Anhui Provincial Supply Chain Financial Assistance Micro Plan starts!This year will provide financing support for millions of small and micro enterprises

Author:Anhui released Time:2022.07.05

On July 5th, the Provincial Local Finance Bureau, the Provincial Economic and Information Department, the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, the Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Hefei Center Sub -branch of the People's Republic The supply chain finance assistance micro -meeting hosted by the Internet Commercial Bank was held in Hefei. At the meeting, the "Anhui Provincial Supply Chain Financial Aid Micro Micro Action Plan" announced its launch that it will serve thousands of core enterprises within the year, cover the main body of millions of small and micro markets, and achieve 100 billion loans. The development of the real economy.

Anhui Provincial Supply Chain Financial Assistance Micro Plan Start

Anhui is an important base in the country's important agricultural product production, energy, raw materials and processing manufacturing bases. The development of many core enterprises in the province is inseparable from a developed supply chain network. The small and micro dealers on the supply chain are strong in terms of funds. However, for many brands, the supply chain is difficult to loan for a long time, and the long -tail small and micro enterprises on the chain are insufficient blood supply.

Anhui Conch Cement has more than 20,000 dealers across the country, and Cheng Cunyu in Jixi County, Xuancheng City is one of them. Because of the short shelf life, the pressure of the accounting period of the project made Cheng Cunyu distressed for a long time. "We have done projects. The accounting period is generally more than 3 months, and there is no large project if there is not much cash flow." Last year, Hailuo Cement cooperated with the Internet Commercial Bank. The quota, "I have doubled the amount of goods, and I used it 21 times a year. Now I can loan with my mobile phone.

Anhui brand dealer Cheng Cunyu uses online merchant bank digital supply chain financial services

In order to implement the Anhui Provincial Supply Chain Financial Assistance Micro Action Plan, ICBC Anhui Branch, Postal Savings Bank Anhui Branch, Provincial Agricultural Credit Cooperative, Huishang Bank, Ping An Bank Hefei Branch, Zhejiang Commercial Bank Hefei Branch, Online Commercial Bank and other financial institutions announced , Will vigorously carry out digital supply chain financial innovation services in the province.

At the meeting, the Anhui Provincial Banking Regulatory Bureau also released the "Guiding Opinions on the Development of Financial Following the Innovation and Innovation of Financial Support large, Small and medium -sized enterprises", emphasizing the integration and innovation of financial technology and supply chain information technology, and improved the digital synergy level of production capacity Focusing on the development goals and tasks such as the top ten emerging industries in the province's top ten emerging industries, strengthen the innovation chain, industrial chain, supply chain, data chain, service chain, and talent chain synchronous financial service innovation.

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