Shanghai Putuo Re -Gong Service Monthly launched

Author:Long Triangle Daily Time:2022.06.13

"Fully strive to move forward with 'Pu", "Putuo District Re -Gong Service Monthly Launching Ceremony was held in the (Shanghai) Innovation Park.

It is reported that Putuo District has recently formulated the "Putuo District to Accelerate Economic Recovery and Revitalizing Action Plan", and has introduced the "Ten Policies and Measures of Putuo District to Accelerate Economic and Social Restoration with the" Pu "action" "Putuo District Promoting" People's Reliability (Pu), Competitive (Tuo) Business Environment Construction Action Plan "" proposed "three resolute", "four immediately", "five methods", "four joint efforts", etc. The 16 tasks are relieved of the difficulties of the enterprise with solid actions and solid measures.

At the launching ceremony of the resumption service month, 10 functional departments in Putuo District were released on the "Ten Ten" policies; the representatives of the six social property buildings signed the "Epidemic Rental Examination Agreement" with the rental enterprise. Rental subsidies; Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Industrial Bank, Rural Commercial Bank, and Bank of Shanghai Putuo Branch issued credit checks to 6 intent representatives. While the bank implements interest rate discounts, the Putuo District Government will also give discount support; the Putuo District Employment Promotion Center will , Putuo District Talent Service Center signed a talent service agreement with Shangjia Logistics Co., Ltd.; representatives of building parks such as Innovation Park and Chuangxiang Tower jointly issued the "Park -free Building Park" initiative; "Fully strive to" reciprocate ', rely on' general "to move forward.

Affected by the epidemic, many companies are facing huge financial pressure. The Putuo District Government and 12 banks in the jurisdiction have formed a quota of 10 billion "Special financing loans to help enterprises", and issued financial services such as loan exhibition and repayment of loan exhibitions and extension of repayment for enterprises. While the market benchmark interest rate 30 basis points, they can also get 20%of the district government discounts. The first batch of "Loan Loan" has received a total of 3.8 billion yuan in receiving relevant banks.

"During the sealing period, in addition to individual guarantees for stores, more than 170 stores were closed, and operating income declined sharply. The salary of nearly 3,000 employees should be issued normally. When our funds are the most difficult, the lending loan brings us to us. Hope. "Yang Lipeng, the founder of Xiao Yang Shengli, recalled that when the cash flow pressure was worried about the affected affected by the epidemic, he sent her" timely rain "to her. On June 8th, Xiao Yang Shengzheng became the first beneficiary of Loan Loan, and ICBC awarded 30 million yuan in credit to help enterprises solve funding problems.

Shanghai Shangjiawangliu Co., Ltd. has provided outsourcing services for many e -commerce companies such as Hema and other e -commerce for labor -intensive industry enterprises engaged in freight agency services. It has been seriously impacted by this round of epidemic. The "relying on universal duties" issued by Putuo District will help industries in difficulties. Through various ways such as stabilizing subsidies, absorbing employment subsidies, and short -term rental subsidies, companies are encouraged to stabilize posts and help enterprises to retain talents.

Jiang Dongdong, Secretary of the Putuo District Party Committee, introduced at the ceremony, "Through the" screen on the screen ',' cloud negotiation ', from January to May, 70 new tax projects were introduced in Putuo District, of which 8 of 100 million yuan projects, the project landed on the ground, and the project landed on the ground. The speed of the annual time is 12 percentage points. Not long ago, on May 28th, Putuo District held the second 28 key project concentration signing ceremony in 2022. "

"The more economic difficulties, the more we need to care about the service enterprise. At present, it has entered a new stage of fully restoring normal production and living order. The prevention and control and economic and social development respond to ultra -conventional challenges with super routine measures and conventional intensity. "Jiang Dongdong said.

(The picture in the article was taken by reporter Wu Sijie)

Reporter Wu Sijie

Edit Pan Sheng

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