Stimulate enterprises to create vitality!Zaozhuang Taierzhuang issued the "Opinions on Strengthening Industrial Support and Promoting High -quality Development" Time:2022.06.24 · Lightning News, June 24th. On June 24th, the Jaozhuang City Taierzhuang District News Office held a press conference to introduce the "Opinions on Strengthening Industrial Support and Promoting High -quality Development".

In recent years, the Taierzhuang District Party Committee and the District Government have thoroughly implemented the strategy of “industrial strong cities and industrial cities” in the municipal party committee and municipal government. Emerging industries such as information technology, deepen the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, vigorously develop intelligent manufacturing, and continuously cultivate new kinetic energy. In order to further clarify the direction, target tasks and specific paths of the industry's industry, and continuously stimulate the creative vitality of the majority of enterprises to focus on industries and dare to fight hard. On June 20, the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee reviewed and approved the Opinions on Strengthening Industrial Support and Promoting High -quality Development.

Xie Qian, a member of the Party Group of the Business and Investment Promotion Bureau of Taierzhuang District, introduced at the press conference that the District Commerce Bureau, together with the District Industry and Information Bureau, District Science and Technology Bureau and other departments, formally formed the "Opinions on Strengthening Industrial Support and Promoting High -quality Development." Opinions mainly include three aspects of investment promotion, industrial cultivation, and innovation breakthrough.

(1) Investment promotion. Including 6 policy measures. The first is to highlight the introduction of foreign -funded projects. The project was rewarded at 4%and 6%of the total number of accounts to the total number of accounts, and the actual accounts of 10 million US dollars (inclusive) were given at 4%and 6%of the total amount of the accounts. The second is to highlight the social investment promotion awards. For industrial projects with more than 100 million yuan (inclusive), from the date of taxation, 5%of the referrals of 5%of the tax revenue can be paid for taxes each year for two consecutive years, and a total of 1 million yuan in a single project can be rewarded. The third is to strengthen project land support. In terms of land prices, the project of more than 100 million yuan to 500 million yuan (inclusive) projects will be rewarded to the net land transfer funds of more than 500 million yuan or high -tech, high -tech, major foreign capital and other projects. "At the same time, the supporting fees for urban infrastructure of new industrial projects or technical reform projects with a plot ratio of 1.0 (inclusive) are rewarded in accordance with the" paid first and then return ". The fourth is to encourage enterprises to lease standardized factories. From the date of settlement of the enterprise, in the first three years, it supported the development of enterprises at the average price of the factory leasing market in Taierzhuang District that year. In the fourth and fifth year, 50 % support was given. Fifth, major project equipment awards. For manufacturing projects that are more than 500 million yuan and within the provincial "top ten" industrial catalogs, 10%of the investment in equipment purchased (used for R & D, production, and testing) are given key support, and the maximum reward is 1,000 10,000 yuan. Sixth, increase the reward of economic contribution. For projects and productive service enterprises that meet the "5+3" modern industrial system in Taierzhuang District, from the date of taxation, 100%of the value -added tax and corporate income taxes paid in the first three years can be given. Reward, the fourth and fifth year can be rewarded at 50%. For newly established financial branches and equity investment enterprises, from the date of taxation, 80%of the value -added taxes paid by the enterprise can be rewarded in the first five years. The salary income of the executive team (not more than 10 people) of the newly landed enterprise (excluding the income of the rights of the rights of the stock) can be rewarded at 100%of the net profit of the personal income tax in the first three years, the fourth and fifth, the fourth and fifth The annual reward can be rewarded by 50%.

(2) Industrial cultivation. Including 4 policy measures. The first is the cultivation of the "four -up" enterprises. For the first new regulations of the month and the year, industrial enterprises rewarded 150,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan, respectively. The one -time fund reward will reward 30,000 yuan at one time for the first new construction industry. The second is corporate technology transformation. Establish special support funds for district technical reform, and give up a batch of industrial technology reconstruction projects each year. According to the actual equipment or value -added tax invoice of the year, 10%of subsidies are given, and the maximum award of a single project is 10 million yuan. Third, the enterprise is bigger and stronger. According to the first time the company's annual operating income has reached the corresponding scale, the top 100 enterprises of the provincial and municipalities, and the newly identified national and provincial "unicorn", "gazelle", "specialized new (little giant)", manufacturing single championship Enterprises and newly identified municipal-level "specialized new" enterprises will give one-time fund rewards of 10-2 million yuan respectively. Fourth, foreign trade enterprises develop the market. For the company's import and export volume and exceeding the basis of the previous year, support rewards are given in accordance with the standards of 0.03 yuan and 0.04 yuan per 1 US dollar.

(3) Innovation breakthroughs. Including 2 policy measures. The first is enterprise R & D innovation. For enterprises incorporated into the national science and technology SME information database and high -corporate cultivation library for three consecutive years, the high -level national enterprises, the newly identified provincial and above technological innovation demonstration enterprises, technological innovation projects, innovative industrial products, and newly identified national levels , Provincial and municipal platforms, give rewards of 20,000 to million yuan respectively; at the same time, the investment investment investment in the regulations will be given 50,000 to 20,000 yuan, respectively, and the number of people who resident research and development personnel will be rewarded by 20,000 to 100,000 yuan, respectively. The company and institutions successfully identified the technological transaction amount to give a policy support of 1 million yuan to 10,000 yuan. Second, the enterprise "integrates the two people." For the newly recognized industrial Internet platforms at all levels, the integrated management system of the two -way integration management system, DCMM bidding pilot demonstration enterprise, smart manufacturing pilot demonstration enterprise, smart manufacturing benchmarking enterprises, smart factories (digital workshops) The industrial Internet application has obtained pilot demonstration enterprises (projects), and will be rewarded by 10-1 million yuan, respectively. Those who have obtained multiple identifications in the same enterprise and the same year shall be rewarded according to the principle of high or low. (4) Attachment. Including 2 contents. One is the flying land project. For projects that settled in the "One District, Five Parks", the projects that are newly attracted by the district -level recruitment and provided policies support, which are reserved in the taxation place, and are divided by the district -level and the town of the project (street) at 8: 2. For projects in the town (street), projects that are newly attracted by the district level and provided policy support will be divided by the district level and settlement town (street) at 6: 4. If the above settlement project is attracted by the town (street), if the district -level provides policy support, the taxation place is left in part of the taxation place. Essence The second is the scope of application. It is clear that various policies support does not include resources, energy, and real estate projects, and enterprises need to promise to not move to the district for 10 years, do not change the tax obligations in the district, and reduce the registered capital. At the same time, in order to highlight the first level of the lithium battery industry, the "Support Measures for the Development of Lithium Electric Industry in Taierzhuang District" in the form of attachments, which complies with the guidance directory of the development of lithium battery industry in Taierzhuang District and other related conditions. Give greater support for development. For example, in terms of supporting projects, the land price of the land price of 10,000 to 500 million yuan of lithium battery projects is implemented at 50%of the cost of land cost. Exemption; for lithium battery projects of more than 500 million yuan, the land transfer fund paid by the enterprise (deducting the municipal level and for agricultural and rural areas) will be rewarded. The rent is "five -free"; The new landing lithium battery project (including expansion) will be rewarded at 10%of the equipment investment, with an upper limit of 10 million yuan. In terms of bigger and stronger, the amount of rewards for lithium battery enterprises and the expansion of scale has increased the amount of rewards, and the establishment of the headquarters and the first listing rewards are added. In terms of innovation and development, under the same conditions, the technical reform project of lithium battery enterprises will be included in the scope of district -level technical reform awards, and the amount of rewards will be increased to the construction of lithium battery enterprises' innovation platform carrier. The opinions are implemented from the date of release and are valid for three years. The District Development and Reform Bureau, the District Industry and Information Technology Bureau, the District Science and Technology Bureau, the District Commerce and Investment Promotion Bureau, and the District Finance Bureau jointly explain.

"Opinions on Strengthening Industrial Support and Promoting High -quality Development" further improved the region's investment promotion, industrial cultivation, and innovation development system, and enhanced the policy attractiveness. It will strongly promote the high -quality economic and social development of the region.

Lightning News reporter Liu Yinhong reported

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