The State Administration of Market Supervision requires strict investigation

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.03

In response to the two batches of pure milk produced by Xinjiang Meloel Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as McElr Company) to detect propylene glycol, the General Administration of Market Supervision attaches great importance to it. , Deal with it according to law.

The Xinjiang Market Supervision Bureau and Changji Market Supervision Bureau immediately organized investigations and sampling of McMail Corporation. After preliminary investigation and analysis, the detection of proper glycol in McWur pure milk was used as a food additive fragrance in the production process during the production process. To.

According to the "Standard for Food Safety National Standard Food Additives" (GB 2760-2014) and "Food Safety National Standard Food Fragrance" (GB 30616-2020), propylene glycol is a food additive approved, and it is also allowed to use food for food. Synthetic spices and foods allowed to be used in flavors. The maximum usage of padol in food additives in damp noodles and pastries is 1.5 grams/kg and 3.0 grams/kg, respectively. Pigbolly shall not be used in pure milk. The State Administration of Market Supervision organized a total of 23 batches of pure milk produced by pure milk and Macques produced by enterprises with high market share companies with high market share. The results showed that only 6 batches of pure milk produced by Macquett company The detection value is detected, and the detection value is 0.264 grams/kg -0.363 grams/kg. The General Administration of Market Supervision requires the Xinjiang Market Supervision Bureau to investigate the facts of illegal facts of Maiquer as soon as possible, investigate and deal with it in accordance with the law, and announce the investigation and punishment in a timely manner.

Source: General Administration of Market Supervision

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