Rural Revitalization | "Township Jug" series of melancholy media programs blowing "three -rural cultural wheat incense"

Author:Cultural Tourism China Time:2022.06.29

Since June 6, the Central Radio and Television General Taiwan Agricultural and Rural Program Center "Xiangju • Future" summer theme melting media operations have been officially launched. In 21 days, 7 live broadcasts, more than 10 key programs innovated, "Xiangju • Future" brand activity has a total reading volume of over 11 billion, related content has been recommended by more than 300 media in the country. The amount exceeds 2000 articles.

Under the premise of continuing the advantages of the entire media to the agricultural communication, the "Xiangju • Future" has been upgraded again from the brand content, form, and style. sample.

17 kinds of dreams

The big and small screens are working hard to explore the diverse state of agriculture and rural melting media

On June 12, it also innovatively launched the first special operation of "Township Jugun" to focus on the production of "Sanxia". This is the re -efforts of the "Xiangju" series of "Xiangju" series after the new spring "Township Jugin" and "Township Jugin" in the spring of the new spring. From June 20th to June 26th, a total of 7 series of large -scale public welfare live broadcast activities of "Most Dazzling Agricultural Student: The Guide to the College Entrance Examination Agricultural Division" will push "Xiangju • to the Future" to a climax. With the live broadcast of the "Secret Garden of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences" on the 26th, this summer operation also ended smoothly.

Seven live broadcasts in the first live broadcast of CCTV News Matrix, CCTV Catronize Catrons, CMG Observation Matrix Number and other new media resources, and actively link the mainstream media clients such as Xinhuanet and People's Sannong. Thousands of times, the topic reading volume of the entire network exceeded 30 million times, promoted the maximum influence of public welfare communication, comprehensively demonstrated the achievements of modern agricultural development in my country, and called on more students to participate in agricultural sciences and promote the in -depth implementation of rural revitalization strategies.

In the 21 -day "Xiangju • Future" summer operation, more than 10 key programs such as "I Love Invention", "Three Farmers" and "The Most Dazzling Agricultural Sciences" innovated, and 5 exclusive integration media live broadcast及联合地方总站发起的系列慢直播打好“特色牌”,#守护农业中国芯#、#一平米的丰收#、#乡村有我新农人#等网络互动活动及“90秒带你看麦收Innovative fusion products such as maps "" hand -painted smart agriculture "have driven new forms and new styles, and also break the conventional thinking of the content creation of" agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas.

Since the start of the operation, the Agricultural and Rural Program Center has gathered CCTV-17 Agricultural and Rural Channels, the Voice of CCTV China, CCTV Channel, Cloud Listening Rural Channel, CCTV Sannong Terminal Number, and CCTV News, CCTV, CMG Observation For the entire media resources of the head station, the linkage of multiple local stations in the linkage station, relying on key programs and integration projects, launched a wealth of online and offline activities, fully mobilizing the "agriculture, rural" field and mainstream communication channel resources, and made more efforts to play well. Rong Media "Combining Boxing".

On June 12th, the center concentrated on all -media channels. The TV radio "Who knows the Chinese food", "Field Demonstration Show", "Three Farmers", "On the Road to Revitalize", "Rural Stage", "My Beautiful Village", "I Love Love" "Invention", "To the Rich Classic", "Township and Villagers" and other programs and other programs and voices of Chinese villages have launched the theme content of the "San Xia". The weekly increased by 115%, the audience loyalty increased by 92%; the media end, the central video rural channel, and the cloud listening rural channel all launched the special arrangement of the "Xiangju Mai Field". "Map Map" "" "" A number of original short videos have exceeded 10 million on the entire network.

The theme live broadcasts such as "Mai Gaisu Map", "Summer" Future "," Beidou Show You 17 to Mat "," Guidelines for Application for the College Entrance Examination Agricultural Division ", etc., from the perspectives of" grain "strategy, science and technology, and talent cultivation from the great powers. "The cultural communication of agriculture and rural areas is deeply excavated and fermented, and the live broadcast volume exceeded 40 million times; the theme slowly live broadcast" Township Gathering the Future 丨 "Cloud" to raise cattle and "cloud" farming, see how technology lighten up the countryside to revitalize the "wisdom" rich "rich" rich "Road" uses scientific and technological methods to show the transformation of intelligent farm breeding and improvement in front of more people. The maximum view volume of single platforms exceeds 1 million.

In the hot topic caused by "Xiangju • Future", there are more than 30 years of grain protection people who have been carried by#在 在 在 在 在 在#,#在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在温暖故事,也有#今夏最流行配色教程# 、#太空里的中餐美食都有啥#等网友喜闻乐见的趣味内容,还有#高考农科专业报考指南#、#机器人打理的未来农场什么样# #30 Sheep rushed to the big collection#,#、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、, Yisai List, Video List and other focus, and have been recommended by many mainstream media. The interaction of the screen and the spread of the global farmer will help the three farmers' cultures, and to the maximum expansion of the social influence and vitality of the three farmers brands.

Starting from the "Mang" solar terms on June 6, the "one-square-meter harvest" interactive activity launched by CCTV and CCTV-17 "one square meter" interactive activities launched on the line. Many primary and secondary school students and parents started 10 days of "balcony planting. Observation diary recording activity; at the same time, a series of popular science short videos with "Experts Speaking of Planting" as the starting point "Balcony Farmers' One Belly 100 Thousands", ease the "balcony economics" with easy popular science. The "small incision" of the balcony leverage the "large integration" between urban and rural areas, and the "three rural" culture contained in small seeds also broke the soil and germinated. With the continuous fermentation of high -screen boutique programs and diversified activities, "Xiangju • Future" builds a melting media matrix that has built a three -dimensional communication between agricultural agricultural communication in the form of strong interaction, providing a good window for society to understand and love "three, farmers and farmers".

17 Great Eyes

Cross -border communication breaks the wall, continuing the "Xiangju" series of innovative vitality

In addition to the new form of communication, there are more breakthroughs in the cross -border cooperation in content cross -border cooperation. The program cluster takes the "creativity" as the starting point, and uses a multi -perspective case to outline the youthfulness and innovation of the "Xiangju" IP brand, and with new technologies such as 5G and MR to accompany the audience and netizens The broad prospects of modern development.

Robotal land, unmanned plant protection machine fertilization, big data breeding ... Today, my country's agriculture has entered modern fast lanes, and new ideas, new inventions, and new technologies are changing traditional labor methods. As the evergreen brand of CCTV-17, the newly revised and upgraded agricultural scientific and technological program "I Love Invention", which has been with the audience for 13 years, tribute to creative power with the achievements of the agricultural scientific research achievements of the great power. The returnee youth Wang Jinyue returned to his hometown to start a business and developed a robot to plant the land. Dreaming that his father's fields were no longer so hard; Cao Chunyu, a volunteer rescue person in the past 60s, handmade fire trailers, which made remote rural areas more. One heavy security guarantee ... The program focuses on the real -world picture of rural revitalization. These "new forces in invention" that are deeply cultivated are the future of rural revitalization.

"Xiangju • Future" also expands the perspective to vast space, bringing netizens to appreciate the sea of ​​stars belonging to the "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas." "Summer" Future "live broadcast 3 hours. From the perspective of space perspective, the wind and waves on the land of the motherland, feeling the beauty of harvest, after launching, the topic volume of the entire Internet quickly exceeded 50 million times. The dialogue classes with the R & D personnel with space bacteria, and the cloud connection of Zhang Chuanjun, a well -known space breeding engineer, are full of infinite imagination of future agriculture, and planted "seeds" in more people.

China's self -developed global satellite navigation system "Beidou System" is now widely used in many fields such as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing. The broadcast visualization of the village of China, "Beidou Show You 17 Watch Mai", invited Wu Cong of the Chinese Agricultural University professor Wu Cong, Li Donghang, deputy secretary -general of the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association, to bring the exclusive information of "Beidou Mai" and behind the scenes behind the scenes. story. Great Kingdom's science and technology empower modern agriculture, adding more confidence to the Chinese rice bowl.

Smart agriculture has become the development trend of modern agriculture. The seventh live broadcast of "Township Jugin · Future" and "The Most Dazzling Agricultural Student: The Guide to Application for the College Entrance Examination Agricultural Sciences" was officially launched on the afternoon of June 26. Entering the "Secret Garden" of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences use cutting -edge technology and fun knowledge to outline the appearance of future agriculture's tentacles, bring the majority of college candidates "immersive experience" agricultural career and scientific research practice, from volunteer filling to learning goals 2. Make a comprehensive and intimate guide in the direction of scientific research. The intelligent agricultural scenes such as AI vertical farms and smart control centers have realized the technical traceability of the whole process of seeds to the table; digital cultivation, automated seedling, and scientific management focus on displaying the "hard core" strength of my country's agricultural science and technology innovation. The live broadcast also brings a variety of agricultural and sideline foods and the first domestic "tea -to -interest mask" innovative products. It brings "free delivery" surprise interaction through the central video accumulation mall and the entire network live broadcast platform, which is warmly welcomed by netizens. Watching the live broadcast of more than 5.1 million times.

Innovative content themes, innovative cross -border cooperation, and innovation agricultural science, the "Xiangju" series brand is activating and gathering young and high -stick new media users to inject new impetus for rural revitalization and create a more influential influence High -quality development positions in agricultural -related brands.

17 Running to the future

Help talent rejuvenation, explore "industry -university -research media" in depth integration

Technology helps rural rejuvenation. Talents are the core elements, and the strength of youth is the key. "Xiangju • The Future" is like a window that allows young audiences to intuitively feel the new appearance of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers; there are more new farmers who appear in front of the camera to show their open -minded and updated technology Hereal nourish your hometown and revitalize the countryside.

In the "Xiangju • Future" operation, the CCTV-17 "Three Farming Groups" walked into the depths of Daliang Mountain and visited the "Niuniu Choir" that had attracted the attention of the entire network. These children growing deep in the mountains shared their interpretation of the future and the world. One grass and a flower, a bunch of bonfires, a village rumor ... In the era of melancholy, they used singing to connect with the world.# 18 Liangshan Niuniu's graduation song#boarded on the hot search, evoking thousands of netizens moved and resonated. Jabu Xiaolong is the epitome of rural teachers. Under their efforts and persistence, rural education is constantly developing the road to the future.

#由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 由 ” Breaking through 23 million;#突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突 突;#10 rural grass -roots staff members' confession of father#Once it was launched, it appeared on a popular Weibo recommendation; "Students from Northwest Agricultural University wearing Hanfu's interpretation of the national style dance full of bumper harvests, exhibiting contemporary agricultural students in the youth. The rich online activities made the younger generation of the feelings of the virtuousness of the virtuousness. Every summer, the college entrance examination and volunteer filling affect the hearts of millions of parents candidates. CCTV-17 "The Most Dazzling Agricultural Student" combined with CCTV News, CCTV, CCTV, CCTV Three Farmers, CMG Observation, People's Three Farmers, Xinhuanet, and other platforms to launch a series of "Guidelines for the College Entrance Examination Agricultural Science and Technology Examination Guide" Public welfare live broadcast. The Chinese Agricultural University, Renmin University of China, Northwest Agricultural Forestry University, Zhejiang University, and Huazhong Agricultural University and other more than 40 universities, presidents, deans, and director of admissions office of the country have answered questions and confuses candidates. Real -time interaction and dry goods are full. Relevant universities are distributed in more than 20 provinces and regions and municipalities across the country, showing the current status of the development of agricultural disciplines in my country.

The live broadcast also launched a program product with outstanding "three rural" characteristics in the same size, further expanding the impact of public welfare activities. 8 episodes of short video products "Xuannong Department" was broadcast on the large and small screens, which was synchronized with many college platforms; "Series of programs, introduce the enrollment policies and future development directions of agricultural sciences; columns such as" Major Sutra "and" Field Demonstration Show "have launched special programs such as the" graduation season of that year "and" former agricultural students to become an expert today ", showing the graduation of agricultural sciences The story of the struggle of the practice of "agriculture, rural areas"; CCTV-17 also uses the overall packaging form such as screen QR codes as a live broadcast activity drainage; the broadcast "There is a saying here" from June 20th to 24th, the series of programs "post-college entrance examination era ", Fill in the volunteer for the college entrance examination to provide a guidelines for anti -fraud; the new media matrix of the central video rural channel, the three farmers of CCTV, the Voice of China, the Voice of China, and the Diary of the Earth Village Diary continuously enhanced the live broadcast influence through original short videos, creative posters, and interactive topics. Essence

The total view volume of the seven public welfare live broadcast exceeded 32 million times, and achieved "zero information" with the majority of candidates and parents. While gaining widespread attention, it was also well received by all walks of life. Many heads and experts of agricultural universities and universities have said that the agricultural and rural program centers of the main station are the drums and calls for the development of agricultural sciences and the development of agricultural talents. Many candidates or parents said that through public welfare activities, they fully learned about the development and achievements and a better future of my country's "agriculture, rural areas", and firmly resolved the beliefs and confidences of devoting to the cause of rural revitalization. The activity not only received a strong support of colleges and universities, but also received a warm response from netizens. Netizens commented that "Excellent agricultural students and people who are engaged in agricultural work are the one who knows the land best. Keep our granary, work hard, and study day and night.

Integration and spreading are the connection to a wider audience with more innovative content. With innovation and expression, attract audiences of different ages and fields to pay attention to the development of "agriculture, farmers", and summon more outstanding talents to participate in rural revitalization. The "Township John • Chinese Year", "Township Ju • Spring", "Township Joining Youth", "Township Join Mai Field", "Xiangjian • Future", which were launched this year, launched this year Communication activities, to tell the power of the times with a small incision, to witness the power of the times, and to lay a vivid "three rural" scrolls in a multi -angle and all -round. , Bring more inspiration for the "agriculture, rural areas" melting media IP brand. In the upcoming Chinese farmers' harvest festival, we look forward to the "Xiangju" series brands will provide more exciting and diverse melting media programs for the audience.

(The picture is provided by the CCTV General Taiwan Agricultural and Rural Program Center)

Responsible editor: Wu Shuangying

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