Financial and Economics · One week hot news: The General Administration of Market Supervision has publicly disclosed 28 anti -monopoly punishments

Author:Fabrication Time:2022.07.15

1. [Macro & Industry]

1. Alibaba, Tencent, Bilibili and other anti -monopoly fines

On July 10, the General Administration of Market Supervision released 28 administrative penalties that did not declare the case of illegal implementation of operators in accordance with the law.

This public case is a transaction that should be declared in the past but not declared, including Alibaba's acquisition of Youku Tudou, Best Group, and Tencent's acquisition of OKAYBUY, Mori Medical, Sudople, etc. According to the "Anti -Monopoly Law", most of the public cases constituted the concentration of operators who did not apply for illegal implementation in accordance with the law, and they fined 500,000 yuan in administrative penalties. Among them, Tencent was fined a total of 6 million yuan for a total of 12 acquisitions. 【Interface News】

2. Hangzhou online car rental new guidelines: Only new cars can only apply for compulsory scrap regulations

July 14th, from the Hangzhou Transportation Bureau, it was learned that the bureau drafted the "Hangzhou Internet Appointment Taxi Vehicle Technical Standard (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)" from the 13th to 21st. The solicitation of the comments draft mentioned that it is required to meet the new energy pure electric vehicle with a mileage of no less than 400 kilometers, or the tax price of more than 150,000 yuan for vehicle purchases with a total range of no less than 400 kilometers. Essence At the same time, when the mileage of about 600,000 kilometers of taxi driving on the Internet, it was forced to scrap when it reached 600,000 kilometers, but the use period reached 8 years of withdrawal from the net taxi operation. 【Surging News】

3. Zhongqi Association: In June, the production and sales of automobiles increased by more than 20%year -on -year, and new energy reached a record high

Recently, data from the China Automobile Industry Association showed that the automotive industry has gone out of the lowest valley in April, and the production and sales performance in June is better than the same period. In June, my country's automobile production and sales were 2.499 million and 2.502 million, respectively, a year -on -year increase of 28.2%and 23.8%, respectively. Among them, the production of passenger vehicles was 2.239 million and 2.222 million, a year -on -year increase of 43.6%and 41.2%, respectively. In June, the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached a record high, with 590,000 and 596,000 units, respectively, an average of 1.3 times year -on -year. Among them, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles have increased by 1.2 times year -on -year. 【CCTV News Client】

2. [Company]

1. Byte -by -line recruitment chip engineer, or prepare for self -developed chips

Bytes are recruiting a large number of chip -related engineers, including the front -end design of SOC and Core, model performance analysis, verification, underlying software and driving development, low power design, chip security, etc. At present, byte chip teams are divided into three categories: server chip, AI chip, and video cloud chip. Some insiders said that this may be prepared for its self -developed chip. 【Science and Technology Board Daily】

2.WPS will completely close the advertisement

On July 13, the WPS office assistant once again reiterated the security of the user's local documents, and also responded to the advertising problem, saying that "the advertisement will be closed before the end of next year." Earlier, Zhang Qingyuan, Vice President of Jinshan Office Software, also said on Weibo that WPS has been actively reducing advertising in recent years, and currently the PC version has rarely advertised. At the same time, many advertisements are not pushed by WPS, but some third parties automatically pop -up window when monitoring when WPS starts. 【Daily Economic News】

3. Tesla responds to the fire of Suzhou Sheet Spray Center to fire

Recently, it was reported that Tesla was fire in a sheet spray center in Suzhou. The pictures showed that the scene was fierce and many Tesla was burned by the vehicle. In this regard, the Suzhou fire department stated that Tesla Suzhou Sheet Spray Center did occur on the evening of July 8th, but there were only four or five vehicles burned at the fire scene. Not in Suzhou. The relevant person in charge of China China responded that the cause of the fire was still under investigation. The sheet spray center has now been suspended, and the affected customers can directly connect to the staff of the center. 【Surging News】

4. Little genius responds to children's tablet computers full of yellow violent content: immediately remove the shelves to deal with it

On July 12, in response to the news from Buffett's positions circulating in the market, BYD responded to the Securities Times reporter that according to the relevant rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Securities Regulatory Commission, large shareholders' holdings need to apply for equity, and consult the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's equity disclosure platform , No Showing Information, shall prevail sharing equity declaration. The company's current operation is normal, and various businesses are carried out in an orderly manner, and the sales of new energy vehicles have continued to reach a record high. 【Securities Times】

5. Turn off 9 cities business for 3 days a day.

At the end of June, Youxian daily has a front position in 13 cities across the country, and 9 cities have been closed for three consecutive days. They are: June 30, shut down Suzhou and Nanjing; on July 1, Hangzhou, Qingdao, and Shenzhen were closed; on July 2, Guangzhou, Jinan, Shijiazhuang, and Taiyuan were closed. At present, there are only four cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Langfang. 【TechWeb】

6. BYD: It is expected to achieve net profit of 2.8 billion yuan-3.6 billion yuan in the first half of the year

BYD announced that the net profit was expected to achieve a net profit of 2.8 billion yuan to 3.6 billion yuan in the first half of 2022, a year-on-year increase of 138.59%-206.76%. The growth momentum of the Group's new energy vehicle sales is strong, and to a certain extent, the profit pressure brought by the price of upstream raw materials. 【Securities Times】

3. [View]

1. Musk: Lithium battery is new oil, that is, independence and safety

On July 14, David Sax, the Cract Ventures of the Venture Capital Fund, issued a tied: "If you can prove anything this year, it is no safe to be safe." Subsequently, Tesla CEO Elon Musk replied under the tweet: "Absolutely. Lithium batteries are new oil." Many netizens agreed to this. Some netizens said that as the oil was opened in the era of fossil energy, lithium batteries will also lead the new energy revolution. [Interface News] 2. Luo Yonghao: In the era of electric vehicles, traditional car companies have no chance

On July 11, Luo Yonghao, the founder of Hammer Technology, stated on the live broadcast platform: "Traditional car companies have obviously fallen behind, and in the era of smart electric vehicles, traditional car companies have no chance at all." The track has been there, so large companies can always be invincible, but today's track has long been changed, racing in a new track, traditional car companies may not be chased. 【China Economic Weekly】

3. The ideal car CEO Li Xiang: It is recommended that aluminum is better than steel and iron, and replace all the steel structure of your house to aluminum

On July 13th, the ideal car founder, chairman and CEO Li Xiangan shared his opinion on the suspension of the car, saying that the best car he had drove was Porsche Taycanturbos, and said that there were no electric cars on the market. Close to this level, no fuel vehicles can approach. It is worth mentioning that Li Xiang also left a message saying: "It is strongly recommended that those netizens who feel that aluminum must be better than steel and iron will remove the main structure of the steel bars in their house, and all of them are replaced with aluminum. Safety and science! At present, this message has been deleted. [IT House]

4. Volkswagen China CEO: Extended hybrid is transition technology

On July 15th, according to the Finance News Agency, Volkswagen China CEO Feng Sihan reiterated today that from the perspective of customer value, the extension of hybrid power is a transition technology, and Volkswagen Group will not pursue this. When the ideal development power system was announced last year, Volkswagen China CEO Feng Sihan once said: "From the perspective of bicycles, it has a certain value, but from the perspective of the entire country and the earth, it is simply nonsense. It is the worst solution. " It is worth mentioning that the actual sales of the ideal ONE have surpassed the sum of the large and medium -sized SUV sales of Volkswagen brands. 【IT Home】

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