Do a good job of creating a new situation in the construction of a digital government

Author:China Economic Network Time:2022.07.04

Core point: Mao Tonghui, the author of China Economic Network column, believes that the "construction map" has, and the "timetable" also has it. , Accelerate the pace of digital government construction. To this end, there must be a responsibility in all places, and it must be promoted in an orderly manner; there must be a number of digital resources in the heart, and the development of digital resources; the people in the heart must be promoted to improve the quality and efficiency of services.

A few days ago, the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Digital Government" (hereinafter referred to as "Guidance Opinions"), and actively followed the trend of digital transformation of economic and socialization, fully released digital development dividends, and comprehensively launched a new situation of digital government construction.

There are many benefits to build a digital government. The first is to improve the level of digitalization and intelligence of government duties, and comprehensively improve the effectiveness of government performance. The second is to promote the scientificization of government decision -making, precise social governance, high -efficiency public services, and build a service -oriented government that the people are satisfied with. Third, it can give full play to the leading role of digital government construction in the digital economy, digital society, and digital ecology, and fully release digital development dividends.

The "Guidance Opinions" proposes two stages of work goals and requires that "by 2035, the digital government system framework that is modernized with the national governance system and governance capabilities is more mature and complete. Hui's digital government is basically completed, providing strong support for basic socialist modernization. "At the same time, the" Guidance Opinions "also clarified the seven key tasks of digital government construction.

The "construction map" has, and the "timetable" also has it. This requires all places to establish innovative thinking, forward -looking thinking, and systematic thinking in combination with actual situations in the future. From time to time, the goals of table tasks are matched to accelerate the pace of digital government construction. For this reason, we should strive to do three "important".

We must have a responsibility in your heart, and promote it in an orderly manner. Digital government construction is a long -term, persistent and systematic grand project. It needs to adhere to the construction ideas of large platforms, large systems, and big data, and gradually build a national application system with all -in -one operation, regional collaboration, and grass -roots flowers. Because of this, the string of responsibilities through the construction of the digital government must be consistent. It is necessary to grasp not to loosening, grasping it, but also to be responsible for their responsibilities, strict and strict, and build a security defense line for the construction of the digital government.

If you have to count in your heart, develop digital resources well. Digital resources are an important support for the digital government system. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure, coordinate the construction of government affairs cloud platforms and big data centers, build integrated big data platforms, solve the problem of "information islands" and "data chimneys", and comprehensively empower government governance and scientific decisions. To adapt to the general trend of digital development, government departments must also focus on improving the cadre team's digital thinking, digital skills, digital literacy, enhance the ability of learning, understanding, and web use, especially the leadership and digital governance capabilities of leading cadres.

We must have the people in their hearts to promote service quality and efficiency. "For the way of politics, based on the mind of the people, and the people's livelihood." The key to the construction of the digital government is to make the masses have more sense of gain, happiness, and security. This includes people's livelihood services with equal expansion, eliminating "digital gaps", promoting the digital application of basic public services, and making the construction results of the digital government more fairly benefited all the people; The development needs of the precision service industry and enterprises, towns and rural areas, and continuously optimize the business environment to make enterprises and the masses work more convenient and faster, and so on.

In recent years, various local departments have explored practice around the construction of digital government, and their highlights have been expressed. It is believed that with the introduction of the "Guidance Opinions", the construction of digital government in my country will definitely step up the layout, accelerate promotion, and innovate, and open a new situation in the improvement of quality improvement and efficiency, empowering service -oriented government construction. (Chinese Economic Network columnist Mao Tonghui)

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