Cook the millet porridge, just cook it and cook it directly. Learn 2 tips.

Author:High food world Time:2022.09.29

Cook the millet porridge, just cook it and cook it directly. Learn 2 tips. You still produce rice oil!

Speaking of Xiaomi porridge, this is what everyone is familiar with. Xiaomi has always been known as "nutritional gold", especially when women are confinement. Children start eating supplementary food and sickness. It can be seen that its nutritional ingredients are indeed very high.

But how can Xiaomi porridge be cooked to better play its nutritional value, and will it be more fragrant, smooth and better? There are always friends around me that the millet porridge I made is not as thick as the thick and waxy sold outside. Some rice that is often made is rice and water is water. This question.

Cooking millet porridge is actually very simple. As long as you learn 2 tips, you can easily make millet porridge with nutrients and delicious rice oil. So which 2 tips are it? The first is to remember not to cook Xiaomi directly. Be sure to cook the water in the pot and cook before cooking. The second is to add a little white fungus when cooking millet porridge. The effect, and the nutrition is doubled.

Let ’s share the specific operation process with everyone. The friends who like it may wish to do it for the family. Learn to go out and buy it. Xiaomi porridge.

【Fragrant and smooth millet porridge】

Ingredients: 90 grams of Xiaomi, 1800 grams of water, 3 grams of Tremella (free -soaked dry Tremella)

Production process:

1. First of all, I prepare all the required ingredients, and the ingredients are super simple, as shown in the figure.

2. Put the water in the pot and boil it to boil the fire, as shown in the figure.

3. Clean Xiaomi with it. If time is okay, it is best to soak for 1 hour (too late, you can soak, I usually operate directly after cleaning), as shown in the figure.

4. After the water in the pot is boiled, pour the cleaned millet into the pot, as shown in the figure.

5. Pour in with Tremella. I use dry Tremella that is free to clean the hairless hair. You can also use ordinary Tremella to soak in advance and tear it into small flowers, as shown in the figure.

6. Stir it, continue to open the fire to burn it, as shown in the figure.

7. After boiling again, turn to medium and small heat, cook for about 20-25 minutes, as shown in the figure.

8. This pot of millet porridge that can produce a thick layer of rice oil is made, as shown in the figure.

9, fragrant and delicious, smooth entrance, drinking more millet porridge is a lot of nutrition.


1. In the process of boiling millet porridge, stir it a few times from time to time to avoid the bottom of the pan.

2. Make millet porridge. If the conditions are allowed, it is best to use a casserole to make it. The taste of porridge will taste better.

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