The people of the workplace are going to sprint for listing?Why is the massage instrument so popular in recent years?

Author:Jiang Han Vision Time:2022.07.12

Speaking of the net red SKG massage instrument, many people in the workplace are no stranger. As a working person in the workplace, the problems of various lumbar spine and cervical spine for a long time can be said to be inevitable. In this case, many people have I started to see the massage instrument. A small cervical vertebral massage instrument can be said to be as indispensable as many people in the workplace as afternoon tea. Just recently, the massage instrument of this workplace worker's continued artifact is going to sprint. Many people are asking the SKG massage instrument to be listed on the market? Why can the massage instrument have become popular these years?

1. SKG is going to sprint?

According to the report of Zhongxin Jingwei, Wang Yibo's endorsement of the Internet celebrity massage instrument SKG operating subject -Future Wearing Health Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: future wearing) was officially submitted to the prospectus. Yuan RMB. After the successful listing, SKG will become the second Internet celebrity massage instrument brand that will be listed after double.

According to the prospectus, in the future, the wearables Liu Jie and Xu Siying couples jointly invested in a limited liability company on November 1, 2007. When the establishment, the company name was "Foshan Lion Kai Life Electric Co., Ltd.". At present, the research and development, design, production and sales of SKG brands wearable health products and portable health products is a high -tech enterprise focusing on providing intelligent wearable health products for individuals and families.

From the perspective of the prospectus, the revenue capacity of the future wearable is not bad. From 2019 to 2021, the future wearable revenue will achieve 792 million yuan, 991 million yuan, and 1.06 billion yuan. However, the net profit of the mother's return to the same period continued to decline, respectively, 213 million yuan, 143 million yuan, and 132 million yuan, respectively.

Specifically, in the future, the main business of wearables rely on wearable health products, that is, the three types of products: cervical spine massage, eye massage and waist massage instrument, from 2019 to 2021, reached 607 million yuan, and 907 million yuan, 888 million yuan. Among them, the revenue of cervical vertebral massage instrument products has the highest revenue. The revenue from 2019 to 2021 reached 586 million yuan, 855 million yuan, and 743 million yuan. %.

According to Phoenix Network Finance, behind the seemingly good ranking of SKG, wearing wearables will fall into the dilemma of increasing income and increasing income. The prospectus shows that from 2019 to 2021, the future operating income of wearables is 792 million yuan, 991 million yuan and 1.06 billion yuan, but the net profit attributable to the mother has continued to shrink at the same time, respectively, with 213 million yuan, 143 million yuan, and 1.32. 100 million yuan, showing a constant decline.

It should be noted that in the future, when the performance continues to decline, a large proportion of dividends will be carried out. During the period from 2019 to 2021, a total of two dividends will be made in the future. 64.55%. The biggest beneficiaries of the dividend are Liu Jie and Xu Siying. As of the disclosure of the prospectus, the two of the Liu Jie and his wife held a total of 93.05%of the shares in the future.

2. Should SKG go public?

To be honest, seeing the future wearable (in order to facilitate the understanding of readers, the following use of its main product brand SKG to refer to its parent company's future wearable) is expected by the biggest feeling of listing. Why do you say that? SKG, as a massage instrument product that is easy to name, has become popular in various kinds of grass marketing in these years, but what should we think in the face of SKG's listing?

First of all, the demand for the massage instrument market does exist. Whether it is the relaxed discussion before, or the SKG listed this time, the core logic of their core logic is under the current high -intensity workplace work. The various massage instruments that become popular in the workplace, the shared massage chairs that have been popular for a long time before are actually the products of this market demand. Due to the high -intensity work every day, especially the long -term desk office, the physical pressure of the workplace workers is very large. A inevitable choice to relieve work pressure.

According to the "2022-2027 China's Massageer Industry Market In-depth Report and Investment Strategy Forecast Report", in 2015, the global massage appliance market size exceeded $ 10 billion for the first time. In 2017, the global massage appliance market size exceeded $ 12.5 billion. In 2019, the market size has continued to grow, and the global market size reached 15.03 billion US dollars; the global massage device market size reached 15.72 billion US dollars in 2020. The global massage device has entered a period of development. It is expected that it will continue to develop steadily in the next few years. It is estimated that the compound annual growth rate of 2021-2024 will reach 8.15%, and the growth rate of 2025-2026 has slowed to 5%. It is predicted that the global massage device market will be close to $ 23.6 billion in 2026.

In this context, whether it is SKG or ease, they have actually seized the golden period of market development. With the continuous blessing of a large number of demand, the rapid development of the massage instrument market has become the inevitable of the market. SKG and other massage massage. It is logical to be able to take the opportunity to go public.

Secondly, what should SKG look like? Speaking of SKG's listing, our biggest feeling is that this company is a company with a hilarious ginseng. It has both advantages and many problems: first talk about the advantages of SKG. As one of the most famous Internet celebrity massage instrument companies, SKG itself itself In an excellent track, with the dividend of market development, it has become a "pig on the wind". This is beyond doubt, and its advantages are also concentrated in several aspects:

The first is that the high value has made it an important choice for people in the workplace.自从苹果开创了智能终端时代之后,颜值就成为了智能终端的重要选择因素,而SKG在产品设计领域无疑是非常优秀的,其通过较高的外观设计颜值,帮助其在短时间内成为The most valuable products, many consumers' purchase also starts with its face value.

Second, health care functions and social currency values ​​have both value. For the workplace workers, although the health care function is important, products with health care functions may not be accepted by the market. The market space of the massage equipment is not large, and the advantage of SKG is that the characteristics of the successful use of their own characteristics and social attributes are commonly available, which also gives them a good market advantage in the market development process.

The third is a large number of Internet -based grass -type marketing. The success of SKG is actually inseparable from its marketing. SKG's marketing method is the most commonly used marketing -style marketing of Internet companies. Use the Internet marketing method to continuously improve its market influence. The grass planting platform finally achieved its breakthrough in a short time.

However, the problem of SKG is actually not to be underestimated. The risks are mainly concentrated:

First, SKG's own technical advantages are not significant. As a massage instrument company, its propaganda was all high -tech, but it is well known that the technical content of consumer technology products may not be the most important factor. We see that many media also concentrated the firepower to SKG during the report. There are not enough technical patents. Although R & D expenses have increased well, it is a problem to have continuous technical advantage output. This is actually normal, but for a company that is about to be listed, the technology represents the depth of the company. If the technical advantage is not obvious, it is likely to cause investors to question.

Second, can SKG's excessive relying on marketing models sustain? SKG's success comes from marketing. We see the prospectus show that from 2019 to 2021, the SKG market promotion and advertising costs are as high as 55.835 million yuan, 166 million yuan, and 161 million yuan, respectively, accounting for 54.53% of the sales costs, respectively. , 78.88%and 75.02%. Highly marketing has promoted its growth, but whether it can continue to become the biggest problem.

Third, SKG currently faces the problem of increasing income and increasing benefits. As we discussed earlier, the problem of increasing income from SKG is relatively prominent. As a company that has not yet been listed The market is undoubtedly a thing that can easily cause market speculation. This is also an issue that must be explained to the market on the road of SKG.

Third, should the future of SKG and the massage instrument industry be seen? From the current perspective, SKG should not be difficult to achieve listing. The overall market performance and financial data are good as a quasi -listed company, so it should be relatively easy to go public.

However, we still have to look at the market after listing? From the perspective of long -term growth, the track where the SKG is located actually has a long -term growth value. After all, with the development of urbanization, the trend of the population to the city is actually continuing. More and more young people have entered the workplace office office office The scale of the office work is still expanding. Under such circumstances, the market demand of SKG is still increasing.

Under such circumstances, SKG's future market space is worthy of optimism, but how much this space can make SKG's market share may still depend on marketing, except for marketing, what kind of gameplay can be accepted by the market.

Therefore, SKG's listing is not surprising, but will you be optimistic about such a company?

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