Shanxi Province issued the "Several Measures for the Multimetry of the Master of the Certificate of Cultural Tourism Care"

Author:Fairview Taiyuan City Time:2022.06.25

Market entities are awarded first -class file upgrade and re -prize!

On June 7, according to the decision -making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on the implementation of market entities, the Provincial Department of Finance focused on the development advantages and shortcomings of the development of cultural tourism and tourism in the province, and issued the "Several Several Organizations of the Master of the Cultural Tourism Care Market. Measures (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"), formulate five categories of 12 categories to cover heavy incentive measures in the province, strengthen the supply of policy integration, expand the scope of funds awards, improve the accuracy of capital investment, and support the main body of the Cultural Tourism and Cainted market. Make up for shortcomings, strong weaknesses, and promote development, further stimulate the vitality of the main body of the cultural tourism market and develop internal vitality, leveraging more social capital to actively participate in the investment of cultural tourism and health care projects, and promote the province's cultural tourism health care industry High -quality development. The content of the measures covers the construction of the cultural tourism health demonstration zone, the discount of loans of major cultural tourism recreational projects, the first -class benchmark of the cultural tourism recreation enterprise, the promotion of cultural tourism brands and the upgrading of scenic spots, and the development of the performing arts and film industry. From the date of release, the "Measures" will be implemented from the end of 2025. Those who meet a number of support policies shall be complied with a number of support policies, and the principle of high or low is not repeated.

In terms of support for the construction

The "Measures" proposes 50 cultural travel demonstration zones completed by the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" provincial layout construction, and will give one -time creation awards depending on the scale of capital investment. Among them, the investment scale of RMB 200 million to 500 million yuan, 5 million yuan, 500 million yuan to 10 billion yuan award of 10 million yuan, and 20 million yuan of more than 1 billion yuan; The elderly care industry projects that have been completed in the Kangyang Demonstration Zone will be rewarded according to the standard of 10,000 yuan per bed (a average building area of ​​each bed) of 10,000 yuan per bed, and the total reward of each demonstration area will not exceed 5 million yuan; The demonstration park (district, base) such as the national cultural industry demonstration park, cultural and technological integration demonstration base, cultural export base, cultural and financial cooperation demonstration zone, etc.

In terms of supporting cultural tourism brand promotion and scenic area upgrade upgrade

The "Measures" proposes to coordinate the provincial and municipal cultural tourism funds, and arrange no less than 200 million yuan to promote the promotion of cultural tourism in the province each year, link the Shanxi Cultural Tourism Marketing System, and support the development of mainstream media, new media, OTA platforms, creative experience, and creative experience. Promoting marketing operations overseas to enhance the influence of Shanxi cultural tourism characteristics. The implementation of the "Customer Promotion" reward will be arranged at no less than 40 million yuan each year. In accordance with the number of tourists in the province's annual number of tourists, the number of tourist attractions, and the number of days of stay in the province will be implemented. Implement the quality award of tour guide services, arrange 3 million yuan each year, and determine 100 gold, silver, and copper tour guidance service quality awards for outstanding tour guides in the province, and implement rewards at 50,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan, and 10,000 yuan, respectively. Arrange 12 million yuan each year to support the operation and maintenance, construction, reconstruction and expansion of the toilet in tourist attractions in the province. For newly rated 5A and 4A -level tourist attractions, each of which is given 5 million yuan and 2 million yuan award.

In terms of support for major cultural tourism recreational projects

The "Measures" proposes a major cultural tourism recreational project that focuses on the key projects of the provincial party committee and the provincial government and the "9+13" steps. The loan amount determined by the loan contract and 50%of the quotation rate of the annual loan market for the year of the loan contract gives discount support. The annual discount quota of the same enterprise does not exceed 5 million yuan. According to the progress of the project, the same project can support up to 2 years.

In the first -class aspect

The "Measures" proposes to increase support for provincial backbone cultural enterprises through project subsidies and discounts, support its transformation and upgrading, product transformation, brand promotion, and foreign cultural trade. Cultural products and service export share of property rights. At the same time, the rewarding efforts are increased. For qualified provincial -level cultural tourism "chain owners" enterprises, the annual operating income of the year has reached 1 billion yuan, 5 billion yuan, and 10 billion yuan for the first time. , 5 million yuan, 10 million yuan. Each of the "chain owner" enterprises increased the local supporting rate at a 5 percentage point, and rewarded at 1%of the corresponding purchase amount at the increasing support rate. The maximum amount of the award does not exceed 5 million yuan. For companies selected for the top 30 national cultural enterprises for the first time, no more than 3 million yuan rewards are given; enterprises that are nominated for the top 30 national cultural enterprises are given no more than 1 million yuan in rewards; The top 30 enterprises give a reward of no more than 5 million yuan; appropriate rewards are given to outstanding cultural enterprises (entities) selected by the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

In terms of supporting the development of the performing arts, film and television industry

The "Measures" proposes to arrange special funds every year to support the cultural performing arts market entities actively undertake the government's purchase of public performance services, including the provincial literary and arts and regiments, including market entities, to participate in the show to go to the countryside. The protection of the people's performances and endangered drama species; support the holding of the Shanxi Provincial Tourism Development Conference, the Shanxi Cultural Industry Expo Fair, and the Shanxi Provincial Arts and Crafts Products Expo Fair and other cultural tourism conventions and exhibition economies; The Cultural Institute has created stage boutique drama creations such as music, dance, drama, and music. For outstanding stage art works such as the "Five One Project" award, the "Mandarin Award" and "National Outstanding Reservation Act", etc., the annual performance field will be rewarded by 300,000 yuan in the annual performances; If you participate in important performances outside the province or abroad, appropriate rewards will be given as appropriate. For key film and television works produced by the provincial film and television production units, including market entities, according to the review situation, subsidies will be given to the creation of script creation, preliminary collection, production, production, promotion and distribution. 10,000 yuan, TV special films and documentary films do not exceed 1.5 million yuan, and animated movies and multimedia works do not exceed 1 million yuan. For the provincial film production units, including the market entity, create and produce as the first out -of -product formula and enter the national urban cinema line. 10,000 yuan, 1.5 million yuan, and 2 million yuan issued screening rewards. The same film production unit has no more than 2 films a year. For the provincial film production units, including the market entity, the excellent film of Shanxi, which created and produced and produced the film screening permit as the first product. Outstanding films won in the festival, 500,000 yuan to 1 million yuan for each rewarding unit; excellent film and television works that have won the "Five One Project" award, the "Hua Table Award" and "Feitian Award", each rewarding the production unit 2 million Yuan. Source | Shanxi Daily

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