Both sides shouted difficulties. What kind of people do jewelry companies need to recruit?

Author:China Gold News Time:2022.07.14

"Is it missing?"


"What kind of person?"

"Lack, just more or less."

In fact, for the gold jewelry industry, this is already the status quo facing many companies. In the past ten years, the golden jewelry industry has developed recently. While rapid development, the demand for people has also increased. In the third year under the influence of the new coronary pneumonia, the digitalization process of the gold jewelry industry continued to advance, and the enterprise faced transformation and upgrading, and the demand for employment changed from time to time.

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China Gold Jewelry Jiang Ziqing | Text


The strange circle is still: the supply and demand are unbalanced, both sides shouted difficulties

"Difficulty in employment" and "difficult work" exist at the same time

People, the importance of industry and enterprise development is self -evident. For the relatively serious gold jewelry industry, it is not a day for employment. "The demand for employment has always been there, but the difficulty of employment will become more and more difficult." Cao Yang, president of the Shenzhen Gold Jewelry Culture Research Association, said that they have made a headache for their headaches. ideal. "But this is not just a problem faced by an industry. Under the pressure of economic downturn, when entering Lewis's inflection point and the gradual disappearance of the demographic dividend, it is difficult to recruit workers.

Zhu Xinwei, general manager of Qingdao Jinghua Diamond Group Co., Ltd. agrees with this. He pointed out that it can be clearly felt that it is difficult to recruit people in Qingdao, and at the same time, personnel liquidity is great. "It's really hard to retain people, especially young people, and it is not as good as the sales end that everyone thinks. From the perspective of our brand's shopping guide, the recruitment age has been relaxed to 35 ~ 40 years old. The trend of relaxation. Not to mention other more professional and technical positions. However, this is not an example of a region and a brand. This phenomenon also exists in other places including Chow Tai Fook, Chow Tai Sheng, Lao Fengxiang and other brands. "

Indeed, "difficulty in employment" and "difficulty in work" exist at the same time in many industries, and it is particularly prominent in the jewelry industry. Zheng Yan, an analyst of the jewelry industry and the international project developer, pointed out that there are many links in the jewelry industry upstream and downstream. Every link requires special talents. Talents in each link are difficult to exchange and need to find corresponding talents. Enterprises are challenges. It should be noted that employment and job search information channels do not match, as well as non -matching of skills and corporate needs, which increases "employment difficulties" and "employment difficulties". In addition, the jewelry industry is based on the "trust" industry, and enterprises have always compared with employers.

Cao Yang believes that more "employment difficulties" are actually a kind of "choice difficult", which is difficult to find psychological expectations. Therefore, it is true for traditional manufacturing, it is more difficult to recruit high -quality talents.


Current status quo: technical talents are just needed, they all want compound talents

Times are progressing and society is developing. In order to keep up with the times, companies need to be adjusted in time in employment. In Zheng Yan's view, at present, in the jewelry industry, senior technicians and technical sales are particularly scarce. Such talents need talent, learning ability and experience accumulation. In addition, in the past three years, due to the impact of the epidemic, enterprises have generally suffered financial pressure, and they attach more importance to controlling the operating costs of the enterprise. Employers have also been more cautious and not more, but they are more welcome. Talent. "Specifically, enterprises prefer to combine technology and market talents, and have higher requirements on knowledge and professional level. Just like design and manufacturers need not only the level Understanding gemstone and manufacturing technology, and mastering the characteristics of jewelry, can we better work. "Zheng Yan said.

In fact, from sales, marketing to technology, new requirements have been generated. This is the inevitable result of transformation and upgrading. Zhu Xinwei thinks so. "Relatively subdivided and professional jewelry industries, the requirements for professional knowledge are much more particular than other industries. Although each brand will have special training, everyone more hopes to recruit people to have industry professionalism. At the same time, with the continuous popularization and development of big data and smart devices, employers of each position will consider whether the other party has relevant experience, and the technical talents who know relevant technology and business are particularly popular. "

Directly, in this era of efficiency first, companies hope to recruit a multi -faceted person with strong professionalism and proficient technology. It has a high degree of high -profile and has a high degree of factory. Many colleges and universities have a slow setting and curriculum design update, which are decoupled from the market. The internal training of the enterprise is short, flat, and fast, and it is difficult to systematically and deeply train. Frozen three feet is not a cold. "It is important to think about building a talent system that is more suitable for your own enterprise in the impetuousness. It is not necessary to be cloudy, and according to his own pace." Zhu Xinwei said.


The key to the transformation: digital talents are indispensable, cross -border cooperation is long -term

The era of digitalization is accelerating, and the torrent of the times is unstoppable, and only then changes. Now, whether it is the retail industry or the manufacturing industry, it is the general trend to digital and intelligent transformation.

In the opinion of Pan Ping, deputy general manager of Chaohong Jewelry Operation, with the in -depth deepening of digital transformation, enterprises have put forward higher requirements for business digital innovation and various digital operating tools. Therefore The needs of professional talents in the industry are particularly urgent.

"Chaohongji has continued to promote and deepen digital transformation, transforming the traditional retail model with the freight yard as the core as the user experience as the core new retail model, and attaches more importance to the digital user operating system, continues to precipitate and expands the user base, and establishes high efficiency The user operation platform formed user data assets, opens the channels for realizing user assets, and digitally empower users to accurate marketing to achieve strategic and layered operations on users. In order to support the important change in this model, Tide Hongji is also organizing ability It is supported, and the user operation center has been set up, which is responsible for the construction of the entire brand's user system, and opens the link between user needs, product design, and channel marketing. The composite talents of concepts and traffic thinking have a high degree of unity of the underlying logic and business communication context based on digital operations. Formed a joint force to provide users with richer product selection and better brand service experience provided by digitalization. "Intelligent production workshop

Wang Xiasha, managing director of Shenzhen Fenghui Jewelry and Jewelry Co., Ltd., also said that they are very concerned about talents in digital management and digital marketing, because digital talents are an indispensable means to realize digital transformation. "At present, the processing of traditional jewelry is shifting from traditional hand -processing to intelligent and flexible production from the past to intelligent and flexible production. The cultivation and development of mechanism workers is also the focus of our attention."

At present, the design, manufacturing, management and sales channels of the jewelry industry are undergoing digital transformation, which has brought new challenges to the jewelry industry and new opportunities. Zheng Yan believes that computer -aided design (CAD), "customer pairing factory" new e -commerce Internet business model (C2M), computer digital control machine tool (CNC), big data, Internet online platforms and offline business business models that penetrate each other (O2O) and social media operations are very promising. The older generation practitioners have low sensitivity to digital transformation, which objectively is a new fit point for the new generation of practitioners. In addition, a reasonable and successful cross -border recruitment is conducive to the introduction of new perspectives, developing new consumption scenarios, and new sales channels. At the same time, people in the jewelry industry cannot be self -proclaimed and need to learn from other industries to be beneficial to the channels, experiences and methods of the jewelry industry.

In this regard, Zhu Xinwei bluntly said. In order to conform to the changes in the channel, the online layout has formed a special online marketing team. At the same time, as a brand new business, he is also actively seeking foreign aid. He chose cross -border cooperation. "We will find some professional Douyin, live broadcast and other operating teams for cross -border cooperation. The effect is very good. On the one hand, cultivate our own team, focus on private region traffic, and use external professional teams to revitalize public domain traffic."


Future direction: Workers+factories do the same way, the craftsman's spirit will never be out of date

In the context of the "machine substitution" wave, smart factories, smart stores, etc. have been emerging, and such concerns have begun to appear. "Will our industry be replaced by robots?" For new requirements, there are many new posts because of the emergence of new channels and new technologies, but it cannot be ignored that some positions are indeed replaced by machines.

But this does not mean that everything can be achieved through the machine, Cao Yang said. "The future jewelery manufacturing industry is a processing plant." Because some things cannot be replaced by machines. Just like the concept of ancient fighters now, you can use modern manufacturing to make new ancient products. However, traditional ancient craftsmanship requires craftsmen to achieve manually. Taking the filament as an example, the filament process that can be implemented in batches is actually an inverted mold filament, not a real flower craft in the real sense. Just as mechanical automation and digitalization are the general trend, the intelligent manufacturing will be able to be able to be able to be able to operate the machine and the digital operation team that is proficient in the machine. In the future, the workshop will not disappear. The needs of artisans with professional skills will always exist. At the same time The added value of the product will gradually increase.

Jewelry production workshop

"Robot cooperation can effectively improve production efficiency and reduce production costs. However, the jewelry industry also needs to adhere to the spirit of craftsmen and needs to create temperature products with temperature." Wang Xiasha said.

Zheng Yan also believes: "Robots can replace a lot of repeated labor, suitable for the production of homogeneous products, but the superb handmade crafts given jewelry unique and higher process value." Machines and intelligence are created and intelligent created by humans' wisdom and intelligence Driven, the setting, maintenance and adjustment of the machine requires dedication, lean, and dedicated craftsmanship. Just like in CAD design, computers can improve efficiency, but cannot replace the designer's personal innovation ability. As long as someone's factor, the craftsman's spirit will never be out of date.

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Edit | Gu Xiaoqian Vision | Zhang Zongwei

The editor -in -chief of the new media inside and outside the industry, the head of corporate brand propaganda, we will release the following three types of information for free for everyone:

1. Release corporate recruitment information for free;

2. Release the supply and demand news of corporate and demand for free;

3. Release notice of corporate information change for free.

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