Help the construction of the Yangtze River Delta digital trunk line, the Shanghai Red Bean Capital Park Project started in green

Author:Green Aoyu Time:2022.07.07

Chaoyong Pujiang, Zhichuangqingpu. On July 6, the construction ceremony of the key project of Qingpu District, the starting ceremony of the Shanghai Hongdou Capital Park, was held in Zhaoxiang Town. This is also one of the "Chaoyongpu River" investment in Shanghai's global sharing season. The total investment of the project is 3.3 billion yuan, and the construction area is about 280,000 square meters. It will accelerate the introduction of the digital economy industry around the construction of the Yangtze River Digital Digital Line. Jin Junfeng, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Deputy District Chief, and Deputy District Chief Yao Shaojie attended the starting ceremony.

The Shanghai Hongdou Capital Garden Project is located in the Huqingping Highway of Zhaoxiang Town, Qingpu District. It is the former Shanghai High -pressure container Co., Ltd.'s transformation project. A new generation of information technology, artificial intelligence and other industries to cultivate the development of headquarters economy and science and technology services. The project will be completed and put into operation by the end of 2025.

Shanghai Red Bean Circular Park will rely on the powerful potential energy of the "Yangtze River Digital Digital Line" to use the advantages of high -end talent and characteristic location in Shanghai in Shanghai. It will introduce red bean biomedicine and red bean industry Internet to 2 planned entities and wisdom in this project. The red bean sector Yangtze River Delta e -commerce headquarters, while introducing related upstream and downstream high -quality industrial chain companies to settle in. After the birth, it is expected to revenue of 4.7 billion yuan.

From Taihu to the Huangpu River, the Red Doudou Group had a strategic cooperation agreement with the people's government of Zhaoxiang Town. In June of this year, the Shanghai Red Bean Digital Garden Project on behalf of Qingpu District participated in the 2022 Shanghai Global Investment Promotion Conference and successfully signed a contract. The good business environment and high -quality services of Qingpu District have allowed the Shanghai Red Bean Digital Garden Project to start construction quickly.

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As an important node town on the Shanghai East and West Development Axis and the "Yangtze River Digital Digital Line", Zhaoxiang Town will take the Yangtze River Digital Digital Line as the main trunk, focusing on the science and technology industry as the main attack direction, optimize the business environment, and continue to recruit strongly. The industrial cluster effect and brand effect, Shanghai Hongdou Capital Park is Zhao Xiang created a "two belts and one circle" (the Yangtze River Digital Digital Line Economic Belt, the Ring Ole Business Reward Belt, and the new consumer experience industry), which is not allowed to form a science and technology industry cluster. Lack of key projects. The Shanghai Red Bean Capital Park Project will adhere to the construction of high standards and advance the fast -paced. In Qingpu, it will actively build the three leading industries of large numbers, big health, and large commerce and trade. The connotation quality of warm home.

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