Agricultural issuance of Baise Branch Services to stabilize the balance of loans to the economic market exceeding 20 billion yuan

Author:China Economic Times Rural Fin Time:2022.07.01

Agricultural issuance of Baise Branch Services to stabilize the balance of loans to the economic market exceeding 20 billion yuan

The colorful June is colorful in June. As a 25 -year -old Agricultural Development Bank in the old district of the revolutionary district, the loan of the Guangxi branch has exceeded 200 billion yuan. The performance of the implementation of the performance of the State Council's stabilization of the economic market and accelerating the policy of credit investment is also the fruitful achievement of policy finance to support the revitalization of Baiye comprehensive rural areas.

Build the foundation of the "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas, and serve the national food security. Serving the national food security is the foundation of agricultural issuance. The bank always takes the business as the top priority. As the main food sales area of ​​food, grain companies need a large amount of funds to acquire local acquisitions and sell grain from other places. The bank will make every effort to supply and manage grain collection and storage funds to ensure the rotation of central and local reserves and increased credit funds. Good summer grain acquisition of credit funds preparations to truly achieve "money waiting for food". Since the beginning of this year, a total of 70 million yuan in credit enterprises has been awarded grain enterprises, with a total of 65.7 million yuan in policy grain acquisition and reserve loans, supporting enterprises to collect 21.9 million kilograms of grain and storage, and effectively protect the interests of farmers and national food safety. At the same time, the bank implemented the strategy of "hiding grain in land, hiding grain in technology", and strongly supported rural land improvement such as high standard farmland, reclamation of water fields, cultivated land protection and reclamation. , Effectively promote the improvement of the quality of rural cultivated land, inject strong factor support into the increase in grain production and the revitalization of rural industries.

Give full play to the role of the backbone and promote the construction of rural infrastructure. The bank aims at the key areas and weak links of rural infrastructure, supplement the shortcomings of rural revitalization infrastructure, and increase support for agricultural and rural infrastructure construction by providing medium- and long -term loans. The "combination boxing" of the product has supported the construction of Tongxiang Tongtun Road, poverty alleviation industrial park infrastructure, agricultural product logistics park and other projects through innovative models such as "land+road network" and "park+road network". A total of 2.25 billion yuan of loans to the construction of rural infrastructure construction will help improve the conditions for rural traffic, promote the transformation of old cities and towns in the county, and support the extension of county infrastructure to the countryside and county public services to the countryside.

Consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and continue to support comprehensive rural revitalization. The bank focuses on key areas of rural areas, fully serves the results of "two -not -worried and three guarantees", strongly supports the follow -up support of Easy Earth Poverty Alleviation, continues to support comprehensive rural revitalization, and continues to increase educational facilities, medical facilities, rural drinking facilities and rural drinking facilities in poverty alleviation. The construction of the construction project of the integration of agricultural new industries and agricultural and cultural tourism integration and other industries. Cumulative investment in accurate assistance loans, lending poverty alleviation counties, loans of key counties in the country and rural rejuvenation, and subsequent support loans of Yidi Poverty Alleviation and relocation are 2.52 billion yuan, 2 billion yuan, 1.43 billion yuan, and 560 million yuan. The balance of rural rejuvenation loans is 16.8 billion yuan, ranking first in the region's agricultural distribution system.

Adhere to green development and help carbon peak carbon neutrality. The bank is based on the top -level design of green development, adheres to the concept of green development, accelerates green financial transformation, and makes every effort to create a "green bank" brand. By supporting agricultural green development, high -quality development of forestry, supporting the ecological environment of "mountains, water, forests, fields, and lakes", promote the construction of rural ecological civilization, and help carbon peak carbon neutrality. A total of 2.2 billion yuan of green credit was put in, and the balance of green credit reached 8.1 billion yuan, an increase of 1.871 billion yuan from the beginning of the year, and the growth rate was 29.5%.

Optimize financial services and implement differentiated policies. The bank carries the political responsibility of serving the economic market to stabilize the economy, combined with the actual implementation of the differentiated policies issued by the head office, and gives a practical differentiation policy for key customers and major projects that implement list management. The first is to appropriately extend the loan period. For key projects within the list, the loan period is reasonably determined according to factors such as the project operation cycle. The second is to optimize the loan method. Major projects in the list can adopt a single receivable pledge method. Key customers with clear repayment sources and stable cash flow and reliable cash flow can adopt credit loan methods. Key customers and key projects within the list can further expand the approval authority depending on the specific situation. If the epidemic restrictions cannot be implemented for the time being, the business requirements are not implemented, and if it does not affect its compliance and risk judgment, it can take the shortage of proceeds and make up for loan materials within a time limit. The third is to open up fast -run loan channels. For some high -quality customers' credit limit approval, policy mobile fund loan renewal, etc., simplify loan materials and processes. Priority arrangements for key projects that are urgently needed to be launched. Under the premise of ensuring the quality of the review, the number of single -loan review will be appropriately relaxed. The fourth is to optimize the loan process. Promote joint loans of upper and lower levels, and coordinated loans in front, middle, and backstons. In the process of loan investigation and review, focus on the review and control of substantive risks, and further improve the efficiency of loan management.

Do a good job of project cultivation and reserves to enhance development momentum. The bank took the initiative to report to local party and government, actively connects with departments such as development and reform, agricultural and rural areas, water conservancy, transportation, etc., timely grasp the list of major projects, formulate differentiated financial service solutions, and provide a package of financing and integration services. At present, the bank is cultivating and reserving 30 projects and a financing demand of 12 billion yuan. It is mainly distributed in the fields of rural revitalization, forestry industry, and comprehensive land remediation. At present, the bank has set up a special set of financial services to stabilize the economy. Through hanging charts, full supervision, and promoting project declarations in steps, effectively implementing major project financing services plans, and to accelerate credit investment to achieve greater practical results. New ideas lead the new journey, and the new era calls for new actions! Agricultural issuance of Baise City Branch will adhere to the value pursuit of "family feelings and professionalism", continue to strengthen the responsibility of the mission, keep the main position of the rural revitalization, plant the responsibility field of "three rural areas, and rural areas", fully serve the strategy of revitalizing the countryside, write agriculture, and write agriculture Policy banks "support farmers are the country, and the act of acting," a new chapter. (He Jianfei, Agricultural Section)

Responsible editor: Zhang Wei Guo Jinhui

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