From January to May, the city's economic operation has achieved rapid growth to the rapid growth of many indicators

Author:Jiangmen Radio and Television Time:2022.06.27

Recently, the Municipal Bureau of Statistics released the city's economic operation from January to May this year. Data show that from January to May, the city's main economic indicators were steadily good. Among them, indexes such as solid investment, regulations, and foreign trade have increased from January to April. Industrial investment, infrastructure investment, exports and other indicators have achieved rapid double -digit growth.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Statistics said that since this year, the city has adhered to the general tone of steady progress, implemented various policies and measures to stabilize growth, grasped economic operation scheduling, and always maintained economic operations. The growth rate of exports and other indicators is higher than the average level of the province, and the trend is smooth and good. Next, we must implement the new development concepts complete, accurately, and comprehensively, and promote the continuous and healthy and healthy operation of the economy.

The added value of the new energy battery industry chain increased by 20.8%

From January to May, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 3.3%year -on -year. Among them, the value -added of the manufacturing industry increased by 3.7%year -on -year, and the contribution rate of industrial growth in the city's regulations reached 95.2%, with obvious support. Electricity, thermal, gas and water production and supply industries increased by 0.4%; the value -added of the mining industry increased by 0.1%.

From January to May, 19 of the 35 industrial industries produced in our city have increased the value -added value of the industry. Among them, the added value of the food manufacturing and metal products industry increased by 14.2%and 9.1%, respectively, respectively, and the total contribution rate to the city's industrial growth in the city reached 73.2%.

According to the type of enterprise, from January to May, our civic enterprises achieved a value -added increase of 5.6%, and the contribution rate of industrial growth in the city's regulations reached 86.5%, which is the main force to drive industrial growth.

In terms of key industrial chains, from January to May, the total value -added of 14 key industries in the city increased by 4.5%year -on -year, of which 10 industrial chain added value increased year -on -year. The city's new energy battery industry chain added value increased by 20.8%, significantly higher than the city's average growth rate of 17.5 percentage points, and the value -added of the ship and the sea industry equipment industry increased by 45.0%.

From January to May, the city's large -scale industrial agglomeration zone (62.5%of the added value of the city's industrial added value) increased by 3.9%year -on -year, and the contribution rate of industrial growth in the city's regulations reached 66.9%. It is the main battlefield of the city's industrial development. Essence Among them, the North Group developed rapidly, and the added value accounted for 52.9%of the large industrial agglomeration areas, a year -on -year increase of 5.5%. Xinhui Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, Yinzhou Lake Circular Economic Demonstration Base, and Taishan Industrial New City have a better growth momentum.

Investment in high -tech industries increased by 35.7%

Investment is the "booster" of economic and social development.

From January to May, the city's investment in fixed assets increased by 4.2%year -on -year, and the growth rate increased by 2.1 percentage points from January to April. Among them, industrial investment continued to increase, an increase of 21.6%year -on -year, driving the city's solid investment growth of 7.7 percentage points. Manufacturing investment maintained a high growth rate (87.1%of industrial investment), an increase of 24.4%year -on -year.

From January to May, the city's industrial technology reform investment increased by 13.8%year -on -year; the city's high -tech industrial investment accounted for 15.0%of all industrial investment, an increase of 35.7%, an increase of 1.5 percentage points from January to April.

Among the major industrial projects, in recent years, the city's largest investment projects (the first phase of the Jiangmen Base Project of China Innovation Air Power Battery and Energy Storage System) have driven the city's industrial investment by 2.1 percentage points. From January to May, the top 20 projects in industrial investment completed the total investment accounted for 16.7%of the city's industrial investment, and the city's industrial investment increased by 13.6 percentage points.

From January to May, the city's investment in infrastructure increased by 16.8%year -on -year, and the growth rate increased by 13.8 percentage points from January to April. Among them, power investment increased by 3.5%; transportation increased by 4.5%; telecommunications investment increased by 34.0%; investment in water conservancy, environment and public facilities increased by 33.8%. In the top 20 projects of infrastructure investment, the investment in the city's investment accounted for 40.03%of the city's infrastructure investment, driving the city's infrastructure growth of 14.3 percentage points.

The growth rate of total retail sales of social consumer goods ranks 3rd in the province

It is unswerving to promote high -quality development, and it is a top priority to unblock the economic cycle.

In terms of foreign trade, from January to May, the city's imports and exports increased by 12.7%year -on -year, and the growth rate increased by 0.4 percentage points compared with January -April, which was higher than the average level of the province. Among them, it increased by 14.4%in May. From January to May, the exports of our city increased by 14.1%year -on -year, and imports increased by 6.4%year -on -year, which were higher than the average level of the province. Among them, imports increased by 31.1%in May in May.

Affected by factors such as RCEP's official effect and strong demand for foreign electromechanical products, the city's industrial exports continued the fiery situation since the previous year. From January to May, the delivery value of industrial exports in the city increased by 12.5%year -on -year, which was higher than the growth rate of sales value of 8.3 percentage points, while export delivery value accounted for only 24.5%of the sales output value. It reached 67.3%. From the perspective of the industry, 24 industries in the 28 industries involved in exports have achieved positive growth.

In terms of consumer commerce, the total retail sales of consumer goods in our city in January to May increased by 1.0%, and the growth rate ranked 3rd in the province. Among them, the sales of commodities of legal person wholesale industry increased by 2.0%year -on -year, and the sales of legal person retail industry products increased by 12.6%year -on -year. The catering industry has also maintained steadily, with a year -on -year increase of 3.7%.

Petroleum products and new energy vehicle sales are the main force of driving the growth of retail industry sales in the city.Among them, 29.7%of the oil and product sales of 29.7%of the retail industry increased by 46.6%, driving the limited retail industry by 10.6 percentage points; the favorable policies such as the purchase subsidy of new energy vehicles and the exemption of vehicle purchase taxes, new energy vehicles such as new energy vehicles, new energy vehicles vehiclesSales increased by 475.7%, and the increase in the retail industry increased by 3.3 percentage points.In terms of finance, at the end of May, the balance of domestic and foreign currency deposits in the city's financial institutions increased by 8.3%year -on -year, of which household deposits increased by 11.2%, non -financial enterprise deposits increased by 0.6%; the balance of domestic and foreign currency loans of financial institutions increased by 11.9%year -on -year, of which enterprise (affairs) industry unitsLoans increased by 10.9%, and household loans increased by 13.3%.

In terms of employment and price, at the end of May, the urban urban registration rate was 2.06%, which was controlled within 3%.From January to May, the city was added with 18,162 employment; the number of unemployed re -employment was 10,975.From January to May, the consumer price index of residents in our city rose 1.6%year -on -year, and it was a mild upward trend.

(Correspondent Jiang Tongxuan)

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