good news!Basic pension of retirees in Shanxi

Author:Shanxi Daily New Media Time:2022.07.09

山西日报新媒体记者郭鹏报道7月8日,山西省人力资源和社会保障厅、山西省财政厅印发《关于2022年调整退休人员基本养老金的通知》,从2022年1月1日起, The basic pensions of retirees who have handled retirement (job) procedures in accordance with regulations on December 31, 2021 have completed the retirement (job) procedures in accordance with regulations and received monthly pensions.

The basic pension this adjustment consists of three parts:

1. [Fixed adjustment] Retirers within the range of adjustment increased by 45 yuan per month.

2. [Hook Adjustment] Retired personnel will increase by 1.35 yuan per month according to their payment period (including the same payment period, no conversion of working age) per full 1 year, less than one year less than one year), and the payment period is less than 10 years. Calculated in 10 years. Basic pensions are increased at 1.27%of my basic pension level.

3. [Titan adjustment] Retirers who are under 70 years old on December 31, 2021, increased by 32 yuan per person per month; retirees who are under 75 years old on December 31, 2021, each year People increased by 33 yuan per month; retirees who reached 80 and above on December 31, 2021 increased by 34 yuan per person per month. One type of difficult and remote areas increases an increase of 8 yuan per month; the second -class difficult and remote regions retirees an additional 13 yuan per person per month. After the corporate retirement troops transferred cadres, the basic pension after the adjustment of the cadres was less than 3451 yuan.

The above three items are the increase in basic pensions this year.

The notice requires that the basic pension that will increase by the end of July will be paid in place on time.

Edit: Shen Xinrui

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