Little Micro -Catering Enterprise Boss: Some people switch to the express delivery station, and some people are anxious to find the government of state -owned enterprises

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.07.04

"In July, we planned to close the shop and changed to the express delivery station, but it will also sell some Guangdong characteristic ingredients by the way." At the end of June, Yu Xin and First Financial reporter who operated Guangdong's specialty food in Sanlin Town, Pudong New District revealed that he revealed In June, the sales of his restaurant were only 20%before the epidemic this year.

Under the epidemic, some small and micro -catering companies that could not catch up in the industry in a short period of time were "shuffled" and prepared to retreat by the industry, but more operators were continuing to support the whole body. After the restoration, the loss of loss can be made slowly.

From catering to logistics

"Before the epidemic occurred this year, there were 40 to 50 single takeaways, and the order of ordering was not counted. Generally, it was busy starting from 4:30 in the morning. The business was good at 9:00 pm. Takeaway, there are only 2 to 3 orders when you are young. "Yu Xin felt sorry.

At about 7 pm on June 28, the reporter came to the store. No guests came to eat for the time being. Two tables were placed in the open air at the open sky, and three tables were placed in the room. The design of the cold drink cabinets and menus in the store is no different from a few months ago.

As early as April was interviewed by the First Financial Journalist, Yu Xinang had his new nickname- "Prince of Toast". During the sealing period, he rely on the "head of the group" group purchase toast to solve the urgent urgency of some customers At the same time, it also relieved the losses of the restaurant's suspension. Yu Xin did not expect to rely on group purchase maintenance as high as daily operations, because he found that under the epidemic, the costs in all aspects are higher than usual, especially for transportation logistics and manual wages than usual.

In April, after the implementation of Shanghai Pudong area, Yu Xin's restaurant also stopped business. But he was not idle. As a restaurant owner, Yu Xin seems to have a natural advantage as the "head of the group", because when operating a store, many ready -made supplier resources have been accumulated, and the surrounding customers have ready -made WeChat groups. This is equivalent to supply channels and sales channels. With. At that time, Yu Xin provided some of the food that was just needed for the surrounding residents. It was originally sold from the toast, so it was also called the "Prince of Toast".

During the sealing period in April, Yu Xin was more fortunate that the landlord had a discount on the rent. "The rent of our store is 8,000 yuan. The landlord only collects our rent for half a month this month, which is pretty good."

However, in addition to losses in April and May, the restaurant in Yu Xin in June continued to lose money in June. After entering June, the rent returned to the original price, but the sales were far from. He found that a large part of the old customers around him had developed the habit of cooking themselves, so the patronage to the store was reduced. He dare not determine that the above -mentioned situation can improve after the orderly opening of the hall, so he intends to close the store.

On July 1, when the reporter was overwhelmed by Xinxin's store again, the store was closed. Perhaps in a few days later, this store will become an express station.

Rental is the maximum cost

Entering June, the catering industry first resumed online takeaway, and the food was restored in an orderly manner at the end of the month. This made the operators re -ignite hope.

However, for small and micro enterprise practitioners, rent is the largest expenditure during the epidemic period and the main reason for "dragging down" them, and this usually requires several months of normal operations to be filled.

As early as April, Chen Dan, the owner of the Shanghai Restaurant, was worried about her 60,000 yuan a month's store rent. "This month, we should pay the basic salary of more than a dozen employees in the store. I haven't talked to him for the rent of the landlord. I hope to get a discount. After all, if there is no income, 60,000 yuan a month is too much to us for us. I. The company's commercial loans are not much, only tens of thousands of yuan, so the monthly rent is the biggest expense. "

Entering June, Chen Dan's worries changed. "In early June, we opened a day to lose a day, and the door was more than losing more than the door, so we opened it for more than a week. The turnover was 10%of the normal period, and the personnel were streamlined. Chef, the total number of employees has been reduced from 18 to 10. After the restoration of the hall, the business is naturally much better, but we need to recruit people again.

Wang Jie, who opened the baking shop in Lingang, the first thing after the end of the control was to re -shape the state -owned enterprise shop. Because she knows that there is greater possibilities for state -owned enterprise shops to reduce rent.

In April, Wang Jie did not expect that the largest expenditure during the epidemic was rent, because the landlord had not urged her to pay the rent at that time. At that time, Wang Jie's biggest problem was logistics, which caused the raw materials of the store to be supplied. Most of her suppliers are located in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, but during the sealing period, they said that they could not be shipped to Shanghai.

At the end of June, when the reporter asked the logistics again, Wang Jie said that there are still large express delivery in many areas to Shanghai. However, most of the ingredients can be supplied, but the packaging and drink cannot be available. Beginning in early June, Wang Jie's baking store restored the operation of online takeaway. Until the end of the month, the sales resumed 30%to 40%before the epidemic.

In April, Xu Wangzheng, who runs a barbecue bar in Putuo District, lives with 6 employees of the store and lives with the store in the dormitory, waiting for the end of the sealing control.

At the beginning of this year, the operating conditions of Xuwang Restaurant had just improved, and they met the epidemic. "In October last year, our store started business, and reached a balance of payments in December. The profitability of this year has dropped slightly. After entering March, the operation of the first ten days is good. As a result, it was blocked on March 13th. "From June, Xu Wang's work rhythm was obviously faster, and he could only briefly responded to reporters' questions on WeChat. "The turnover in June was more than 80,000, which was actually equal to expenditure. But in fact, there was not much cash left." He said.

Strive to tie sales

Hu Yan, the owner of the Jiangxi Farmers' Pork Store in Changning District, told the First Financial Reporter in April that the funds of the store were in danger: "If the store cannot be opened normally in May, then we may choose to close the store. The rent is expired, and there is no mobile funds to pay the rent of the new issue for the time being. "

Fortunately, the restoration of the store's business hours rushed in early June, and Hu Yan still had some cash flow on hand, so she persisted. And different from catering stores, the good or bad business of fresh food stores will not be limited by whether they can eat.

Now she needs to get up at 4:20 in the morning to prepare to open the shop. Her husband even gets up at 12 am to go to Jiangsu to buy.

"Our pork is sold out from 5:00 to 5:30 every day, and someone came to buy it until 8:00 in the morning. Because nearby residents are used to rushing early, there is basically no business in the afternoon. "

Hu Yan's shop resumed its business on June 2nd. On May 31 and June 1, the couple of Hu Yan had been washing and brushing, cleaning the floor, meat, refrigerator, etc. Clean. "I feel the same as when I opened it," she said.

Compared with the anxiety and incompetence of April and May, Hu Yan can finally reduce losses through business in June. However, the sales in June are actually unstable. Except for store rents, rent, water and electricity costs, and logistics costs, at most, it will lose about 1,000 yuan a day. Of course, it can earn about 1,000 yuan when the business is good. "It still can't figure out the law of customer traffic. The previous daily sales have been stable between 500 and 600 yuan."

Because of the fear of the epidemic, Hu Yan and her husband still wrapped the ground in the store for two weeks in June and slept directly next to the refrigerator. Although the conditions were difficult, they could ensure that they could open a store every day to welcome guests.

In June, although the sales of Hu Yandian store were not considerable in March this year, it was comparable to the off -season in August last year. And if you want to fill in the recent losses, Hu Yan is expected to spend 2 to 3 months.

Wen Zhihong, an expert in catering chain and general manager of Hehong Consulting, believes that cash flow is extremely important for corporate risks. "The core of catering companies to save themselves is to maintain cash flow. Whether it is takeaway or other ways."

On May 29, the Shanghai Municipal Government issued the "Shanghai Municipality to Accelerate Economic Recovery and Revitalizing Action Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"). Industry and commercial households are exempted from submitting proof of affected the affected situation. In 2022, 6 months of housing rent is exempted. For private non -enterprise units that rent state -owned housing and operations, referring to small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in 2022 exempting 6 months of housing rent. The "Action Plan" also mentioned that it is difficult for catering, retail, tourism, transportation, transportation, cultural and physical entertainment, accommodation, exhibition, exhibition and other difficult industries. The number of social insurance premiums is calculated, and a one -time stabilization subsidy of 600 yuan per person is given, and the subsidy limit of each household is 3 million yuan to encourage enterprises to stabilize the job.

(The text Yu Xin, Wang Jie, Xu Wang, Chen Dan, and Hu Yan are all pseudonyms)

Source: First Financial Editor: Zhou Quan

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