Real hammer, what does the Weber telescope find the galaxy with a red move of 16.7?
Author:Space -time communication Time:2022.07.30
Weber telescope (Weber for short) started officially starting in mid -July, and has achieved several breakthrough achievements so far, indicating that this project that costs more than $ 10 billion has not spent money. Soon after launching, there was news that it was hit by 6 micro -meteorites. Many people worried that Weber would be destroyed once, and now these people can rest assured.
Now Weber's discovery is updated almost every day. If the atmospheric spectrum of more than 1,000 light annual foreign planets was detected, and found that 13.5 billion light -year galaxies were discovered, as soon as Weber shot, it was beyond the retired senior ~ Hubble ~ Hubble The ability of space telescope.
Recently, a red shift value Z = 16.5 galaxy that the media has recently fired has a big hammer of Weber and pushing the human horizon to deep space.
So, what is spectrum red shift value?
The so -called spectral red shift value is the phenomenon of the Doppler effect of light, and it is a special effect of waves. No matter what waves, such as sound waves, gravitational waves, light waves, there is a Doppler effect. This effect was discovered and proposed in 1842 by Austrian physicist and mathematicist Chrisqin John Doppler. In order to commemorate him, people call this effect "Doppler effect".
Doppler first discovered the sound wave effect. When a train passed by, he found that the sound of the trains from a distance was higher, and the sound was low when he was away from him. Through the study of this physical phenomenon, he obtained the theory of Doppler effects, that is, when the wave source moves to the observer, the wavelength will be shorter and the frequency will increase; when the wavelengths are left, the wavelength becomes longer and the frequency will be lower. The faster the speed, the more obvious this effect.
Later, it was discovered that not only mechanical waves such as sound waves, all waves, including light waves and gravitational waves, there was a Doppler effect, and the Doppler effect of light waves was red and blue.
This is based on visible light and not monochrome. It is a compound light composed of a variety of colors. It is roughly divided into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, blue purple, and each color light wavelength and frequency. The shortest frequency of color wavelength is the highest.
The human eye saw that any object was passed to our retina because the light waves were passed to our retina, and the Doppler effect of light showed that the short frequency of the wavelength of the object that moved to us became higher, and the spectrum moved to the blue end. , Leaving our object spectrum moved to the red end, called red movement.
The formula for calculating the red shift value is: z = (λ-λ0)/λ
The Z here is the infinite outline, Z is the positive value, and the negative value points to the blue movement; λ indicates the spectral wavelength observed, λ0 indicates the inherent wavelength of the spectrum. From this formula, we can see that the so -called spectrum red shift value Z is to observe the wavelength of the spectrum to minus a certain spectrum inherent wavelength and then remove the multiple of this inherent wavelength.
光谱的固有波段可以在实验室得到,如氢原子的电子从2、3、4轨道跃迁到基态(第1轨道)时,发出的辐射波长依次为121.57nm(纳米,后同)、102.57nm、 97.254nm, this is the famous "Lyman Line Series", which is called the Lehman α line, the Lyman β line, the Lehman γ line, and so on.
The hydrogen element is the most common element in the universe, accounting for about 75%of the quality of the universe. All stars are composed of hydrogen -based elements. Therefore, the red shift of the hydrogen spectrum is the main method to observe the distant celestial body. If the wavelength of the Lyman alpha line of a certain body is 1565.85nm, the inheritance wavelength obtained by the laboratory is 121.57, and then the red movement value of this galaxy can be obtained by 121.57.
The light of 121.57nm and 1565.88nm is not visible light, and belongs to the range of ultraviolet light and infrared light, respectively. The wavelength range of ultraviolet light is between 10 and 400nm, and the infrared wavelength range is between 780nm ~ 1mm (mm, 1mm = 1000000Nm). The spectral line issued by a galaxy will become larger and larger with the swelling and redness of the universe. As a result, the spectrum from the invisible ultraviolet light moves to visible light, and then gradually moves to the invisible infrared part.
In this way, the optical telescope with observation of visible light bands cannot be seen, and the length of the Weber telescope is to observe the infrared band. You can see the range of 600nm ~ 28.8 μm (micron, 1 μm = 1000nm).
The relationship between the red shift and distance of the spectrum line
At the beginning of the last century, American astronomer Hubble discovered the expansion of the universe, that is, all galaxies in the distance were far away from us. The same sex, the speed of departure was proportional to the distance. That is to say, no matter from which direction, the galaxy is left us, and the farther the distance, the faster and faster, and the proportional relationship.
As a result, Hubble got a law, expressing V = HD. V here means the speed of galaxies leave us; H represents Hubble constant; D is the actual distance between galaxies and us. Hubble constant H refers to where the speed of our MPC (a million seconds gap, about 3.26 million light years), the galaxy leaves our speed per second.
The scientific community used various methods to measure Hubble's constant for decades, and the measured data measured was not uniform, with a range of about 55 ~ 82.4km/s. Now calculating the age of 13.82 billion in the universe, which is calculated based on the Hubble constant measured by the European and Air Bureau's Hubble measured by the Planck satellite, which is calculated.
Hubble's law contains a conversion relationship, that is, knowing the distance between the galaxy and knowing the speed of leaving us; otherwise, if you know the speed of leaving us, you know the distance between the galaxy and us. The amount of red shift has a conversion relationship with the law of Hubble. The formula is: Z = HD/C. The Z here is the red shift, H is the Hubble constant, D is the actual distance of the observation galaxy, C is the speed of light. The larger the liquidity of the spectrum, the farther the distance from the distance, the more the obtained red movement is the formula, and the distance between the observation galaxy and us can be drawn.
What does the Weber telescope find the galaxy with a red shift of 16.7?
The Weber telescope discovered a galaxy named Glass-Z13. The Z13 represents the red shift value of 13, and this value corresponds to the light from 300 million years after the Big Bang. According to the age of 13.82 billion years of age, this galaxy is about 13.5 billion light years from us.
This is just the distance from us when Glass-Z13 galaxy just emits light. According to the law of the universe, this galaxy has now retreated to 33 billion light years. Studies have shown that the quality of Glass-Z13 is only 1 billion times the quality of the solar, while the quality of the Milky Way is more than trillions of sun (including dark matter). This galaxy is only 0.1%of the galaxy, indicating that it is a very small galaxy.
Studies also believe that the age of this galaxy is only about 71 million years old, so it is a baby galaxy that has just been formed or is formed. Before Weber discovered this galaxy, the farthest galaxy found in the universe was GN-Z11, and this galaxy with a red displacement 11.1 corresponds to 13.4 billion light years. It is the farthest galaxy discovered by Hubble Telescope.
In other words, as soon as the Weber telescope opened his eyes, he extended human vision by 150 million light years, which caused a sensation in the world's scientific community and the media. But Weber's power is far more than that. Astronomers now just use GL-Z13 as a candidate for further investigation.
In the picture returned by Weber, astronomers also found a few galaxies with larger red shifts. One of them reached Z> 14, and at least 3 reached Z> 16, of which Z = 16.7. These discoveries are published in the famous Arxiv journal in the dissertation.
What does this show? It may be possible that the Weber telescope has shot the galaxies above our 13.6 billion light years. These galaxies are just about 200 million years of the Big Bang.
One of the most important tasks of the Weber telescope is to detect the first ray of light from the Big Bang of the Universe. According to the calculation of the standard universe model, this bouquet of light occurs after 380,000 years of the Big Bang. Only when it is cooled and diluted, the photon (electromagnetic wave) can be coupled, and the universe has become transparent and visible from then on.
This ray of light has been cooled for 13.8 billion years, and now it exists in the entire space in the form of cosmic microwave background radiation, with a temperature of about 2.73k (-270.42 ° C). Weber's mission time is 10 years, and now he opened his eyes for half a month. He has seen the universe 13.6 billion years ago, and the amazing discovery continues. So can you finally see the first ray of light? We wait and see.
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