Nanchong Market Supervision Bureau builds a platform for small and micro enterprises to focus on "charging"

Author:Sichuan Food Safety Time:2022.06.27

Recently, the Nanchong Market Supervision and Administration Bureau continued to carry out the improvement of the quality management system certification system for small and micro enterprises, and once again hired experts to conduct the training of quality management system certification to improve the pulse consultation to ensure that the bailout policy directly benefited the small and micro enterprises market entities and promoted to promoteThe implementation of the rejuvenation policy of the benefit enterprise.More than 60 small and micro enterprises in 46 households participated in the training.


The training focuses on the anatomy of abnormal phenomena that are prone to appear in the operation and quality management of small and micro enterprises.Focus on the analysis and explanation of the four contents of the elimination of waste of management and improving management profits, as well as 11 abnormal phenomena of 11 abnormal quality management.

The meeting requested that it is necessary to help small and micro enterprises "strongly improve quality", strengthen the promotion of policies and measures to benefit enterprises, attract more small and micro enterprises' attention, and guide the operators in the "pain point, difficult point, and doubt point" in the management of small and micro enterprises to guide the operatorsEstablish awareness of quality management and improve the level of quality management.(Chen Yan reporter Cheng Boquan)

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