How does it change from "bonsai" to "landscape" Sichuan digital agricultural countryside?

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.28

Cover Journalist Yang Bo

With the booming development of a new generation of digital technology, promoting modern rural areas with emerging technologies is an important means to help rural revitalization. Under the digital empowerment, rural agricultural products realize the traceability of code scanning, escorting agricultural product safety, and also improved the quality of product quality; Sichuan's first unmanned farm has nothing to solve the problem of "who will plant land". Give a answer and explore the development direction of the future agricultural production ...

These are a "bonsai" for the digitalization, informatization, and intelligent development of agriculture and rural areas in our province. How to make "bonsai" gather into the "scenery" of Sichuan digital agriculture and rural areas? Recently, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agricultural and Rural Affairs issued the "Sichuan Province" Fourteenth Five -Year Agricultural and Rural Information Development Promotion Plan "(hereinafter referred to as the" Plan "), which provides an action guide for this issue.

In response to the issue of how to build digital agriculture and rural areas in Sichuan, the person in charge of the Information Center of the Sichuan Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department told reporters that the digital construction of agricultural and rural areas should be divided into three steps. The first step is from scratch. The second step is from less to more, and the third step must be stronger from weak. At present, Sichuan has reached the "second step".

Current status of development

The number of national digital agricultural pilot projects in Sichuan Province ranks among the top

In recent years, the Sichuan Provincial Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department and the province's agricultural and rural system have been increasing their efforts to promote the construction of digital agriculture and rural areas. It mainly takes three steps. The first step has been basically completed. The problem of application scenarios. The second step is what we are doing now, how many problems we solve, and the third step to change from weak to strong.

It is reported that the number of national digital agricultural pilot projects in Sichuan Province is at the forefront. With the construction of the park's high -quality development, the modern agricultural park promotion system has been steadily promoted, and 13 national -level modern agricultural industrial parks are created, ranking second in the country.

In addition to the national pilot projects, in 2019, the Sichuan Provincial Agricultural and Rural Hall focused on the "10+3" industry, and chose 3 counties (districts) modern agricultural parks and 1 provincial farm to carry out provincial digital agriculture pilots to support Anyue's development respectively. Lemon digital agricultural pilot construction, Chongzhou City's development of aquaculture digital agricultural construction, Ya'an Yucheng District and Mingshan District carried out tea planting digital agricultural construction, and the pilot construction of the seed industry in the original good breed test station in Sichuan Province. At present, the "10+3" industrial system is initially constructed, and the characteristics of agricultural advantages are even more prominent.


Compared with the developed regions, the development of digital agriculture and rural areas in developed regions lags behind

Although the digital agriculture and rural areas in Sichuan Province have achieved certain achievements in local areas and parts, they are still in their infancy, low development level, and have not yet formed mature, promoted experiences and models. At present, the construction of Sichuan Agricultural and Rural Information Digital Management Platform is not perfect, and the lack of a unified standard and standardized system. It has become a bottleneck that restricts the development of digital agriculture and rural areas in Sichuan.

Compared with developed areas such as Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Fujian, the infrastructure in rural areas in Sichuan has become weak and has become a bottleneck that seriously restricts the development of digital agriculture and rural areas. The penetration rate of rural Internet infrastructure in Sichuan Province has not yet achieved full coverage, and infrastructure such as networks and agricultural product processing and circulation of remote and poor areas lags behind, high logistics costs, and affects the development of agricultural e -commerce.

In recent years, Sichuan has invested large in terms of Internet of Things equipment and software platform development. The cost of renewal and maintenance in the later period is high, resulting in the low level of technical level of IoT facilities and equipment applications in agricultural production, single management platform functions, information data Insufficient sources and other issues. Insufficient scientific research on digital agriculture and rural areas, lack of cross -border composite talents who understand both agricultural technology and familiar with information knowledge, and seriously affect the promotion and application of "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas".

How to develop

Promote the digital construction of Sichuan agriculture and rural areas

How to get from the digitalization of Sichuan agriculture and rural areas? The "Plan" proposes that in 3 to 5 years, it has made breakthroughs in agricultural informatization and digital rural construction in Sichuan Province, and effectively supports the implementation of digital rural strategies. By the end of 2025, the agricultural and rural information collection, monitoring, agricultural product traceability, and information sharing of agricultural and rural information collection, monitoring, agricultural product traceability, and information sharing of Sichuan Province will be established to provide a basis for the province's agricultural and rural information construction.

At the same time, the number of "three rural" comprehensive information platforms, agricultural and rural basic data resource platforms, agricultural and rural cloud platforms, agricultural and rural data resources to achieve effective integration and open sharing. Actively promote the application demonstration of new infrastructure such as 5G, big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence in agriculture and rural areas, create a "base" of digital transformation, give play to the role of modern information technology in the development of the agricultural industry, and promote digitalization and intelligence of agricultural agriculture. , Professional development.

In addition, vigorously promote the accelerated integration of digital technology and agricultural industrial systems, production systems, and operating systems; give play to the role of "Internet+" in promoting agricultural product production, processing, storage and transportation, and sales of efficient collaboration and industrial operations.Cultivate a group of county -level agricultural product industrialization operations with strong competitiveness, carry out provincial "Internet+" agricultural products from villages to enter the pilot county construction to achieve smooth production and sales of high -quality characteristic agricultural products, high -quality and high -quality prices, supply capacity and supply capacity, supply capacity and supplyThe efficiency has been significantly improved, and the number of farmers' employment income income channels will be further expanded.It is also necessary to establish and improve the digital management of various types of asset resources in rural areas, and gradually promote the network of benefits of Huimin services.

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