Hefei is released!10 measures!"Gold content" is extremely high ...

Author:Hefei Daily Time:2022.06.26

20 million yuan, 10 million yuan,

5 million yuan, 3 million yuan,

2 million yuan, 1 million yuan ...

The support of real gold and silver is here!

Municipal Government Office recently issued

"Hefei City Accelerates the Empty Sky Information Industry

Several policies of high -quality development.

"Several Policies" total 10,

Support the development of large -scale development,

Establish a corporate headquarters in the fertilizer,

Improve research and development innovation capabilities,

Innovation and service platform construction,

Enterprise development ...

The gold content is full.

At 11:06 on February 27th, my country successfully launched the 22 satellites in Wenchang Aerospace Launch Square at the Wenchang Aerospace launcher to set a new record for one -arrow multi -star in my country. All media reporter Zhang Dagang (information map of this newspaper)

Strong support

Innovation and service platform construction

According to "Several Policies" ↓↓↓

For the newly introduced rockets, satellite assembly and parts manufacturing enterprises, if the fixed asset investment is more than 10 million yuan, the maximum subsidy is given at 10%of the investment amount of fixed assets, of which 50%of them are allocated after the production is promoted;

If the existing empty -day information manufacturing enterprise is upgraded and invested more than 5 million yuan, the maximum subsidy of 20 million yuan is given at 15%of the device investment;

For newly introduced headquarters enterprises in the fields of empty -day information related manufacturing, data applications, software development and other fields, refer to the contributions to our city for three consecutive years of 5 million yuan to 50 million yuan each year. hook up;

For enterprises relocated to Hefei, they will give a certain relocation fee depending on the scale of the project;

For the key common technology research and development and major scientific and technological achievements projects to undertake the empty and sky information projects, the best selection will give 500,000 to 1 million yuan in support;

For the eligible entry into the national science and technology -based SMEs, the empty -sky information enterprises in the national science and technology -based SMEs, 15%of the R & D expenses of the additional deduction conditions, and a subsidy of 100,000 to 1 million yuan;

For the empty -sky information enterprise that undertakes the national science and technology plan project, the maximum subsidy of each project is given 5 million yuan for each project according to the actual national payment of funds;

For the high -growth seed enterprises with more than 30%of the operating income, more than 15%of the potential gazelle enterprises, more than 10%of the stare and unicorn (including potential) enterprises (including potential) enterprises (including potential) enterprises (including potential) Give a single enterprise up to 5 million yuan per year according to 50%, 20%, and 10%of the R & D expenses;

For provincial innovation centers that meet the conditions, a certain proportion of supporting subsidies are given according to the provincial funding funds;

Support the construction of the Municipal Technology Innovation Center, and give rewards to qualified conditions;

For newly built (expansion) empty -sky information common technology, major innovation research and development, inspection and testing, industrial design, intellectual property operation service and other professional service platforms, software and hardware investment of more than 5 million yuan, a maximum subsidy of 5 million yuan will be given at 30%of the investment amount It

Reward the management team of 200,000 yuan to the management team for the first time, and given companies that have stabilized in the rules for three consecutive years.

For the first time, the annual operating income exceeded 1 billion yuan, 3 billion yuan, 5 billion yuan, 8 billion yuan, 10 billion yuan, and 20 billion yuan of empty information enterprises, and the management team gave a maximum of 2 million yuan award for the management team;

Hefei Joaton Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has independently developed Longbo Photo Phasequea Satellite Internet Terminals, which can be widely used in marine navigation, aircraft and aviation, emergency command, rescue and rescue and other scenarios. (Picture source: Science and Technology Anhui Studio)

Municipal Government Guide

Mother Fund chooses to participate in stock support

The "Several Policies" clearly states that it supports enterprises to reduce financing costs and support enterprises to use the capital market.

Municipal Government guides the parent fund to choose the shares to support the well -known fund management agencies, the empty sky information industry chain leading enterprise and key R & D institutions such as the establishment of the industrial chain to gather investment industry chain element resources and enterprise projects, and promote the expansion of the empty and sky information industry chain develop;

Provincial and municipal linkage to form an empty information industry fund to support constellation formation and key projects;

Small and medium -sized enterprises that meet the eligible empty sky information will be given up to 500,000 yuan at 50%of the loan interest of the year;

The funds raised by the issuance of bonds issued by the enterprise are used in the field of empty sky information product manufacturing, technological transformation and scientific and technological innovation, and will be given supporting subsidies at 50%of the provincial discounted funds;

If the enterprise listing application is accepted by the certificate supervision committee or exchange, the maximum 3 million yuan reward will be given.

For the listing of the New Third Board and entering the New Third Board "Innovation Floor" listing of the listing backup resource library, it will be rewarded by 500,000 yuan;

For newly relocated and reported to the Anhui Securities Regulatory Bureau to be counseled in one year, it will give 2 million yuan in rewards and superimposed to enjoy listing reward policies;

Those who register the registered place to the city outside the province will be rewarded by a maximum of 5 million yuan, and refer to their management team and the contribution of contributing to our city due to their management team and the formation of equity changes.

On the afternoon of December 27, 2021, Hefei High -tech Zone and Galaxy Aerospace signed an investment cooperation agreement. Galaxy Aerospace Global Remote Sensing Satellite Industry Base was officially settled in Hefei. The picture shows the starting star of Galaxy Aerospace. (Picture source: China Youth Daily)

"Unveil the list"

The highest subsidy is 10 million yuan

Support application scenarios, support corporate talents recruitment.

Hefei encourages relevant departments and state -owned enterprises to empty the application scenarios in accordance with business management and social services. The company's new provincial "three" products will be given to the development unit and application enterprise up to 3 million yuan in rewards according to 15%of the product unit price (value);

Each year, a group of empty information technology projects are selected, and a maximum subsidy of 10 million yuan is given through the "directional commission" and "unveiling the list".

For high -level talents, shortage talents, professional talents, and newly -launched doctors, masters, and full -time undergraduate graduates introduced by eligible air -heaven information key enterprises, and are exempt from the talent policy of Hefei City in accordance with Hefei Talent Policy, Support for tenant apartments, rental subsidies, and first -time house subsidies.

In addition, it can be given supporting projects stipulated in the "Leadership of the Large Development of the Hefei City Investment Promotion Project" for large investment scale, the impact of the industrial chain and the local contribution of the "Hefei City Investment Promotion Project".

The policy will be implemented from the date of issuance,

One year of validity,

Do not repeat support with municipal policies.

New issues of the country, provincial, and municipalities,

Adjust the execution in accordance with the new regulations.

Text | Gao Min All Media Reporter Hua Xinhong

Edit | All media editor Dong Yuankang

Produced | "Lakeside Point Scriptures" Rong Media Studio, "Political in Performance" Merge Media Studio

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