Li Shufu won another listed company?What Geely wants to do behind the stars?

Author:Jiang Han Vision Time:2022.06.26

On the Chinese capital market, Geely Motors must be a very special company. With its powerful mergers and acquisitions and capital market operation capabilities, Geely Automobile has already owned a large number of car brands through buying and buying. It has formed a huge industrial ecology. Now Geely has once again harvested a listed company. This is Nasdaq's Jixing Motor. Many people are asking what Geely wants to do behind the listing of Jixing Automobile?

1. Li Shufu won another listed company?

According to the 21st Century Business Review, on June 24, Jixing Motors was listed on Nasdaq, raising a total of about $ 890 million. Li Shufu, a big star shareholder, got an IPO.

Jixing Automobile is just one of the companies participating in Li Shufu's shares. In addition to the main body of the listed company Geely Automobile, Li Shufu has created a huge new energy vehicle empire with Volvo, Lifan Technology, Baidu and other companies through Geely Holdings Group.

Jixing Automobile is an important chess piece in the hands of Li Shufu's attack on overseas markets. Founded in 2017, it was co -owned by Volvo Automobile and Geely Holdings (Geely Automobile's parent company). Its headquarters in Sweden and produced in China, mainly for European and North American markets.

In the era of fuel vehicles, the high -end models of the Volvo brand have previously been popular in the European market and have a high reputation. Standing on the shoulders of the two major car giants, the polar stars have developed rapidly. Two models have been launched: Polar Star 1 is priced at 1.45 million at the time of release, positioned as a high-end electric vehicle brand, and the annual output is limited to 500 units; the price is 250,000 -34 -34 10,000 yuan polar star 2 is considered to be Model 3 against Tesla.

Polar star data shows that in 2021, the cumulative sales volume of polar stars was 29,000 units, of which about 93%were sold overseas, which was small in domestic markets. Overseas market orders have promoted the continuous growth of Jixing Automobile. On June 15, Jixing announced that since 2022, a total of 32,000 polar stars have been harvested, an increase of 290%over the same period in 2021.

2. What is Geely who wants to do behind the market listing?

We see that the listing of Jixing Company is actually a normal phenomenon. How should we look at the market layout of Geely Motors in it?

First of all, Geely Automobile is indeed a car company that is very good at capital operation. Geely car has actually gained a strong market advantage through capital operation. It has obtained a strong market advantage. In the process, in fact, Geely Automobile has gradually formed its own super ecosystem. In this super ecosystem, a large number of companies are playing very important roles, such as the familiar Volvo car, Lingke Car, including the polar car we call this time. These cars together form the entire industrial chain development system of Geely Automobile. In this system, any company plays a very important role in it. This is why Geely Automobile spends a lot of money to build such a strong ecosystem.

Secondly, the reason why Jixing vehicles choose Nasdaq to go public is because the Nasdaq is relatively easy to go public. Jixing Automobile is a new energy vehicle, which can grasp the current valuation of new energy vehicles. This venture on the market has obtained more funds in the market to support its own development. On the other hand, the polar star car itself is a car brand that serves overseas markets. Under the background, it is also a normal phenomenon to choose to list in the Nasdaq market in the US stocks. With the listing of Jixing Automobile, Geely's layout of the entire market has been further improved. As long as he can gradually transform his market advantage to gradually transform the growth period of growth, it is likely to have better market development prospects.

Third, for Li Shufu, he constantly promotes its brand to improve these separate brands and can achieve independent listing. In fact, through the power of this kind of capital leverage, he continuously enhances his capital strength and allows himself More potential and capabilities to acquire more companies, including recent periods, Geely Automobile has spent a lot of effort to acquire Meizu mobile phones, and further enhances itself through Meizu. Logic, with the increasing number of listed companies under Geely Automobile, Geely Automobile's influence on the capital market is getting stronger and stronger, which will undoubtedly bring more benefits to Geely Automobile.

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