People's Hot Comment: Zhong Xue Gao provoked the controversy, why is it always me?

Author:Beijing Commercial Daily Time:2022.07.07

Among the high -priced ice cream brands that are called "ice cream assassins" by netizens, Zhong Xue Gao is famous. But recently, Zhong Xuegao's life is a bit bad. The topics such as "31 ° C for 1 hour" and "Zhong Xue Gao Ice Cream can not burns" and other topics frequently appeared on Weibo hot search.

Since its birth, Zhong Xue Gao has tightly tied the "luxury goods" to her body, and has completed the circles again and again with a topical setting. Essence Therefore, when the public discovered that Zhong Xue Gao's "scarcity of raw materials and high products" may have "moisture", it became the most worthy reason and attracted the most firepower.

Whatever marketing, after all, it is just an ice cream. For food in the stomach, safety is first. Facing the many questions from netizens, Zhong Xuegao came out to respond one by one for the first time to answer questions. This attitude is worthy of recognition, but whether it can completely dispel the public's doubts, I am afraid that it needs to be tested in practice. In addition, the relevant departments have been investigating, and the public only needs to wait patiently, and believes that the truth will be great.

This year, the price of ice cream has received frequent attention, and it has also made the public more dissatisfied with high -priced ice cream. As a representative of "expensive", Zhong Xue Gao caused continuous controversy and had a lot to do with the public's dissatisfaction. From this point of view, Zhong Xuegao has "grievances" and belongs to the "muzzle." However, for a high -end, atmospheric, and upper -grade ice cream brand, this setting is inherently topic. Zhong Xuegao always brings by his own attributes on the cusp of public opinion.

In fact, many people do not buy Zhong Xue Gao Ice Cream, but a sense of participation in the trend of Internet celebrity. However, the factors that these consumers are invisible on weekdays are eventually transmitted to the prices visible to the naked eye.

The biggest problem with Zhong Xuegao is not because of the material, but whether it can support the high price and make people feel worthwhile?

According to media reports, in order to show its high -end positioning, Zhong Xue Gao has promoted that his raw materials have won international awards, jointly developed with global institutions, etc., but this is not the case.

In consumer cognition, ice cream should still be attributed to mass consumer goods instead of high -end consumer goods.

For enterprises, the marketing of concepts and gimmicks is far from enough. Consumers' tastes will change. The market is survival of the fittest and changes. The quality of the product and the consumer experience are the core factor that determines the long -term brand.

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