Hu Yiren: State -owned capital and private capital

Author:Contemporary China Think Tank Time:2022.07.01

On the Internet, I see some texts about the discussion of capital. There is such a discussion: At the stage of socialism, obedience to the needs of development of productivity, and the positive role of capital needs to be fully played. And capital is not full of blood and dirty things like Marx's criticism. For example, the original accumulation of China's industrial capital is based on the remaining labor flow after rural reform and the improvement of agricultural labor productivity. However, since it is capital, it is profitable, and its negative effects are also inevitable. Its negative effects will be manifested in various ways and channels. A considerable part of the negative problems in the real economy can be attributed to insufficient understanding of the negative behavior of capital, and the lack of supervision and specifications caused by it.

Probably the author of this text wants to express this. We are now in the primary stage of socialism. We cannot completely leave the capital. We should give full play to the positive significance of the existence of capital. In general, there are not much problems. However, in order to express the positive significance of capital in China today, it is said that capital is not as critical as Marx's criticism, and it is full of blood and dirty things when they come to the world. This statement is a bit over.

Since the author of the text mentioned the original accumulation of capital, we all know that the original accumulation of the capital of Western imperialistism is something full of blood and dirty. In the western colonial expansion, blood is everywhere, and even the life of the colonial people, and which one is not dirty in the conspiracy, fraud, violence, etc. in the so -called capitalist production process? The author believes that capital is not like Marx's criticism, and this statement is a bit light.

The author's light attitude may come from, and he confuses the so -called capital types that exist in China today. China has a state -owned economy today, so the capital or funds required for the state -owned economy or state -owned enterprises are called state -owned capital. On the surface, there is no difference between the function of this state -owned capital and the function of private capital, and it is an indispensable element in social production. However, in terms of attributes, the difference between the two is not only very large, but also completely different.

According to Marxism, capital is to chase the surplus value. The production of capital is the production of surplus value. This is nothing wrong with Marx. There is also no problem in real capitalism. However, in the socialist public ownership economy, the main purpose of funds or capital owned by the state -owned economy is not for profits, not the value created for remaining labor. State -owned capital mainly provides financial support and services for China's socialist industrial production and agricultural production. in China. The main way and purpose of state -owned capital is not its own reproduction, but the reproduction of material products. The difference between this is very important.

Strictly speaking, this title of state -owned capital is not suitable, because it is easy to confuse the concept of private capital. The title of state -owned capital is not appropriate. From the day it generates private capital, the purpose is to profit, and capital is used in the field of investment. It also depends on how much profit can be obtained in this field, that is, how much the remaining value can be obtained. If more surplus value cannot be obtained in this field, then capital will definitely evacuate from this field and transfer to other fields. Like Lenovo is the most typical. Lenovo saw that in the high -tech field, it could not quickly obtain greater profits, and it should be invested in the real estate field. This is determined by the characteristics of capital profit.

The use of state -owned capital will also have surplus labor, and it will also occupy the value of surplus labor creation. But this is essentially different from the surplus value of private capital. The value created by the remaining labor occupied by state -owned capital is not occupied by a small number of capitalists without compensation, but for the reproduction of social material products or expanding reproduction. In addition, the value created by these remaining labor will also be used by the country as a benefit for workers, or invest in various consumption fields such as education, hygiene, and life to serve the people.

The surplus value seized by capital is completely occupied by capitalists. It is mainly used for its own reproduction and is used for the consumption and squander of capitalists and their families. This surplus value is completely incompetent as the value created by the surplus labor used in the state -owned economy mentioned earlier.

But the state -owned economy cannot be done. Even in some important areas, in the fields of national planning, even if they do not make profits, they may even lose money, but as long as the national development needs, as long as it is the needs of the people, state -owned capital will not hesitate to invest. For example, the construction of high -speed railways in my country has almost no profit for many years. However, due to national construction and development and needs, these funds still continue to invest. Therefore, it is obviously inaccurate to simply attribute the capital of the state -owned economy to capital.

If state -owned capital and private capital have something in common, this common point is to play a certain role in supporting and promoting in economic operations. However, the title of confusing state -owned capital and private capital will bring illusion and misunderstanding to people, and there is no essential difference between state -owned capital and private capital. In some places, state -owned capital may even be used by the person in charge of some unique state -owned enterprises, and may even damage the development of the country's economy and construction. In addition, if state -owned capital and private capital are distinguished in conceptual and title, the correct guidance of state -owned capital to private capital will still have positive significance. In other words, the fields of state -owned capital should have a correct orientation for private capital. The direction and use of state -owned capital is to express to private capital that which areas should be done and should be strongly supported; which areas should be restricted and restricted, and they cannot do whatever they want.

Under the correct guidance and constraints of legal and policies, the private capital of Chinese socialism period is completely possible to play a certain positive role in China's socialist construction cause. However, if we lack strong guidance and control over this kind of private capital, then private capital is completely likely to embark on a evil path, which will constitute a huge disaster to our socialist country.

The requirements for capital in the rural collective economy may not be as strict as the state -owned capital, that is, the capital of capital in the rural collective economy can be allowed to take out a small amount of activities for its own value -added. However, the proportion of funds that use its own value requires strict restrictions. At least we cannot use most of the funds to engage in real estate investment, or even some speculation, and it cannot be used to do illegal activities such as high loans.

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