Several look at the Beijing Stock Exchange 丨 Log in to the capital market to accelerate the power behind Zhejiang enterprises

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.04

Zhejiang News Client reporter Xiao Yanwen Ji Wenlei

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"Earlier, smaller, and updated." At the beginning of the establishment, the clear positioning of the Beijing Stock Exchange was becoming a priority choice for the listing of SMEs in Zhejiang.

Since the beginning of this year, the rhythm of the Zhejiang enterprises has accelerated significantly. According to statistics, there have been two new companies listed by the Bei Stock Exchange this year and 13 counseling companies. As of the end of May 2022, there were 43 counseling enterprises in Zhejiang Province, and 10 enterprises were declared in the trial.

The pile impacts the Beijing Stock Exchange. Zhejiang SMEs and the Bei Stock Exchange first have a natural fit in positioning. Based on supporting the innovation and development of small and medium -sized enterprises, respecting the development laws and growth stage of small and medium -sized enterprises, a market access policy with accurate accuracy, a flexible and diverse financing and acquisition system, a continuous optimized market trading system, and valid with the Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchange valid The connected transition mechanism, etc. These are more in line with the development of SMEs in Zhejiang.

Earlier, from the perspective of industrial clusters and enterprises' own development, several monarchs have analyzed 213 new third board listed companies that comply with the financial indicators of the Peking Stock Exchange. In terms of operating income, profits, R & D investment, etc., they are higher than the overall level of the New Third Board market in our province, and have become potential reserve forces.

Today, let's talk about it again. Another factor that cannot be ignored is the power behind Zhejiang SME -governments at all levels of Zhejiang and multi -level policy support.

"The Zhejiang Provincial Government has always attached great importance to the development of Zhejiang's capital market." According to the relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Supervision Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau), as early as September 2017, the provincial leaders proposed that "listing is the best is the best one Transformation and upgrading, mergers and acquisitions are the fastest transformation and upgrading. "Zhejiang's" Phoenix Action "plan was launched, which ushered in the new starting point and new momentum of transformation and upgrading for Zhejiang Province.

The Phoenix Action intention is to promote more high -quality enterprises to log in to the capital market, give full play to the important role of the capital market in the market -oriented allocation of resource elements, and open up the cycle mechanism of resource elements and the real economy. According to data from the Zhejiang Provincial M & A Federation, since the implementation of the "Phoenix Action" plan, the number of listed companies in Zhejiang has risen rapidly, and more than 350 new domestic and foreign listed companies have been added. At the same time, the industrial layout and re -financing market of Zhejiang Province are also being reshaped.

After the establishment of the Peking Stock Exchange, the local governments are currently incorporated into the Beijing Stock Exchange in terms of market cultivation and promotion, fiscal policy awards, and work incentive assessment.

Many companies' cognition and acceptance of the Bei Stock Exchange were established in the promotion and preaching. Since last year, the Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau has jointly launched a number of "specialized and new" enterprises listing and cultivation activities in the United Bureau of Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau, local financial regulatory bureaus, and Zhejiang service base of the Bei Stock Exchange. Enterprises, in -depth understanding of the difficulties in the process of listing, provide policy answers and professional suggestions.

Under the adverse effects brought by the outbreak in the province in the first half of the year, the Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau has set up a special channel for the Bei Stock Exchange to provide coaching and acceptance for the proposed enterprise. Essence

On this basis, multi -level capital market collaboration channels are also expanding.

On May 27 this year, the Zhejiang Innovation Pilot Promotion Association was held in the regional equity market. At the scene, Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Zhejiang Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, the Beijing Stock Exchange, the National Stock Transfer Company and the Zhejiang Equity Exchange Center signed the five -party agreement of the "Memorandum of Co -Building a Multi -level Capital Market Cooperation". Reinforcement cooperation is strengthened to be listed on listing, establishing backup resource libraries, and building a multi -level capital market interconnection.

At the meeting, the Beijing Securities Exchange and the National Stock Transfer Zhejiang Service Base were also unveiled. Zhejiang Service Base will focus on high -quality enterprises in Zhejiang Province to extend the capital market inclusive services, tap and cultivate the resources of listed reserve corporate enterprises, help Zhejiang enterprises to improve corporate governance and standardized operational level, and promote its continuous growth and growth of the capital market.

With the support of the policy, the road of the North Stock Exchange of Zhejiang Enterprises may go more stable.

(Data source: China Securities Regulatory Commission Zhejiang Supervision Bureau)

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