"Wuhua" transformation 丨 Heilongjiang Province issued the "Special Action Plan for Qianqian Enterprise Technology Reform Heilongjiang Province"

Author:Harbin News Network Time:2022.06.28

Recently, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology has formulated and issued the "Special Action Plan for Qianqian Enterprise Technology Reform of Heilongjiang Province". By 2026, our province rolled to promote technical transformation of thousands of enterprises each year. Our province will take high -end, digital, green, service, and safety transformation as the main direction. We will strengthen information empowerment, design empowerment, innovation empowerment, and policy empowerment, and promote enterprises to adopt advanced applicable new technologies, new processes, new processes, and The implementation of the new equipment and new model implementation technology transformation has promoted the manufacturing industry in our province to move from low -end to mid -to -high -end, providing strong support for Longjiang Industrial Revitalization.

In terms of vigorous implementation of high -end transformation, our province will coordinate innovative capabilities such as universities and scientific research institutes, and jointly break through a number of industrial basic products and technologies. Focusing on product upgrades, added value and quality improvement, high -end upgrade and transformation of products. Support enterprises such as equipment, aerospace, smart agricultural machinery, automobiles, electronic information and other industries to increase high -end product research and development, support food, medicine, light industry and other industries to implement the "three products" strategy, add varieties, improve quality, and create brands. Relying on the leading corporate enterprises in the equipment manufacturing industry, we will combine the advantages of key universities and scientific research institutes such as key universities and scientific research institutes, focusing on the common needs of key areas of industrial revitalization, and accelerate the high -end industrial parent machine and advanced technology equipment of the manufacturing industry.

In the active promotion of digital transformation, our province will accelerate the digital transformation of design and development design, accelerate production and manufacturing digital transformation, and accelerate the digital transformation of operation management. Focusing on the industrial rejuvenation industry in the province, we will carry out demonstrations of digital workshops and intelligent factories to achieve manufacturing technology breakthroughs, process innovation, scene integration and business process reconstruction. By 2026, more than 400 digital workshops and more than 10 smart factories. Taking the digital transformation needs of small and medium -sized enterprises as a traction, the system combed the demand side and supply side, strengthened the connection between supply and demand, and cultivated the influential cloud platform service providers to create a typical benchmarking enterprise and application cases.

In terms of comprehensive implementation of green transformation, our province will strengthen the renovation of energy saving and carbon reduction, strengthen the transformation of the source of pollutants, and strengthen the reconstruction of industrial waste circulation. Implementing green and low -carbon manufacturing operations, steadily and orderly categorically promote carbon peaks such as steel, non -ferrous metals, building materials, and chemical industries, and strive to reach the peak in all fields in the province. Encourage enterprises to adopt advanced clean production technology to implement transformation to reduce and avoid the generation and emissions of pollutants from the source. Strengthen the recycling and utilization of waste metals, waste plastics, waste electronics and other products. By 2026, 200 provincial and above green factories, 20 green supply chain management enterprises, and 100 energy -saving transformation projects for key energy -consuming units have been completed, more than 15 industrial water -saving benchmarking enterprises are created, 30 industrial water -saving transformation will be carried out Essence

In the in -depth service transformation, our province will develop a new service manufacturing model, build a service -oriented manufacturing platform, and cultivate system solutions suppliers. Support enterprises' new service -oriented manufacturing models such as network collaborative manufacturing, personalized scale customization, intelligent production, and remote operation and maintenance services, carry out technological transformation, and enhance the company's "manufacturing+service" capabilities. Focus on the in -depth integration of the manufacturing industry and the service industry, integrate service resources such as R & D design, system integration, testing and certification, professional outsourcing, market development, etc., promote construction -oriented professional service platforms, comprehensive service platforms, and common technology platforms to improve service -oriented service types Manufacturing public service system. Carry out the cultivation operation of the main body of the manufacturing service industry to promote the production service industry to the high -end extension of professionalization and value chain.

In terms of accelerating the development of security, our province will promote "industrial Internet+safety production", promote the improvement of the safety production level of the civil explosion industry, and promote the improvement of emergency response levels of the civil explosion industry. Integrate existing safety production data, platforms and systems, and build an enterprise -level and industry -grade industrial Internet safety supervision platform. Guide and support key enterprises in the people's explosion industry to establish the "Industrial Internet+Safety Production" enterprise platform. Support civil explosive enterprises to establish an emergency rescue system for accidents, and build an emergency command platform with daily emergency management, risk analysis, monitoring, prediction and early warning, dynamic decision -making, emergency linkage and other functions.

During the special operation, our province will establish a key project library of Qian Enterprise Technology Reform, to build files, build accounts, and implement dynamic management. Our province will also strive to strive for national special support, strengthen provincial finance support for technical reform projects, and actively promote the implementation of technical transformation and discount subsidy policies. Provincial and municipal (county) -level finances will give discounting subsidies at the level of loan market quotation (LPR) level, and strive to organize a batch of projects and approve a batch of projects by the end of 2022.

Source: Harbin News Network

Reporter: Zhang Lixin

Edit: Liang Jingjing

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