2021 Resource -exhausted city transformation performance evaluation Excellent cities typical experience introduction: Xiayuan District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

Author:National Development Reform Co Time:2022.06.29

Original title: 2021 Resource -exhausted city transformation performance evaluation Excellent city typical experience Introduction Introduction 6: Xiayuanyuan District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

Editor's note: Recently, after being reported to the State Council's consent, our committee and the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Natural Resources jointly issued the "Notice on the Results of the Resource Dental City Transformation Performance Evaluation of Resources of Resources in 2021" Seven resource -exhausted cities including Jiawang District, Jiangxi Province, Tongling City, Jiangxi Province, Tongling City, Anhui Province, Zichuan District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, Zhangjiakou District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, and Puyang City, Henan Province The results of transformation performance evaluation are excellent. The typical experience and practices of the above cities are published as follows, for reference for learning of similar cities across the country.

Seize the new opportunities of history to promote the transformation due to local systems to build a new high -quality development highland

In recent years, the Xia Garden District of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province has seized major opportunities such as Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei coordinated development, Beijing -Zhang Zhang high -speed rail construction, and the Beijing Winter Olympics. Improve the quality of life of the people, and promote the development of urban transformation and development. In the 2021 resource -exhausted city transformation performance evaluation, Xiahua Park was evaluated for excellence.

The first is to strengthen the replacement industry and accelerate economic transformation. Resolutely eliminate pollution enterprises and backward production capacity, fully consider land and environmental carrying capacity, and strive to cultivate strategic emerging industries such as modern manufacturing and digital economy. Actively build an industrial agglomeration development platform, and build a standardized plant 50,000 square meters on the waste land of coal mines according to local conditions, and nearly 20 kilometers of the road network system in the park. Furniture has settled in and promoted intensive and characteristic development of the industry. Vigorously develop special service industries such as sports tourism, medical health care, and promote a number of cultural tourism projects such as the Healthy Health Tourism, China (Jingbei) Aerospace Science and Technology Travel City, Wanhe Red Military Sports Science and Technology Park, and create a global tourism demonstration Area. The economic strength of the region has continued to increase. In 2021, the regional GDP increased by 6%, and the general public budget revenue increased by 7.4%.

Air purification equipment production line

The second is to supplement the shortcomings of infrastructure and continue to improve the quality of the city. Adhere to urban construction as a key measure to attract high -quality production factors, vigorously promote the construction of urban infrastructure, and accumulate more than 300 key projects such as urban expansion, road network upgrades, and landscape improvement. The system was initially constructed, and the area of ​​the completion area expanded by 1.5 times, and the transformation and development space was effectively expanded. Accelerate the upgrading of urban public service facilities, the Radio and Television Art Center is fully completed, the library and cultural museums are completed and put into operation. It reached 39.6%and 43.7%, respectively, with a per capita park area of ​​26.28 square meters.

The third is to strengthen the governance of ecological environment and continuously improve environmental quality. In -depth implementation of the "two mountains" theory, based on the construction goals of the construction of the "Capital Water Conservation Function Zone and the Ecological Environmental Support Zone", in -depth tapping the natural resource endowment of the "Qi Divis and Two Parks", and vigorously implement the strategy of strong ecological zones. Strengthen the comprehensive governance of ecological environment, implement the mining geological environment governance project, cumulative treatment of the area of ​​waste mine is 7 square kilometers, restore 4,400 acres of vegetation, and the city forest coverage rate reaches 50%; In comprehensive governance, the per capita water area increased to 12 square meters; the effectiveness of air pollution control was obvious. In 2021, the average PM2.5 concentration in the region decreased by 14.3%year -on -year, and the number of excellent days reached 327 days. Effectively realize the unification of ecological, social benefits, and economic benefits.

Yanghe scenery after completion of comprehensive governance

The fourth is to effectively protect the improvement of people's livelihood and promote the sharing of transformation results. Always take protection and improvement of people's livelihood as the fundamental starting point and end point of transformation and development, continue to increase investment in fiscal funds, solidly do good practical things for private, and focus on solving the problem of people's livelihood. Strive to promote the improvement of education and quality, and successively complete the reconstruction and expansion projects of district kindergartens and primary and secondary schools. The high -quality educational resources such as the Golden Autumn Yanyuan High School and Peking University Kindergarten of Peking University have been settled and launched. The education environment has been significantly improved. Actively improve the level of medical services, the new district hospitals are put into use, the 120 emergency center starts operation, and the medical emergency assistance capacity of the region has been greatly improved. Continuously strengthen the construction of social security capabilities, and promote a large number of historical leftover problems such as the pension of land -lost farmers and difficulties in difficulties in difficulties in difficulties. Vigorously improve the living environment of the masses, in -depth implementation of the transformation of old communities, actively promote the integrated environmental governance of urban and rural areas, and successfully evaluated the provincial -level village cleaning operations to demonstrate the county and districts. In 2021, the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents in the region increased by 12.3%. The sense of happiness, gain, and security of the people was significantly enhanced.

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