China Mining Resources: Shareholders' Holding Company's Share Plan is completed

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.07.01

Every time AI News, China Mineral Resources (SZ 002738, closing price: 97.6 yuan) issued an announcement on the evening of July 1 that on July 1, 2022, the company received a notice. Wang Fangmiao has completed the reduction. The company's shareholders Ou Xueang Steel, Wei Yunfeng, and Wang Fangmiao's reduction plan have been implemented. A total of about 120,000 shares of the company's shares are reduced.

From January to December 2021, the operating income of China Mining Resources is: 39.33%of lithium salt, rare light metal (铯 and 铷) resource development and utilization account for 33.89%, international trade accounts for 16.95%, solid mineral survey technology Services account for 6.63%, and construction engineering services account for 2.94%.

The chairman and president of China Mineral Resources are Wang Pingwei's, male, 61 years old, and doctoral background.

As of press time, the market value of China Mining Resources was 44.5 billion yuan.

Daeda1997 "Single Stock Trends" reminder:

1. In the past 30 days, China Mining Resources has increased by 8.833 million shares in the north -northern direction, accounting for 1.64%of the proportion of circulating shares;

2. In the past 30 days, there are a total of 3 batches of institutions investigating China Mining Resources. The total number of institutions for the total survey is 260;

3. The last announcement of China Mining Resources was released on June 29, 2022, and the second trading day rose 6.94%. China Mining Resources issued a total of 12 reducing categories in the past year.

For more stock trend information, please search for the WeChat public account "Daida", reply "Query", and receive free query permissions!

Every headline (nbdtoutiao) -D digging people "bidding"! This industry is staged a "grabbing" war

(Reporter Chen Pengcheng)

Disclaimer: The content and data of this article are for reference only, do not constitute investment suggestions, and verify before use. Based on this, the risk is on its own.

Daily Economic News

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