Every Monday night, "brainstorming" traffic jams to innovate a "rescue difficult day" system in Zhejiang

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.06.15

Zhejiang News Client reporter Feng Yongming Yu Biyin District Committee reporting group Zheng Jialun correspondent Shan Yuerui

At 7 pm on June 13th, the meeting room of Lishui City Liandu District Committee and District Government Building light up the lights. Here, the third "rescue difficult day" caused a warm discussion.

This is the "rescue difficult day" system launched by the Liandu District Party Committee and the district government in order to fully stabilize the economic market and promote the stability of the economy to improve quality. This system stipulates that every Monday night, the leadership of the Liandu District Party and Government Study Study and Coordination work encountered in the key difficulties encountered in the work, such as the implementation and solution of the employment policy and measures of the main body of the market, the implementation of the employment policy and measures of the main body of the market, Essence

Compared with daily meetings, "rescue and difficulty in daily meetings" further advocates small -scale discussion and research. Each comprehensive department of the office records the research content and strengthen supervision of the negotiated matters to ensure the formation of closed loop and achieve practical results.

"We just received a stable post and return subsidy two days ago. Each person across provinces can send more than 2,000 yuan to each person." On June 13, Hu Jiancheng, general manager of Lishui Evergrande Technology Electric Co., Ltd., told reporters that one The subsidy of employees with a penalty of 50,000 yuan has been remitted into the company's account on June 10. "We have a docking group. Once there are relevant policies, the staff will notify us in the group." Hu Jiancheng said.

The investment and efficiency are high, and the rapid landing of the policy cannot be separated.

At the "Response Difficulty Day" meeting on June 6, the relevant leadership team focused on discussing the content of promoting the stability of the economic improving quality and promoting quality, industrial investment management measures, and the revision of industrial enterprises' comprehensive performance evaluation and revision drafts. The discussion pointed out that it is necessary to increase the support of stabilization, promote industrial stability, and take multiple measures, and promote the stability of the supply chain of the industry chain. Countermeasures have gradually taken shape in discussion in all parties to help enterprises strengthen confidence and overcome difficulties. After the discussion, the "Liandu District Promoting the Implementation of the Economic Economic Entrepreneurship and Promoting Quality Promotional Work" involving 34 policy measures involved in seven aspects was quickly improved. After the plan was reviewed and approved by the zone, it was officially released on June 9.

"Putting off, strong propaganda, and being fulfilled quickly." This is the goal of efficient landing on the bailout policy in this "rescue difficult day". Policy accurately putting on the corresponding enterprise, allowing market entities to fully understand policies and use policies, redeem the relevant support funds of enterprise subjects to be fully enjoyed, to be inclusive for the issuance of consumer coupons, and to quickly produce a good consumer stimulus effect on the social level Essence

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