess Iron Fan", "The Great Palace", "The Sea of ​​the Trouble", or the recent "The Return of the Great Saint of the West", "The Demon of the Demon of the Neza", "Big Fish Begonia", The animators have learned rich nutrition from traditional Chinese culture.

Regarding future development, the participating experts believe that in the new era, animation creation not only finds materials from traditional themes, but also combines the context of the new era to create an expression of the current audience, especially young audiences.

Sun Lijun, vice president and doctoral tutor of Beijing Film Academy, believes that Chinese animation has found a road of Chinese animation through the source of art and art materials found in its own national culture. Chinese animators continue to modernize traditional culture and use Chinese animation to pass on to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation to pass on Chinese animation. Tell the story of Chinese.

Wang Yuyun, senior vice president and spokesman of Perfect World and Chairman of Perfect World Education, believes that in the background of the current cultural confidence and cultural consciousness, once the digital cultural industry finds the unique narrative that can interpret the present and the future, whether it is animation or all Chinese products, all Chinese products It will release huge social and economic value.

Practice cross -border integration and reconstruct new scenes of animation industry

At the forum, "Animation+" has also become the focus of discussion of experts at the meeting. Experts believe that the entire digital cultural industry is actively practicing cross -border integration, and the animation industry is no exception. Animation must not only promote the cross -border combination of classic culture and modern technology, but also integrate development with games, film and television and even traditional industries.

Huang Xinyuan, Secretary of the Party Committee and doctoral supervisor of the School of Animation and Digital Art of Communication University of China, emphasized that technological progress has made the boundaries of different majors and industries become more and more blurred. Animation can penetrate all aspects of all walks of life and life. To this day, the reconstruction of application scenarios is the focus of thinking in the industry.

In terms of cross -border integration, Perfect World Holdings Group combined with many years of practice in the cultural and creative industry has summarized the "cultural and creative thinking", linking more traditional industries, through discovering cultural core and spiritual value, promoting cultural and technological integration , Promote the integration of cultural and creative and more traditional industries. In the forum, the Perfect World Wang Yuyun created the IP creation of the Anhui Geological Museum "Dinosaur Hostel" as an example, which specifically interpreted the application of cultural and creative thinking in the field of popularization.

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