The IPO application of the GEM registration system for "opening" for a full two years: 882 companies IPO applications have been accepted to accept registration and effective enterprises, Guangdong and Jiangsu and Zhejiang account for more than half

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.15

Reporter Xing Meng

On June 15, 2020, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange officially accepted the IPO application of the GEM registration system. In the past two years, the application of corporate IPO applications has increased, and the number of new listed companies has increased year by year, adding new vitality to the GEM.

According to the news of the release of the listing of the listing information on the GEM, from 2020 IPO applications to June 14, 2022, GEM has accepted a total of 882 enterprise IPO applications. From the perspective of acceptance time, the rhythm of the GEM IPO application has slowed and stable. In 2020, 542 companies' IPO applications were accepted. In 2021, the number of related companies was 291, and this year was 49.

"The reform of the GEM registration system has been on the ground for two years, the market has run smoothly, and the results have achieved obvious results." Shen Wanhongyuan's chief market expert Gui Haoming told the Securities Daily reporter that since the implementation of the registration system, the listing conditions of the GEM have been more capable Tolerance, better meet the financing needs of different types of enterprises, and bring together many high -quality enterprises.

IPO registered and effective enterprises reached 342

The three provinces of Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang accounted for more than half

In general, there are a lot of IPO registration enterprises, mainly concentrated in Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang provinces.

From the perspective of the IPO project review status, 342 companies in the aforementioned 882 companies have taken effect, accounting for 38.8%. At the same time, 73 companies have submitted registration.

In terms of registered places, among the 342 companies, Guangdong Province has the most, with 74, and 61 times in Jiangsu Province, and Zhejiang Province is third in 53 homes. There were 188 enterprises in the three provinces, accounting for 55%.

"Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces have a high degree of economic development. The regional manufacturing industry is leading the country's scale and technology. It has reserved a large number of reserve companies that meet the listing standards and hope to use IPO financing. Big. "Chen Li, chief economist of Chuancai Securities and director of the Institute, said in an interview with the Securities Daily reporter.

Gui Haoming said that the reason why IPO registered and effective companies are concentrated in Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang. On the one hand, the above three places are all economically developed coastal areas. The advantageous industries gather, and the number of high -quality companies that meet the listing standards is large. On the one hand, the level of manufacturing in the above regions is high, the private economy is developed, and innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises have a strong motivation for listing financing.

From the perspective of industry distribution, the number of companies with IPO registration is the largest number of computers, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing (39), special equipment manufacturing (32), chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing (27 27 Home) Three major industries.

"The GEM is positioned to serve the real economy and entrepreneurial innovation, and supports the deep integration of traditional industries with new technologies, new industries, new formats, and new models. It provides a platform for the marketization of strategic emerging industries such as new generation of information technology and high -end equipment manufacturing The industry's agglomeration effect is obvious and the development momentum is strong, which has also attracted the listing of related industries. "Gui Haoming said.

Chen Li believes that green, digital, and high -end transformation is an important development direction of my country's future industries. On the one hand, driven by policies, computers, communications, and high -end manufacturing industries have entered a period of rapid development, driving related industrial chain companies to achieve rapid development of rapid development The number of reserve companies with listing conditions continues to increase; on the other hand, these industries are in a period of rapid development, and enterprises have a strong willingness to expand their reproduction, which has also spawned more IPO financing needs.

10 companies IPO termination registration

Strict supervision becomes a trend

While expanding the team of the GEM listed company, there are also some companies "folding halberds" at the final registration review session.

Relevant registration results show that 10 companies IPO registration is terminated. For the reason, the nine are actively withdrawing the registration application documents, and one has exceeded the validity period because of the financial information.

It is worth noting that on December 28, 2021, the Securities Regulatory Commission made a decision to "refuse to register" on the registration of Xinye Biological IPO. The CSRC stated that it was concerned about the company's core products, fundraising projects, and main raw materials all involved "high pollution and high environmental risks" products and could not propose effective pressure drops; there were serious errors in the company's information disclosure.

"The phenomenon of terminating the registration of the GEM IPO occurs, indicating that the listing conditions have not been relaxed and the supervision has not relaxed." Fu Rao, executive director of the International New Economic Research Institute, told the Securities Daily that the GEM registration system was listed for information with information. The disclosure is the core, and the proposed listed company needs to strictly fulfill the obligation of information disclosure, and the information disclosure is true, accurate, and fully.

"The IPO conditions under the registration system have been further optimized, but it does not mean that the quality and regulatory requirements of enterprises are reduced." Chen Li said that the listing conditions under the registration system are more diversified, especially to make the profitable but well developed prospects. The opportunity to get financing through IPO does not mean that the quality requirements of listed companies have declined.

Gui Haoming believes that, in terms of regulatory standards or information disclosure requirements, the regulation system is more stringent. This is also to ensure that the registration system of the science and technology board is stable and promotes the healthy development of the market.

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