Xinhua daily telecommunications front page follow 丨 Jilin: stable market entity stable post

Author:Jilin Radio and TV Station Time:2022.07.08

Employment is an economic "barometer" and a social "stabilizer". Since this year, multiple factors such as epidemics have brought about rising employment pressure. The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to putting the stable employment in the prominent position, focusing on the main body of the market, and focusing on solving the employment of college graduates, migrant workers and other groups.

With the increase in active changes in economic operations in the near future, policies such as stability and employment continued to make efforts, employment conditions have improved, and the employment situation is gradually stabilizing.

Stabilize market entities and stable posts

In Jilin Yanji in July, fireworks gradually recovered. The Fengmao baking skewers located on the park, the guests sat across the table, and the aroma in the shop overflowed.

Affected by the epidemic, the shop had been closed for nearly two months before. At the end of May, the account of Yanji Dishang Catering Management Co., Ltd., which belongs to the store, unexpectedly received a funds.

"We did not apply for it, and the government directly supported it, which strengthened the confidence of the corporate crossing difficulties and retained employees. More than 60 employees in the two stores of Yanji did not have unemployment." The company manager Xuan Jinhua said that not only the business of Yanji stores, Back to heating, the company's 11 stores in Shanghai have recently restored their business.

Enterprises such as enterprises carrying 600 million people and entrepreneurship are the key to stabilizing the basic market. Since the beginning of this year, a series of deployment has been focusing on helping the enterprise rescue and stabilizing the post. A package of policies have made every effort to promote employment and improve people's livelihood-

Performing social insurance premiums policies such as catering, retail, and tourism, and 17 other industries, and 17 other industries shall be implemented. Introducing one -time reserved training subsidy ...

From January to May, 2.73 million companies across the country received a total of 12.9 billion yuan in stable funds and benefited 51.89 million employees. Economic operation has improved and stabilized employment policies, and the employment situation has gradually improved. In May, the unemployment rate of urban surveys in the country was 5.9%, a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month.

Edit: Zhou Zhou

Source: Xinhua Daily Telecom

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