"Duoduo" Smart Family "Timing Import" -Conbash's digital economy continues to expand

Author:Inner Mongolia New Media Assoc Time:2022.07.04

This is "Duoduo". If you can't sell high -quality agricultural products, you can find "him".

Here is "a lot of hair". If you have goods to transport, you can find "him".

This is the "Duoduo Pavilion". If you have good creativity and explosion, you can find "him".

This is "Duoduo Chuang". If you are encountering a small and micro enterprise of the bottleneck of entrepreneurial funds, you can find "him".

This is "Duoduo House". If you are worried about "living and living" for employees, you can find "him".


Recently, the "Duoduo Evaluation" community intelligent integrated service platform developed by Kangbash District has developed a number of new platforms such as "Duoduo", "Duoduo", "Duoduo Museum", and "Duoduo Chuang". The "Duoduo" smart family "Timing Import", this wave of "sucking" operation makes the digital economy "money scene" of the Kangbabash District.

"This is our 'Duoduo" platform, mainly to help the city's high -quality agricultural products go out. Our "Yuncang" will soon cover the city. By opening data obstruction, let farmers and herdsmen link the market directly and cultivate to cultivate The endogenous power of rural revitalization. "Zhang Wei, deputy general manager of Ordos Kangnong Investment Development Co., Ltd. opened a computer program and introduced.


"Duoduo" is a digital agricultural online trading service platform that will deploy "Yuncang" in each flag area and use state -owned enterprises in each flag district as an operating undertaking platform. Category, one -click "Cloud on the Cloud", after the consumer places the order, the information reaches the background. There is a special team responsible for receiving, sorting, distribution and after -sales. "Duoduo" also cooperated with a group of Internet celebrity anchors. The anchor of Internet celebrities can choose the products they want to "bring the goods" in "Yuncang" for live broadcast. The "Duoduo" also supports the city's first secretary in the village to conduct live broadcast activities from time to time to cultivate its own "earthy flavor" live team.

Zhang Wei bluntly stated that the biggest advantage of "Duoduo" is to reduce multiple intermediate business links such as wholesale markets and retailers, effectively solve problems such as scattered agricultural product production and poor sales in the city. Shepherds, so that agricultural products can be sold high -quality "super prices". The quality control of all products is also strictly controlled by state -owned enterprises in each flag area.

For example, not long ago, "Duoduo" connected the single Dalat flag to sell red green onions. Through the webcast and a generation method, 7,000 catties was sold in just a few days. OK, the price is reasonable, and the gratitude of consumers praised and the farmers and herdsmen. This is also the first "opening door" to help farmers and farmers.

One of the key parts of the dining table and tongue of high -quality agricultural products "Yunzhi" consumers is "generating" of "multiple hair".

In a “Duoduo” “Duoduo” on the “Duoduo” distribution platform logistics training center located in the rural revitalization of Kangbashi District, many local agricultural products such as almond dew, dried apricot apricot, sea burst juice, beef jerky, pot tea are packaged neatly and are waiting for them. Incount.

"Actually, 'Duoduofa' and 'Duoduo" are complementary. We serve the "Duoduo" to serve the new mode of smart cities with fast timeliness, low cost, and wide service. Let the agricultural products passing "Duoduo" not only achieve low logistics costs, but also quickly reach consumers. Of course, in the future, our business scope is not limited to 'Duoduo "." Lan Xudong, head of the "Duoduo" logistics platform, said Essence

"Duoduo" is the "blue chip stock" that empowers the digital economy with a smart logistics in Kangbashi District.该平台沿交通210国道主干线规划布局,充分发挥康巴什优越的区位优势和便利的公路、铁路、航空交通网络,建设形成有效连接呼、包、陕、宁、甘等资源基地和京、 Modern comprehensive logistics center of Jin, Hebei Manufacturing and Processing Base.

"Duoduo Pavilion", also known as "Museum100", is a new carrier of the "withdrawal" of the Internet celebrity economy from the Cangbash District. The "Duoduo Museum" will organically coordinate the existing state -owned museums, non -state museums, exhibition halls, exhibition halls, non -heritage museums, art museums and other organic coordinations in the Kangbashi District to build a museum and exhibition hall. Further promote the construction of the "City of Museum" and raise the "progress bar" of net red with characteristic culture.

“多多创”,是康巴什区为了扶持小微创业活动特推出的“数字引擎”,该平台用数字化、市场化手段为中小商户纾困解难,帮助扶持商户统一完成聚合支付开卡、新Bee life -free commissions settled in the preliminary preparations of the same stage, and gave support for customers and traffic, and gave merchants with material points worth 2 to 50,000 yuan at one time.

The "Duoduo House" has recently launched the first batch of "Duoduo" enterprises in Kangbaha's three -production enterprises, with a total of 110 units. This project is an idle housing in Kangbash District through fiscal subsidies to revitalize housing, apartments, shops, hotels, etc. to solve the difficulties and housing problems of the three production enterprises in the jurisdiction. Assure.

"Duoduo" Yi Jian, "Duoduo" happy.The "Duoduo" smart family has opened a new "window" for the digital economy of the Kangbabash District. The registered users of "Duoduo" have reached 173,000 and successfully landed in Qingdao.To the historic breakthrough of the developed regions of the eastern coastal economy.The interrelationships and bite operations of the above platforms are "transforming" the invisible data traffic into tangible "retention", "sales" and "increment" to promote the "cloud" of the regional economy.Source: Ordos Daily

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