In the first quarter, my country's frequent account surplus created the highest value of the same period

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.25

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 24 (Reporter Liu Kaixiong) The International Revenue Balance Table of Ranning and Expenses released by the National Foreign Exchange Administration on the 24th shows that in the first quarter of 2022, my country ’s frequent account surplus was 88.9 billion US dollars, which was the highest value in the same period. The ratio of GDP (GDP) of the season is 2.1%.

"In the first quarter, my country's international revenue and expenditure remained basically balanced." Wang Chunying, deputy director and spokesman of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said that in the first quarter, the import and export of my country's cargo trade remained steady growth, the service trade deficit continued to narrow, cross -border two -way investment financing financing More active.

From the perspective of data, in the first quarter, my country's international revenue and expenditure -caliber trade surplus was 145 billion US dollars, an increase of 18%year -on -year. Among them, the exports of goods exported was 803.1 billion US dollars, a year -on -year increase of 16%; imports were US $ 658.2 billion, a year -on -year increase of 15%. The trade surplus, export and import scale of goods are the highest value of the same period.

In the first quarter, my country's financial account assets increased by US $ 129.1 billion, of which reserve assets increased by 39.3 billion US dollars due to net transactions, and non -reserved financial account assets increased by 89.8 billion US dollars; net financial account liabilities increased by 40.2 billion US dollars.

"my country's foreign direct investment and direct investment in China have maintained a year -on -year growth, showing that foreign investment in China has a strong willingness to invest in China, and my country's foreign direct investment is reasonable and orderly." Wang Chunying said.

In addition, the foreign exchange bureau also announced the situation of my country's international investment position at the end of March 2022. Data show that at the end of March 2022, my country's foreign assets were US $ 923.83 billion, and foreign liabilities were US $ 7294.3 billion, a decrease of 0.9%and 0.6%compared with the end of 2021, respectively, which remained basically stable.

Wang Chunying said that related changes are mainly affected by non -trading factors such as global financial asset prices fluctuated and non -US currency conversion of US dollars. "Among the external liabilities, the proportion of direct investment in China has the highest proportion, and the scale has maintained a growth, showing that foreign investment has maintained confidence in my country's long -term investment."

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