The total market value of Shenzhen listed companies exceeds 9 trillion yuan last year, raising more than 330 billion yuan from the capital market last year

Author:Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Time:2022.07.07

The Shenzhen Capital Market has shown annual transcripts: The reporter learned from the 2021 annual regulatory annual report released by the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau on July 6 that as of the end of last year, the total market value of Shenzhen listed companies was more than 9 trillion yuan, ranking second in all regions of the country. Shenzhen listed companies raised more than 330 billion yuan through the capital market throughout the year. The capital market provides important financial support for the realization of leapfrog development in Shenzhen listed companies.

Data show that as of the end of 2021, there were 372 domestic listed companies in Shenzhen, ranking sixth in various regions of the country; the total market value of listed companies was 9163.493 billion yuan, ranking second in all regions of the country, and rose steadily from the previous year. At the same time, Shenzhen has a total of 347 companies listed on the new third board, with a total market value of 133.989 billion yuan.

In 2021, Shenzhen listed companies raised 33,0178 billion yuan from the capital market through various channels such as launching, re -financing, and bond markets. Among them, the Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchange first issued shares and 39 listed companies, with a financing amount of 32.227 billion yuan; the Beijing Stock Exchange publicly issued shares to unspecified investors and two listed companies, with a financing amount of 326 million yuan; the listed company passed the equity again. 78 financing, the financing amount was 72.313 billion yuan; the listed company raised 112 times through the exchange of the exchange bond market, with a financing amount of 225.312 billion yuan. Listed companies have completed three major asset reorganizations, with a transaction value of 7.809 billion yuan.

It is worth noting that the capital market brings important funding for Shenzhen. As of the end of 2021, the total asset management scale in Shenzhen was 16.77 trillion yuan, an increase of 18.59%over 2020. Among them, public offering funds, non -public offerings, fund companies subsidiaries, securities companies, futures companies, and filing private equity institutions have all increased significantly compared with the previous year. Among the 32 public fund management companies in Shenzhen, according to the size of non -monetary wealth management funds, southern, China Merchants, and Boshi Fund have ranked among the top ten in the country.

The annual regulatory report shows that in 2021, the capital strength of financial institutions in Shenzhen in Shenzhen has steadily improved, operating performance is remarkable, and the profitability and scale effects show a synchronous growth trend. A number of indicators are among the best in the country, showing that the overall strength of the Shenzhen securities industry has great advantages. Essence Among them, the total assets, net assets, and net capital of 22 securities companies have been significantly improved from the previous year. The annual net profit achieved a net profit of 50.486 billion yuan, an increase of more than 20 % over the previous year. Compared with the previous year, the significant increase of more than 60 %; 32 fund management companies achieved net profit of 11.644 billion yuan, a significant increase of more than 40 % year -on -year. The annual net profit of 7 fund management companies was more than 500 million yuan.

(Author: Shenzhen SAR Reporter Wang Xin)

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