\"Follow\" as long as the account in the social security card is activated, the money in

Author:Clear sky Time:2022.06.08

Do you think the social security card can only apply medical insurance to buy medicine? That's wrong! There is also a financial account in the social security card, which can be used as a bank card. It has financial services such as cash access, transfer, and consumption. However, this financial account must be activated at the bank counter to withdraw, transfer, and consume.

Ms. Peng's colleague was ill. Recently, she accompanied her colleague's wife, Ms. Yang to go through the account sales procedures for social security cards. When the bank was liquidated, it was informed that the money of the colleagues' social security card Chinese medicine insurance personal accounts could be withdrawn, but more than 100,000 yuan in different places in the financial account could not be withdrawn for sporadic reimbursement, because the financial account was not activated.

Finally, the money of the financial account can only be processed according to heritage. Ms. Yang, who rushed from Yunnan to Guangzhou, can only choose to call the three legal heirs to the bank to handle it. Essence Regardless of the choice, Ms. Yang still has to return to Yunnan.

\"It's not because of this business, I don't know that there is a financial account in the original social security card.\" Used, I thought it would be used to see a doctor. I did not expect that there were financial accounts above, and it was necessary to activate to withdraw and transfer.

Do you have heard of the financial account in the social security card? What is the financial account of a social security card?

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security recently released the \"Internet+Human Resources\" 2020 action plan, which clarifies the social security card will load payment functions and support various types of payment and treatment enjoyment applications. Many people may have never heard of this function.

Social security cards that loaded financial functions, have the basic functions of social security cards such as identity vouchers, information records, self -service inquiries, business processing, etc., can be used as bank cards, with cash access, transfer, consumption, consumption, consumption, consumption Wait for financial services. However, this financial account must be activated at the bank counter to withdraw, transfer, and consume.

What is the activation of the financial account?

Activating financial account procedures are not cumbersome. Just take the original social security card and the original valid ID, and go to the bank to go through the activation procedures as shown in the social security card surface. When activation, you need to provide the mobile phone number of his or contact person. At the same time, set the transaction password and query password for financial accounts.

It is worth noting that in the social security card, the password of the medical insurance personal account and financial account can be set separately; in addition, the social security card also has a \"self -service password\", which is mainly used on the social security card self -service terminal Query personal information, this password can be set or not set, does not affect the use of the card.

Can medical insurance reimbursement be issued to the designated bank account?

According to the rulesThe sporadic medical expenses reimbursed by the insured should be allocated to the insured social medical insurance voucher account, that is, the financial account of the social security card. In special cases, you can change the dial -up account.

Social security card intensity financial account is large after the financial account

1 can be used as an ID card

Social security card can be used as ID card, this It is its identity voucher function. After loading financial functions, the social security card, as a cardholder, enjoys electronic vouchers with human resources and social security service rights, has the basic functions of social security cards such as identity vouchers, information records, self -service inquiries, and business processing.

2 can be used as a bank card

The current social security card is two accounts and two accounts, which are divided into medical insurance personal accounts and financial accounts. It is equivalent to one card and dual use. It is both a social security card and a bank debit card with cash access, transfer, consumer finance and other services, which is more convenient to use. Due to the use of chip technology, the security of the New News Agency security card is also stronger. However, it is limited to use in the country. It is currently not supported by the loan function, but the province's cross -bank cash withdrawal is free.

3 Payment of receiving pensions

After the social security card is loaded with financial functions, the Human Resources Department actively promotes its business in social insurance premiums, benefits receipt and other businesses The application of the link will gradually involve various businesses involved in personal payment and payment, including the payment of social insurance premiums, pensions, unemployment insurance benefits, etc., as well as the expense payment after medical expenses.

4 handling abroad business

In addition to basic functions such as medical cards, you can also apply for abroad. According to relevant departments, the application of government affairs will also be included, involving applications such as human society, civil affairs, public security, health, and provident funds, including employment, social insurance public business, and appointments for entry and exit applications.

5 Application of various insurance benefits

At present, relevant institutions will put pensions, unemployment insurance, maternity allowances, work injury pensions and other society. Insurance benefits are directly entered into the financial account of the social security card financial area. Insured personnel can be able to withdraw, transfer or directly consume shopping at the corresponding bank outlets!

6 handling various human resources business

Job registration, employment registration, unemployment registration, application for labor ability appraisal, application for practicing qualifications, and participating in the government Do not ignore these things for vocational training programs for funding subsidies.

7 query provident fund, mortgage repayment

Holding social security cards, you can query personal insurance payment information, medical insurance accounts on the self -service terminal of the corresponding bank business outlets, medical insurance accounts, medical insurance accounts The balance, you can also enter the cardOn the website, check the cardholder's personal rights record and personal housing provident fund.

8 fixed -point buying a medicine brush card

It is not only a social security card, usually cold, fever, fire, stomach pain, etc. Small illnesses can use social security cards to buy prescription drugs and non -prescription drugs at the designated pharmacy that can be available.

9 Alipay online credit card payment for medical expenses

Many people are easy to ignore, just open the Alipay APP interface, click on the city service-electronic social security card -Ad the social security card, then open the smart hospital, register, appointment, pay, payment ... everything can be easily realized.

10 credit card consumption, paid salary

Do you have a headache every unit, you have to handle a salary card, six in your hand, six Seven cards think about being drunk. Now some companies are smart, and they directly send their salary to the financial account of the social security card, eliminating the trouble of multiple cards.

11 Sign signed community clinics

Social security card signing community clinic can enjoy outpatient treatment in some cities. In the principle of convenient convenience, cardholders and communities in the community, the cardholder and the community can The health service center \"sign\", you can enjoy the treatment of medical insurance clinics after signing the contract.

The reimbursement ratio of the medical insurance card

How to check the information in the social security card?

1 Dial social security consulting service Tel: 12333;

2 inquiries at the social security card service point;

3 through the self -service terminal of the second -level designated medical institution; [[[[[[


4 Log in to the social security card service website.

It is directly related to the major events of our pockets, but do not underestimate this social security card. Such a big role is too wasteful to use it as a medical insurance card. Account, with the right social security card, may save you a lot of money! Do you still hide such a good thing? Tell your relatives and friends quickly!

Source: Sohu.com

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