Civil Aviation Administration: During the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the number

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.06.13

Zhongxin Jingwei, June 13th. According to the website of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, a few days ago, the Civil Aviation Administration issued the "Special Plan for the" Fourteenth Five -Year Plan "General Aviation Development (hereinafter referred to as the" Plan ").

The "Plan" adheres to the new development concept, adheres to the theme of high -quality development, and is guided by "two ups" and "two changes". The bottom line and wisdom main line, adhere to the system concept, firmly grasp the "five relationships", that is, the relationship between development with security, government and market, goal leadership and problem -oriented, pilot demonstration and overall advancement, departmental policy supply and local economic and social development needs With effective demand as a traction, supporting supply -side structural reforms, adhere to classified management and differential supervision, focus on breakthroughs, comprehensively improvement, innovation -driven, wisdom leadership, and the basic principles of co -integration of co -governance and openness.

"Planning" insists on standing on the foundation point of building a strong country of civil aviation, pragmatic goals, scientific indicators, and realizing "jumping peaches to pick peaches". The guarantee system has achieved five new changes, that is, the level of safety reaches a new balance, the development scale has achieved a new leap, the guarantee capabilities have made new breakthroughs, industry governance has opened up a new situation, and the service quality has reached a new level. On this basis, 16 specific indicators of safety, scale, and service are set. For example There are no less than 25 provinces for emergency rescue services.

The "Planning" starts from the diverse and characteristics of the general aviation service field. According to the "five vertical and two horizontal" organization frameworks, the key tasks are clear. Among them, the "five verticals" include five key areas including public welfare services, emerging consumption, short -distance transportation, drone applications and traditional formats. Task, clarify key tasks such as public welfare service energy improvement, emerging consumption capacity expansion and quality, navigation transportation connection network, wide application of drones, and traditional operations and improvement and improvement to ensure that the tasks in various fields are accurately focused and pragmatic. The "two horizontal" includes the two major systems of basic guarantee and industry governance. They have provided strong support for the implementation of key tasks from consolidating resource protection capabilities and continuous improvement of governance capacity deployment.

In order to ensure the overall implementation of the plan, the Planning also clarifies guarantee measures to strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen international exchanges, and strengthen supervision and supervision. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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