From June, Harbin urban and rural residents' medical insurance participation policy has changed

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.06.09

The reporter learned from the Harbin Medical Insurance Bureau that the centralized payment period of urban and rural residents' medical insurance for medical insurance ended on May 31, 2022. According to relevant policies, from June 1st to September 30th, 2022, residents (excluding newborns) personal insurance payment standards and treatment periods have changed new changes.

During this period, the personal payment and financial subsidy funds are 960 yuan, all of which are borne by individuals and pay in full at one time. Among them, personal payment is 350 yuan/person, and financial subsidies are 610 yuan (adjusted according to relevant documents). The treatment period is 3 months after the payment is paid (including the month of payment) until December 31, 2022.

For example, residents participated in the insurance payment in early June, the medical insurance premiums arrived in June, and the treatment period was from September 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022; When you arrive, the treatment period is from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

The insured person holds the ID card to the township government public service center where the household registration is located or the residential place, the street community affairs acceptance service center, the street labor security workstation or the village committee to handle the insurance. The newborn within 0 to 90 days (including 90 days) was born after the newborn was settled to the insurance.

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

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