"China Climate Change Blue Book (2022)": The global warming trend is still continuing
Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.03
From 1901 to 2021, the annual average temperature distance of the Chinese surface was flat (relative to the average value of 1981 ~ 2010)
Cover news reporter Teng Yan
On August 3, the China Meteorological Administration held a August press conference and officially released the "China Climate Change Blue Book (2022)" ("Blue Book"). "Blue Book" shows that the global warming trend is still continuing. In 2021, many climate change indicators such as the average temperature of China's surface, coastal sea level, and many years of frozen soil activity layer have broken observation records.
The comprehensive observation of the climate system and multiple key indicators show that the global warming trend is still continuing. In 2021, the global average temperature is 1.11 ° C higher than the level before industrialization (1850 to 1900), which is one of the seven warmest years since the complete meteorological observation record. In the past 20 years (2002 to 2021), the global average temperature is 1.01 ° C higher than before industrialized. In 2021, the average temperature of the Asian land surface was 0.81 ° C higher than the annual value of the year (this report used 1981 to 2010), which was the seventh high value since 1901.
China's temperature increase is higher than the global average of the same period, and it is a sensitive area for global climate change. From 1951 to 2021, the average annual temperature of the Chinese watches showed a significant increase, with a temperature increase rate of 0.26 ° C/10 years. In the past 20 years, it has been the warmest period in China since the beginning of the 20th century; in 2021, the average temperature in China is 0.97 ° C higher than the annual value, the highest value since 1901.
China's average annual precipitation is increasing, and the differences between the regions of precipitation changes are obvious. From 1961 to 2021, China's average annual precipitation was increasing, with an average increase of 5.5 mm every 10 years; the annual precipitation has continued to be more annual since 2012. In 2021, the average precipitation in China was 6.7%more than the annual value. Among them, the average precipitation in North China was the largest since 1961, and the average precipitation in South China was the least in nearly ten years.
China's high temperature, heavy precipitation and other extreme weather and climate incidents have become more and stronger. From 1961 to 2021, China's extreme heavy precipitation incidents increased; since the late 1990s, extreme high temperature events have increased significantly, and the average intensity of Chinese typhoons has increased. In 2021, the average number of warm days in China has been the largest since 1961. The maximum temperature of 62 days such as Yuanjiang (44.1 ° C) and Sichuan (Fushun 41.5 ° C) exceeded the historical pole value. From 1961 to 2021, the average daily dust of the northern region decreased, and in recent years, it has reached the minimum value and has risen slightly.
Since the late 1980s, the warmth of the ocean has accelerated, and the global average sea level has continued to rise. Ocean warming has accelerated significantly since the late 1980s, and the global ocean thermal content (upper layer 2000 meters) in 2021 reached a new high. From 1993 to 2021, the global average sea level rising rate was 3.3 mm/year; in 2021, the global average sea level reached the highest level since the satellite observation record.
The changes in China's coastal sea plane generally have a fluctuation rising trend. From 1980 to 2021, the rising rate of the coastal seas of China was 3.4 mm/year, which was higher than the global average of the same period. In 2021, the average of the coastal sea plane of China was 84 mm higher than from 1993 to 2011, the highest since 1980.
The amount of water resources in China has changed significantly, and the water level in Qinghai Lake has continued to rise in the past two decades. In 2021, the amount of water resources in China was close to the perennial value; the Liaohe, Haihe, Yellow River, and Huaihe River Basin were significantly more. few. Since 2005, the water level in Qinghai Lake has risen for 17 consecutive years; the water level in Qinghai Lake in 2021 has reached 3196.51 meters, which has exceeded the water level in the early 1960s.
Global glaciers are in a state of ablation and retreat, and have accelerated ablation since the mid -1980s. The Glacier No. 1 in Urumqi River, Tianshan, China, the Glacier Glacier in the Altai Mountains, No. 12, Luxou, Qilian Mountains, and the Xiadong Kima Glacier in the Yangtze River Yuanyuan District are accelerating the ablation trend. In 2021, the east of the glacier 1 and west of the Urumqi River, the end of the glacier 1 and the west branch of 6.5 meters and 8.5 meters, respectively.
The Qinghai -Tibet Highway has shown a degradation trend for many years. From 1981 to 2021, the thickness of the activity of the frozen soil area along the Qinghai -Tibet Highway was significantly increased, with an average of 19.6 cm thickened every 10 years; from 2004 to 2021, the temperature at the bottom of the activity layer showed a significant increase. In 2021, the average activity layer of the frozen soil area along the Qinghai -Tibet Highway was 250 cm, which is the highest value since the observation record.
The Arctic Sea Ice range has a significant reduction. From 1979 to 2021, the Arctic Sea Ice range was consistently declined; the average range of Arctic sea ice in March and September decreased by 2.6%and 12.7%, respectively. From 1979 to 2015, the range of Antarctic sea ice fluctuated; but since 2016, the scope of sea ice is generally small.
China's overall vegetation coverage has increased steadily, showing a trend of turning. From 2000 to 2021, the average annual normalized vegetation index (NDVI) of China showed a significant upward trend. In 2021, China's average NDVI increased by 7.9%from 2001 to 2020, an increase of 2.5%from the average value of 2016 to 2020, and the highest value since 2000. The representative plants in different regions in China have trended in advance in the spring period, and the autumn period is fluctuating in the autumn period. From 1963 to 2021, Magnolia at Beijing Station, locusting locust at Shenyang Station, Yantiu of Hefei Station, Fengxiangshu Tree at Guilin Station, and the coloring leaf period at Xi'an Station on average per 10 years earlier 3.5 days, 1.5 days, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5 Day, 3.0 days and 2.8 days.
Since the 1970s, China's coastal mangrove area has generally decreased first and then increased. As of 2020, the total area of Chinese mangroves has basically resumed to the level of 1980.
China's average annual total radiation has decreased. In 2021, solar events entered the rise of the 25th event weeks since 1755. The average value of sun sunspots was slightly higher than the 24th activity weeks (2010). From 1961 to 2021, the average annual radiation volume received by China's land surfaces decreased; in 2021, China's average annual total radiation was 31.5 kWh/square meters less than the annual value.
The thickness of Chinese gas solution optical is generally declining, and the characteristics of phased change are obvious. From 2004 to 2014, Beijing Shangdianzi, Zhejiang Lin'an and Heilongjiang Longfengshan area fluctuated in the atmospheric atmosphere at the bottom of the atmospheric base station. From 2014 to 2021, they all fluctuated to reduce the trend. In 2021, Beijing Shangdianzi Station and Zhejiang Lin'an Station were slightly decreased compared with 2020, and the Longfengshan Station of Heilongjiang was slightly elevated compared with 2020.
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