Let more young "new farmers" become grain and raw troops

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.07.11

【Expert Reviews】

On the vast field, young people are promising. At present, a large number of knowledge and cultural post -80s and post -90s work in the fields, becoming a "vital army" for grain planting and stable production. The key to ensuring food safety and answering the question of "who will grow food in the future" is to continuously improve the enthusiasm of the production of grain farmers, especially to attract more and more young people to join the grain planting army and consciously carry out the safety of national food security. Mission.

Strengthen the sense of honor of the new farmers and turn the "mud rice bowl" into a "golden rice bowl". Cultivating new types of agricultural operations is the only way to achieve agricultural modernization. At present, a large number of new professional farmers who have cultural, technical, good management, and management should be accelerated. On the one hand, the establishment of a new type of professional farmers' training demonstration base should be accelerated, and farmers' students should be encouraged and guided to actively participate in training, innovating training models, and improving their grain -breeding skills; on the other hand, to open up green channels for professional farmers' professional titles, build academic qualifications, qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications,, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications,, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications, and educational qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications,, qualifications, and qualifications, qualifications, and educational qualifications, qualifications, and qualifications. The quantitative assessment criteria that integrates indicators such as performance and professional comprehensive capabilities, so that outstanding farmers such as "Turkish Experts" and "Tian Xiucai" become real agricultural experts, stimulate the enthusiasm of new farmers to engage in agricultural production, especially to continuously enhance young people A sense of pride and honor for recognition of farmers' professional identity. At present, there are 3.9 million family farms in my country and more than 2.2 million farmers' cooperatives. It is necessary to grasp the two types of agricultural operations of family farms and farmers' cooperatives, develop moderately large -scale operations, promote the organic connection with more small farmers with the development of modern agriculture, and drive a variety of grains and good grains of farmers.

Improve the scientific and technological content of new agricultural agriculture and make agriculture a value -added industry. At present, the contribution rate of my country's agricultural science and technology progress has exceeded 60%, and technology is becoming an important driving force for agricultural and rural economic growth. The key to implementing the strategy of "hiding grain in technology" is to vigorously promote scientific farming, so that farmers can use the best technology to plant the best food and pick up the burden of getting rich. On the one hand, vigorously promote smart agriculture, combine advanced technologies such as the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence with traditional agriculture, and timely track the driving trajectory and sowing of agricultural machinery, regularly monitor the information of farmland soil composition and crop disease and insect pest information, realize intelligence, scale The quality and efficiency of grain planting are improved, and the quality and efficiency of grain planting are improved; on the other hand, we will continue to strengthen the team of science and technology agents, and launch leaders such as leading enterprises, scientific research institutes, and agriculture -related institutions. For young farmers with insufficient planting experience, we must cultivate a group of young technical experts, help them solve problems, enhance their faith in planting food, and add stamina to agricultural development.

Implement the "insurance" policy of new farmers and make farmers and grains be protected. Ensuring farmers' grain business income is a systematic and long -term work, and it is also the basis for improving the willingness of young people to grow grain. At present, it is necessary to improve the production subsidy policy of crops such as wheat, corn, rice, soybeans, expand the coverage of grain insurance, and achieve "two -pronged approach" of grain supplements and grain and insurance policies; The overall coordinated price chain of the asset industry will effectively maintain the order of the agricultural market price; it is also necessary to improve the grain acquisition price system, implement the minimum grain purchase price policy, and coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems in the acquisition.

Give full play to the advantages of new agricultural sciences and make agriculture a popular major. Strengthen the professional construction of agricultural colleges and universities, and attract more students to apply for agricultural majors through preferential policies such as tuition fees and exemption, so that students pay more attention to and understand the actual situation of the first line of grain, cultivate students' interest in new agricultural sciences, enhance students to learn farmers to learn farmers to learn agriculture Love farmers, knowing farmers are farmers, strong farmers and agriculture. In addition, increase support for high -level cutting -edge basic research on agricultural colleges and universities, accelerate the problem of "stuck neck" problems in cracking food safety, ensure that Chinese grain mainly uses Chinese species, improves high -quality breeding self -sufficiency rates, and uses good Chinese species to produce China. China is good. grain.

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