Speed up and improve the construction of a personal pension supporting system. Do not let the tax be excellent into "chicken ribs"

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.25

Recently, many personal pension systems have promoted the "details" that have attracted great attention in the market. On June 24, the CSRC solicited opinions from the society for the "Interim Provisions on the Management of Business Management (Draft for Soliciting Opinions) of Personal Pension Investment Public Investment Fund Business Management. Earlier, some media reports said that the five departments such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security were formulating four supporting documents; a number of commercial banks were participating in the docking testing of the personal pension information management service platform system, and brokers were also expected to sell personal pension financial products on their behalf.

In fact, since the "Opinions on Promoting the Development of Personal Pensions" on April 21, the market expects that relevant departments will introduce more supporting systems as soon as possible to allow the personal pension system to participate in the effective collaboration, regulations and regulations, and promote together, and promote together. Its development. The author believes that the relevant supporting system should focus on the following four points.

First of all, balance the benefits and stability, and appropriately tilt towards the income. At present, the setting of personal pensions to invest in products is "safe, mature and stable, standardized, and focus on long -term value preservation", but the specific access rules need to be refined. In terms of access systems, long -term investment yields should be paid to the admission system, and the income requirements cannot be ignored by "stable".

Earlier, the insurance industry has launched some pension insurance products, but due to capital attributes and other reasons, insurance companies allocate a large amount of assets to low -yielding assets, which has led to the dilemma of pension products in the dilemma of "more than a stable but not high yield." Therefore, in the practice of personal pension systems, it is recommended to appropriately expand the scope of investment products in equity to enhance the income space and enhance account attraction. Although the short -term fluctuations in equity products are large, a major feature of the personal pension account is that the investment period is long. Investment in funds to equity assets can strive for greater long -term return space by withdrawing a certain short -term fluctuation. Judging from the cases of mature overseas markets, equity investment is also the focus of the allocation of personal pension systems.

Secondly, further increase the strength of taxation. The current tax ratio of personal pension accounts needs to be determined. The proportion of tax and excellence is not good. The proportion will increase the financial burden on the conference. The lesson of the front car was that as early as 2016, the insurance industry launched tax and health insurance, but due to the limited tax quota and inconvenient tax deduction operations, the development speed and scale of the insurance type were far lower than expected. Therefore, the reasonable definition of personal pension accounts is very important, and tax excellence should be avoided becoming "chicken ribs".

Third, further enhance the convenience and friendship of personal pension accounts. The personal pension account involves multiple departments and industries. The policies and operation rules are relatively complicated. At the level of system design, we should strengthen overall planning and pay attention to the simplicity and effectiveness of operations, including improving account opening, capital access, tax and excellent operations and other links. Convenience.

Finally, strengthen the publicity and education of the personal pension system. At present, residents' pension concept and pension planning need to be enhanced. On the one hand, relevant departments and financial institutions must cultivate the long -term investment concepts of residents, and on the other hand, they must also pay attention to cultivating young people's awareness of pension reserves. Put the advance and warm up in advance.

The author believes that with the implementation of the relevant supporting system in the future, the personal pension system with the account system as the core will further supplement the shortcomings of the multi -level pension insurance system and continue to improve the well -being of people's livelihood.

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