Ali opened another new company

Author:World network dealer Time:2022.07.01

Zhu Zhicong, the world's online businessman

Edit Li Danchao

Alibaba's new species "Sheep" came out.

On June 29, the sheep held a new brand launch conference online. The vice president of Alibaba Group and the CEO of the sheep sheep explained that sheep are light and smart, good at running; The merchant stands higher and looks farther.

This is a very high specification. Zhang Yong, chairman and chief executive officer of Alibaba Group, and Cheng Li, chief technical officer of the group, gave a lecture. Zhang Yong's tone: "The launch of sheep is an important step in the long -term consideration of Alibaba Group."

With Ali ’s accumulated intelligence in the field of consumption, the sheep will take the Taoist territory to provide merchants with“ digital wisdom services ”, thereby helping merchants and enterprises in a comprehensive digitalization.

Why did Ali aim at this battlefield?

Data explosion, data chimneys become new bottlenecks in digitalization

The global wave of digitalization is unstoppable.

IDC data shows that in 2020, the world has created 64 ZB data. By 2025, the total global data will reach 163 ZB, of which companies account for 60%.

However, while enterprises have become the main force of digital transformation and produce massive data, it is difficult to dig out more value from it. For consumer companies that depend on data feedback adjustment, the necessity and difficulty of digital transformation are particularly prominent.

Different businesses face different difficulties -many mid -waist and individual businesses turn to global operations, and the "multi -platform layout" has become windy, and marketing contacts have become scattered; for head brands, in addition to consolidating the dealer channels It is also necessary to embrace directly facing consumers, and the integration and connection of both ends have become challenges.

Figure Unsplash @John Schnobrich

Taking 2020 as the node, before, head companies in the consumer field mainly hoped to make fast decisions and quickly trial and error through data analysis. Since then, the brand has more urgently hoping to establish its own position. C (Facing consumers directly), the demand for "global digital integration" is becoming increasingly strong.

Dong Fangying, the person in charge of the sheep retail solution, takes the fast -moving dairy dairy company as an example. Now many brands have a Tmall flagship store (C). At the same time, a large number of dealers (B) can be connected in series. The production and marketing collaboration is fully opened, so as to span different scenarios to help these merchants save ineffective loss? For Sheep, this is an imaginative blue ocean market.

However, to dig out the data generated by the fragmented nodes on the link one by one, it is also necessary to combine the data of different platforms to intelligently analyze it. How easy is it?

Under the data explosion and data chimneys, many companies have fallen into a dilemma in digital construction. Peng Xinyu summarized the "three major difficulties": difficult positioning, difficulty in solving problems, and continuous operation.

Cheng Li, the chief technical officer of Alibaba Group, observed that with the advancement of the company's digital intelligence, the dotted and scattered empowerment services can no longer meet this era of rapid change. solution."

Best practice comes from Ali itself

This problem, Ali encountered 10 years ago.

As early as 2013, when Taobao had no large -scale profit, some people calculated a account: with the current growth rate of Taobao data, if it is not effective, without three years, Alibaba's profits will be all of them will be all of them. Eat light.

Peng Xinyu recalled: At that time, a large data table of Taobao was repeatedly stored by 8 BU (business unit) 8 times. The differences in the 8 tables were less than 10%, and the storage cost was close to 100 million yuan.

Since then, the "Data Technology and Product Department" came into being and undertake the construction affairs of Ali's data. Internal data is stored, circulated, and opened through this precise public layer, and also laid a solid foundation for products that require cross -departmental data collaboration such as Taobao 88VIP.

At the end of 2015, Alibaba Group announced the launch of the China Taiwan strategy to build an organizational mechanism and business mechanism of "large and medium Taiwan, small front desk". Among them, the "large and medium Taiwan" includes the data of the data, "all data business, all business data", and further tap the new value of digital assets. On the basis of data and business doubles, Ali Chenggong hatched innovative businesses such as nails, flying pigs, and reputation. A typical example is that the cost -effective business was developed with only 7 people and spent a month and a half.

By 2017, Ali began to output the "Data on the Cloud" to serve customers in different industries. Today, the team of the best practice of digital methodology within Ali has become a key team for sheep.

Peng Xinyu believes that different products are different from the common SaaS (Software As a Service, software service) products on the market. It is not only optimizing work efficiency, but data -driven as the core to consider the overall business value.

"The traditional SaaS is mainly standardized to the workflow, and the essence of DAAS is based on data -driven as a growth engine to open up the business flow, data flow, and workflow of the enterprise. DATA Intelligence . "Peng Xinyu said," Based on data intelligence, she uses data thinking to conceive the overall situation, so that the value generated by the data runs through all aspects of the enterprise. "What can digital leaders do?

The concept of the sheep is aimed at the digital transformation pain points of the entire industry.

A home mall with heavy offline formats ushered in its own "second spring" online. Since 2022, a total of 240 shopping malls have opened Tmall City Station. During Double 11, the "Hundred Cities and Thousand Stores" carnival has been held. Nearly 30 stores have increased by more than 5 times daily. In the past two years, the overall cost of customer acquisition has decreased by 92%, and online revenue throughout the year has increased by 300%.

For another example, a Korean cosmetics brand, with one of the core products of the sheep, has a QUICK AUDIENCE offline member, has completed refined operations on the Tmall platform after preferred.

The person in charge of the project stated that the primary consideration of the choice of sheep is "strong product ability, integrity and security guarantee." In addition, Quick Audience focuses on the whole member management scenarios and strong insight into the consumer market. The need.

These stories are complicated, and Peng Xinyu gave the simplest example: "member operation".

This kind of movement that almost every type of merchant and brands must be contacted can be divided into three parts: member recruitment, equity design, and service reaching. In reality, these three things may belong to different teams, and even scattered the upstream and downstream of the supply chain, and they are separated from each other. The internal accumulated data is difficult to open up with each other.

Peng Xinyu believes that only by penetrating the corresponding commercial flow, data flow, and work streams, can it be regarded as the function of DAAS products -consulting services, product services, and running services.

The main line that runs through these three "streams" is the core product matrix of Sheep: "Five Clouds".

The first is the analysis cloud. Help enterprises to do insights, we can insight out their own, insight customers, and insight into industry trends. Analysis of clouds for enterprises to build a set of intelligent insights in different platforms and different channels in daily operations.

Followed by marketing cloud. Focusing on consumer asset operations as the core, the membership matrix of the enterprise is formed, and it helps enterprises to build a national member operating system. Serving enterprise customers make grass cultivation on different platforms, make daily marketing, make new products, and make bigger operations to help build a key and necessary pre -sales product system.

In addition to the two clouds that are most associated with small and medium -sized businesses, sheep products also include the production and sales cloud, customer service cloud, and development cloud, covering the entire process of pre -sale, sales to after -sales. Large enterprises with deep digital needs can use this toolbox to tailor a whole "digital brain" for themselves.

For Ali, the independence of Sheep also released an important signal -Ali no longer only focuses on its own ecology, but has become more open to the market with a broader service.

Zhang Yong bluntly stated that he hopes that the sheep will not only help the merchant operate the online store on the Alibaba platform, but also help them to better move towards a comprehensive digitalization- "Digitalization, digitalization of marketing, and digitalization of customers from the sales side, the digitalization of marketing, and the digitalization of service customers In the field of comprehensive production, realize the comprehensive digitalization of the supply chain field. "

The blueprint was in front of the eyes, and the sheep cried at the beginning, and people were holding a breath.

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