Dong Mingzhu has threatened to give employees a house for one person. What is it to complete now?

Author:Hu Huacheng Channel Time:2022.07.17

Speaking of China's house prices, every year is constantly rising. As of now, let alone 6-7 million housing prices in the first- and second-tier cities, the third-tier cities in the third-tier cities have reached a price of 2-3 million, and young people who have not been out of society have looked at house prices that year by year. Back to your own small city to work hard.

It is difficult for excellent employees to retain, so large companies have launched plans to help employees buy real estate. Among them, Gree's boss Dong Mingzhu released a ruthless speech directly in 2018. He promised to give Gree's 80,000 employees a house in one house. For a while, Gree made enough gimmicks. Conscience boss ".

When it comes to Dong Mingzhu, everyone's first reaction is that she does not lose the "fierce popularity" of men. Dong Mingzhu entered Gree's work in 1990. It has been more than thirty years. With her own power, she brought Gree's income for 200 billion yuan. Excellent management and execution capabilities made Dali Group extending an olive branch to her in 2014, but Dong Mingzhu rejected 80 million annual salary and resolutely decided to continue to lead Gree to the world. Under her management, the market value of Gree today is 270 billion and successfully entered the world's top 500 companies. The annual revenue exceeds 140 billion yuan. Behind.

However, as if a 100 billion -level listed company such as Gree, it is not easy for 80,000 employees to have a two -bedroom and one -living house. Even if it is calculated by 5,000 meters per square meter, 80 square meters cost 400,000, and 80,000 units will take 32 billion yuan. This is equivalent to allowing Gree Group to make two years of net profit to complete them. Why did Dong Mingzhu promise to go to a house for Gree employees even when the corporate burden is aggravated?

Dong Mingzhu, who fights all the way from the bottom, understands that housing problems have always been the greatest pressure of people's lives. The average house price in Zhuhai in 2018 has reached more than 20,000 yuan per square meter. High house prices make young people stressful and low happiness. They are always worried about being distressed outside of work. How can young people fully contribute to the society without solving this problem? Not to mention let them settle down here.

In addition, the most important thing is that Gree wants to retain talents through the most direct benefits. Gree currently has 14,000 R & D personnel and more than 30,000 technical workers. In 2021, the first batch of 3,700 employee housing has been delivered and used, and the surrounding supporting facilities are also accelerating construction. However, more than 3700 sets are still not enough for 80,000 employees, and only 4%of the house acquisition rate obviously cannot meet the needs of everyone. And even if the first batch is divided into the house, it does not mean that it is really yours. In order to prevent the loss of talents, Gree also puts forward certain conditions. If employees choose to leave Gree, the house will automatically recover. As long as the employee does not choose to leave, the house will be owned by the company employees. And during the working period, Gree will not stop the company employees buying or renting a house by themselves, but only after the employee really retires, this house will really give employees.

Indeed, in order to retain talents, Dong Mingzhu did have a lot of effort. Not only did he vigorously recruit vanity to the outside world, but he was also vigorously cultivating outstanding talents in the company. As of the end of 2020, there were about 84,000 employees in the company, of which 710 scientific and technological experts were rated from the company, and more than 7,500 engineers above and higher engineers were provided to achieve the supply of high -quality talents inside. As the number of talents rises year by year, netizens can't help asking, can the promise of one room and one room be fulfilled? Although more than 3,000 sets have been fulfilled in 2021, it is still difficult to implement each Gree employee's house in comprehensive. There are two main problems.

First, the growth rate of performance is not as expected. Judging from Gree's performance in the first three quarters of 2021, Gree Electric achieved revenue of 138.13 billion yuan, an increase of 9.73%year -on -year. Although the performance is rising, this growth rate is not satisfactory. Let's look at the group of Gree Electric's competitors. In the same time, Midea Group achieved revenue of 262.943 billion yuan in the first three quarters, an increase of 20.57%year -on -year. A proud results.

Second, Gree's major shareholder change. In 2018, the main major shareholders were the Zhuhai State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, but by 2020, the original major shareholders became Gao Zhe Capital. For folk capital, the maximization of interests is the core purpose. When the expected development goals are not achieved, if you want to give each Gree employee a house, it is probably a difficult thing to do.

Although the goal is still being completed, under the leadership of Dong Mingzhu, the leaders of major industries have also started to work hard for employees' housing benefits. For example, Tencent, qualified employees in first- and second -tier cities can enjoy the first house "housing loan", with a maximum of up to 300,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan, respectively. The city rose from 200,000 to 250,000. Relevant units are also gradually accelerating the establishment of a housing security system with public rental housing, affordable leased housing and common property housing. I believe that in the near future, more young workers can also have their own place.

This is the best era and the worst era. With capital thinking and innovation models, the world is your stage!In the new business world, there are no eliminated industries. Only the eliminated products and outdated business models will focus on product innovation and model innovation in the future.

If a company or a boss, if the shortage of innovation ability is destined to be defeated in advance, please remember that there is no innovation, how can you have imagination!

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