Times Hi -Tech: Xiaoshan Biomedical Business Card

Author:Xiaoshan News Time:2022.06.14

At the boundary of the Xiao Bin District, a F -shaped building stands next to the Avenue of Times. This industrial park, located in the future industrial community of Xianghu. Although the appearance is "bland", it is "unique."

"High education, high -tech projects, high -quality ecology." Zhang Yanyan, chairman of Hangzhou Times High -tech Industrial Park Co., Ltd., joked, this is the "three highs" of the high department of the times. Behind the seemingly joke, there is a bloodyness of the Time High -Key: in the short two years, it has settled in more than 40 biopharmaceutical companies, all founded by high -level talents at home and abroad. At present, Times Hi -Tech is focusing on creating a "professional incubator+professional industrial park" innovation complex, and continues to advance towards the goal of "overseas high -level talent gathering space and biomedical high -tech industrial gathering space".

Positioning: cell+gene

Through the clean corridor and through small glass windows, researchers are focusing on operating instruments. This is a new drug experimental public service platform jointly built by the Xianghu Management Committee and Times Hi -Tech and West Lake University. It is also the first P2 laboratory of Xiaoshan. Since this year, the laboratory has provided new drug research and development services and technical support for many companies.

This is one of the representative projects for the introduction of incubation in the times. According to the data, the total construction area of ​​the park is nearly 60,000 square meters. In just the 8 -month professional transformation and upgrading, it invested more than 30 million yuan, and a operating team with two doctoral medicines with biomedical is formed. Among them, Chairman Zhang Yanyan, as a college student in the 1980s, was a post -doctoral experience of Microbiology at Yale University. He had more than 20 years of industrial experience in "innovation and entrepreneurship+incubation investment".

Biology laboratory

As we all know, the threshold for biomedical entrepreneurship is high, and it is necessary to solid and deep knowledge. The industry is professional and the track is diverse. In the face of "three thousand weak water", Times Hi -Tech "only take two scoop". "A 'scoop' cell, a 'scoop' gene". Zhang Yeyan said that the park's main "cell+gene" characteristic industry, thanks to his more than 30 years of discipline professional background, experience experience, and judgment of trends.

Specifically, Times Hi -Tech positioning biomedical professional incubators integrate R & D, test, and industrialization, focus on the hotspots of the biomedical industry, support the landing of medical and health projects, and cultivate the development of enterprises throughout the process. Although the operation time in Xiaoshan was not long, the development momentum was rapid, and in 2020, it was awarded the honor of the provincial industrial park. A large number of "potential stocks" accelerated became "blue chip stocks".

For example, Zhiwei WeChat department applies the latest algorithm technology to the diagnosis of cell pathology. The product has obtained registered certification in China, Japan, Europe, the United Kingdom and Australia. It has 15 domestic patent authorization and 24 international invention patents. The cell morphological analysis system "in 2021 obtained the first registration certificate of the software and hardware binding system in the field nationwide. It can be seen that Times Hi -Tech has become a new business card for Xiaoshan Biomedicine.

Features: preferred+capital

There are two proportion of figures worthy of attention.

As of now, more than 400 projects and teams have expressed their intention to the time to the Times, but only more than 40 have been introduced in the end, and the difference is about ten choices; Two "Peng Peng" plan talent project and 10 "5213" projects, the proportion of various high -level talent projects is close to 50%. This is the "preferred" of the double moves of Times Hi -Tech.

The person in charge of a "election" project once cooked it. He said: "The influence, brand power, and resource gathering power of Hi -Tech in the industry can be called first -class. The professional model is a model for leading the development of the industry. "The person in charge later participated in the salon event organized by the park many times.

At present, Times Hi -Tech has successfully built many platforms such as cell platform, gene platform, entrepreneurial platform, and capital platform. It can provide startups with professional public services such as CRO, laboratory sharing, genetic testing, and cell research and development. Reliable.

Among them, the capital platform is the most worth mentioning. For start -ups, one of the largest "road blocks" is financing, but Times Hi -Tech has its own fund license and fundraising management of a biomedical industry fund with a scale of 300 million yuan. According to statistics, the fund and the Times Hi -Tech own fund in -depth cooperation and participated in the investment of 30%of the projects, and promoted the cumulative amount of social capital financing of more than 500 million yuan in social capital financing. It can be seen that leverage industrial innovation with capital power is a major feature of the times.

For example, Lianke Bio, as the first new three -board listed company in the industry, has obtained 115 categories of filing vouchers, 4 categories Ⅱ and 3 III medical device products in clinical registration under capital blessings. Patent. More than a year after entering the park, the market value of the United States has increased by dozens of times.

Facing the future, Times Hi -Tech is "ambitious": it has become a national incubator within 5 years. It has introduced more than 100 incubation enterprises in 10 years, no less than 200 enterprises patent in incubation enterprises, and not less than 50 product registration declarations. Obviously, Times Hi -Tech to achieve these goals is not out of reach.

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