Issue this money, cannot be discounted!

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.07.08

At present, high temperature weather is generally welcomed throughout the country, and some places have even exceeded 40 ° C. The scorching sun has brought a lot of inconvenience to overseas high -temperature workers such as sanitation workers, courier brothers, and construction workers, and facing challenges in good health and life safety.

According to the convention, high temperature allowances will be distributed in all parts of my country in summer, especially in recent years, many places have improved the standards of high temperature allowances. According to the "Administrative Measures for the heatstroke and cooling measures" released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Federation of Trade Unions in 2012, the employer arranges workers to engage in outdoor open -air operations above 35 ° C and cannot take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace to 33 ° C to 33 ° C to 33 ° C In the following, high -temperature allowance shall be issued to the workers and included in the total salary.

"On the one hand, the high temperature allowance is the return on the high -intensity labor in the high temperature environment, and on the other hand, it can also curb employers to work at high temperatures and promote it to improve the conditions of high temperature labor. It is also the result of the common role of many factors such as the improvement of the people's living standards and rising prices. "Shen Jianfeng, a professor at the School of Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics, told reporters.

It is understood that the standard of high temperature allowance was formulated by the provincial human resources and social security administrative department in conjunction with the relevant departments, and adjusted in a timely manner according to the social and economic development. From the perspective of the distribution time, because the geographical climate and environment of the geographical climate in my country is large, the start and end time and duration of the distribution are different. Among them, the high temperature allowances of 13 provinces such as Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing, Beijing, Tianjin, Zhejiang and other provinces are from June to September with 4 months in a row. Guangdong and Guangxi's distribution time is from June to October, with 5 months in a row. Hainan has the longest distribution time, 7 months.

From the perspective of the distribution standards, some provinces are distributed by the day. For example, Hubei is 12 yuan a day, Anhui is not less than 15 yuan a day, Shaanxi is 25 yuan per day, Henan has increased from 10 yuan to 15 yuan per working day; The province is issued monthly. Jiangsu, Shanghai and other places are 300 yuan per month, 240 yuan in Shaanxi, 200 yuan per month in Jilin and Liaoning, and 180 yuan in Inner Mongolia.

It should be pointed out that high -temperature allowances are not the "benefits" of employers to workers, but they are legal labor compensation by national legal guarantees. Shen Jianfeng said that in accordance with the "Regulations on the Components of the Total Wages" and its related interpretations, high -temperature allowances are wages, and wages are specially protected in my country's labor law. If the employer owes wages, the workers can complain to the labor security supervision agency and report to pay and pay other penalties. Workers can also claim wages and above high temperature allowances to employers through labor dispute processing procedures.

"The issuance of high temperature subsidies is only a compensation for special payments for workers. More importantly, employers should establish a sound prevention and heat -cooling work system, take effective measures, strengthen the protection of high -temperature operations, high temperature weather operations to ensure the health and life of workers' physical health and life. Safe. "Shen Jianfeng said that, for example, the daily maximum temperature reaches above 40 ° C, and the outdoor open -air operation should be stopped on the day of the day; when the maximum temperature of the day is above 37 ° C and below 40 ° C, the employer will arrange the outdoor outdoor operating time of the employee throughout the day. Hours, wait. Moreover, it is not allowed to replace the above protection measures by issuing cash, nor must it not pay high temperature allowances because of providing the above protection measures.

In this work, on the one hand, the government must formulate a variety of standards for high -temperature labor protection on the basis of scientific research, improve the rules of high temperature labor protection, and on the other hand, the implementation of the above rules through administrative law enforcement should be used to prevent high temperature from high temperatures. Occupational damage and protect the rights of workers. Recently, the National Federation of Trade Unions issued the "Notice on Doing a Filling on the heat and cooling work of employees in 2022", requiring trade unions at all levels to do a good job of high -temperature operations and high -temperature weather operations in the prevention and control situation of normalized epidemics. The heat stroke incident, reducing the harm of the health of high -temperature operations and high temperature weather to workers.

Shen Jianfeng believes that unions at all levels have important functions in the generation and implementation of high -temperature labor protection systems. As far as the system is generated, the union organization represents the employees on behalf of the workers on a equal negotiation with the employer on high temperature operations and high -temperature weather labor protection matters, and sign a collective contract or high -temperature operation and high -temperature weather labor protection. In terms of system implementation, the union can supervise the employer to issue high -temperature allowances for employers. If illegal acts are found, the union organization has the right to propose to the employer that employers should correct them in time. If the employer refuses to make corrections, the trade union organization shall ask the relevant departments to deal with it in accordance with the law and supervise the processing results.

Source | Economic Daily

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