Changsha: The first city in the central part of "Talent Gravity", if you are thirsty, you will get a "real move"

Author:Beauty has their own wonderful Time:2022.06.24

Text 丨 Intelligence Relators

Author 丨 Fan Jousi

To achieve high -quality development in cities, talents are the "first resources."

From the perspective of big data in recent years, the attractiveness of talents these old -fashioned first -tier cities in Beishang, Guangzhou and Shenzhen has bid farewell to the era of ultra -high -speed growth. The new first -tier cities headed by Wuhan, Changsha, Hangzhou, and Chengdu are becoming a new destination for talent flow.

Among them, Changsha's "Talent Attraction Index" in recent years has always ranked among the top ten in the country and first in the country. As of 2021, the total number of talents in Changsha has increased from 1.1 million in 2017 to 2.8 million. In 2021, the net inflow rate of middle and high -end talents in Changsha ranked in the top three in the country. The proportion of high -precision talents in the strategic emerging industry reached 95%.

Under such advantages, Changsha released the "Changsha City to create a number of policies for attracting the national platform (trial)", and proposed 45 specific measures to release the strong signal of the talent and talents. Then 26 supporting implementation methods were launched to ensure that talents can enter, retain, and develop well, leading the urban talents in the inland provincial capitals to grow forward.

As the main person in charge of the Organization Department of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee said: "Implementing the" Talent Strong City "strategy, we have come to Changsha to be true and dry.

Policies are "effort", landing "reality"

Under the major opportunities for the implementation of the implementation of the "strong provincial capital" strategy, the release of the "26 supporting implementation methods" undoubtedly provided the "planning map", "construction map" and "road map" of the "upgraded version" of the talent policy, and provided The action program.

Strong magnetic field interpretation of gravity: the policy "force", talent can come in.

The "45 upgrades" of Changsha Talent Policy focuses on promoting the construction of modern new Changsha, focusing on the innovation chain, industrial chain, and talent chain. From seven aspects, 45 policy points are proposed. , Eraded upgrades of expansion, bidding, and breakthroughs, have higher gold content, wider inclusive noodles, and greater breakthroughs.

The new policy highlights the needs of the Changsha industrial development, strengthening talents and talents to gather talents, and strive to build a city of integration of industrial talents. It is more positive, more open, and more effective. It is a powerful magnetic field that attracts talents to stay long.

A typical change is that in the industry's more advantageous software and information technology services in the old -fashioned first -tier cities, more and more software talents are attracted by Changsha's talent magnetic field. Essence

At present, the total number of software information companies in Changsha exceeds more than 30,000, and its main business income exceeds 100 billion yuan. The industrial scale ranks second in the central city. In only 2020, software information companies have added more than 4,000; more than 30 well -known software and Internet companies have established national headquarters or regional headquarters in Changsha; the total number of software industry employees reached 133,000, an increase of 66.2%year -on -year.

It is estimated that in 2022, the operating income of Changsha software and information technology service industry is expected to exceed 150 billion yuan, and more than 300,000 employees.

Under the stronger gravity released by the "upgraded version of the upgraded version" of Changsha's talent policy, it is foreseeable that the talent market will surge in the wave of "entering Hunan".

Houwo and soil breeding flowers: "Real reality" and developing well in the future.

In order to grasp the implementation of the "upgraded version 45", Changsha has formulated "26 supporting implementation measures" in accordance with the principle of comprehensive benchmarking, target -oriented, and simple and easy to run. The six categories of talent support, innovation and entrepreneurship support, people's livelihood career security, and institutional mechanism innovation categories have cultivated the fertile soil of systemic, innovative and accurate development, fully demonstrated the talents of citations, love and talents, The true and honest of the talent.

For example, college graduates to reserve long employment rewards can be exempted and reported, and directly reward universities based on the statistical data of functional departments; scientists have adopted a targeted invitation system; "APP, etc., realize online acceptance and background processing.

In terms of the most watched house purchase subsidy, if the high -precision talent leading project is selected for Changsha City, the average market price application (single set) subsidy for the same period according to different corresponding standards will be based on different corresponding standards; The "prescribed doctoral and master's degree in the prescribed conditions may apply for 100,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan to buy a house subsidy; qualified professional and technical personnel can apply for 30,000 yuan to buy a house subsidy ...

In terms of renting and living subsidies, qualified doctoral, master, and undergraduate graduates can be distributed in accordance with the standards of 30,000 yuan/person, master's degree of 20,000 yuan/person, and undergraduate 12,000 yuan/person. The subsidy standards have been raised to 100,000 yuan for doctoral graduates with long -term jobs.

Sincerely, real materials, and real hard work. This is the sincerity of Changsha's "talent". Determination of the talent platform.

Only in terms of policy "efforts" and "reality", talented talents will "develop quickly" and "slow life".

On the one hand, the development of Changsha's industry, especially the high -quality development momentum of the manufacturing industry, has a strong momentum and stamina. With the efforts of Changsha to build a city of integration of industrial talents, the development of talents will rise in step by step with Changsha's industrial development. On the other hand, Changsha, as a "housing price depression", can better meet the needs of talents. At the same time, the entertainment industry is prosperous, the rise of the "new national tide", and the "night economy" prevails to raise the city's charm index of Changsha. fragrant. Changsha has been rated in China for 14 consecutive years, and has become the most happy city in China, and has become a cities for "net red".

Gathering talents are Xing Industry and Strong Development

The release of the "upgraded version of the upgraded version", "effort" and "26 supporting implementation measures" of talent policy undoubtedly strengthened the ability of Changsha to attract talents to reserve talents, and constantly attract talents at all levels to live and work in peace and career. Provide a steady stream of vitality.

1. Talent follows talents.

In recent years, Changsha City has been real and solid in talent introduction, which has produced a strong talent gathering effect. The more talents who are long and long, the better, the better. In the past 5 years, Changsha has added 2.4 million people. In 2021, in the new first -tier cities, Changsha's new population exceeded 178,500, ranking sixth in the country.

At the same time, in Changsha, which has exceeded 10 million permanent population, the population with a degree of college and above is 2.758 million. Compared with the sixth national census in 2010, every 100,000 people have a college or above cultural level. From 19,000 to 27,000 people.

Changsha's talent gathering effect is getting stronger and stronger, and the gold content of talents is getting higher and higher. This is because, in the face of talents, Changsha "focuses on mobilizing the enthusiasm of various types of talents to participate in innovation and creation. Social talents, they also pay full attention to the "overwhelming" grassroots talents and young talents; not only strengthen demand -oriented, but also take into account the "new old and new old", to maximize the effect of amplifying talents. "

When more excellent talents flood to Changsha and are closely integrated with the development of Changsha's industrial development, a virtuous circle of talent introduction, growth, and retention is formed. City.

Picture: Chen Shu

2. Industry with industry prosperity.

With the growth and development of the Changsha talent team, the high -quality development of Changsha's industry will also have a more solid talent foundation, thereby achieving a more continuous, fast and efficient industrial transformation and transformation and upgrading.

For example, in the transformation and upgrading of intelligent manufacturing, Changsha's transcript is very dazzling.

In 2021, the construction machinery of Changsha became one of the first batch of advanced manufacturing clusters in the country; the new generation of independent security computing system industrial clusters won the preliminary preliminary competition of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology; Advanced manufacturing cluster preliminary rounds win. The "1+2+N" industrial cluster construction has achieved remarkable results. At the same time, 213 municipal -level smart manufacturing pilot enterprises have been added, with a total of 1,254; national smart manufacturing pilot demonstration enterprises and special projects, ranking first in provincial capital cities.

It is precisely because of the gathering of high -quality talents that it can support Changsha's "strong physical fitness" industry and stride to the world.

3. High -quality urban development.

Talent is an important force to promote the development of high -quality innovation in cities. The best relationship between a city and talents is to grow together.

"Changsha should not be the sun, rain dew and soil of the whole process of talent extension, and become a city that gives talents with platforms, confidence, support, and atmosphere."

Changsha has jumped into the country's "new line" throughout the country with its total economic volume, population scale, industrial strength, and science and technology capabilities. The advantages of these strengths and housing prices, happiness and livability, etc., can also form a strong urban attraction, provide talent with a comprehensive, wide field, and multi -level development path for talents, further drive the high -quality development of Changsha, and the economic strength leaps over.

In 2021, of the 11 provincial capital cities that exceeded the trillion -dollar mark, Changsha GDP exceeded 1.3 trillion, ranking 6th in the provincial capital cities and the second in the central city. It is worth noting that the top 5 provincial cities are deputy provincial cities.

Nowadays, the "strong provincial capital" corner has sounded, and the new round of high -quality development has begun. The release and implementation of Changsha's talent policy has built the magnetic field and the fertile soil of gathering talents. High -quality development has gathered surging kinetic energy.

Picture: Chen Shu

Undoubtedly, Changsha is opening a greater imagination space through the same frequency development with talents.

Of course, Changsha's talent policy is only "upgraded version" and no "final version". In the new round of high -quality development journey, Changsha will be concentrated on, vigorous, and long -lasting to promote the continuous upgrading and iteration of talent policies, and compose a new era and new chapter of "only Chu has materials, Yusheng".

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