Dalian Bank was fined 4.4 million yuan!Deficiency increase loans and illegal provision of government financing

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.07.06

[Dahecai Cube News] On July 6, the administrative penalty information disclosed by the Shanghai Banking Regulatory Bureau was disclosed. Dalian Bank Shanghai Branch received two tickets successively, and a total of 4.4 million yuan was fined.

Among them, Shanghai Banking Insurance Prison Deficiency [2022] No. 36 fines showed that on June 28, 2022, the Shanghai Branch of the Bank of Dalian Bank involved 5 violations of laws and regulations, ordered correction, and fined 2.3 million yuan. The facts illegal illegal facts include:

In October and November 2016, the branch violated the regulations to issue entrusted loans to the incomplete real estate project of a "four certificates";

From December 2017 to January 2018, the post -loan management of the branch's personal loan loan seriously violated the rules of prudential business;

From September 2018 to June 2019, the branch exceeded the borrower's actual funding needs to issue mobile funds loans;

From August 2018 to April 2019, some mobile funds loans of the branch did not calculate the needs of the borrower's operating funds in accordance with regulations;

From November 2016 to December 2020, the branch provided government financing in violation of regulations.

The Decision of Shanghai Banking Insurance Prison [2022] No. 41 showed that on June 27, 2022, the Shanghai Branch of the Bank of Dalian Bank was ordered to make corrections and fined a total of 2.1 million yuan.

The facts illegal illegal facts include:

In October 2019, the management of the branch after loan loans of the branch seriously violated the rules of prudential business;

In December 2019, the branch increased the deposit loan;

In July 2020, the branch did not strictly supervise the use of liquid fund loans;

In January 2020, the branch exceeded the borrower's actual capital demand to issue mobile fund loans;

In June 2020, the branch, as the equity of the mortgage property insurance claims, did not bear the insurance costs with the borrowing enterprise.

The administrative punishment information of the Shanghai Banking Regulation Bureau announced on the same day (Shanghai Banking Insurance Supervisory Decision [2022] No. 39) shows that in October and November 2016, Dalian Bank Shanghai Branch violated the "four certificates" incomplete real estate The project issues commission loans. From November 2016 to December 2020, the Shanghai Branch of the Bank of Dalian provided government financing in violation of regulations. Jian Guorui was directly responsible for the above -mentioned violations and was punished by warning.

Responsible editor: Tao Jiyan | Review: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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